(有)Mac in PC修理 - Yokohama

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)Mac in PC修理

住所 :

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 222-0033
Webサイト : http://kscat.jp/
街 : Kanagawa

Shinyokohama, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, 〒222-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
小正路隆 on Google

お陰様で、修理して頂いたiMacは問題なく動作しています。 いつもありがとうございます。 また何か有りましたら、ご相談させてください。 よろしくお願いします!
Thanks to you, the repaired iMac is working fine. I am always grateful for your help. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. thank you!
shota nakagawa (pianopia) on Google

MacBook Pro Retinaモデルを持ち込みました。 とても丁寧に接客して頂いて、目の前で修理の工程も見学させてもらえました! 技術に精通していて工場事情など様々なお話を聞くことができ、エンジニアにとっては最高かもです(ここはスタッフによるかも)。ディスプレイ含めた上部品の交換だったのですが 内部も掃除してもらえてとても良かったです! ありがとうございました!
I brought in a MacBook Pro Retina model. I was very attentive to the customer and had a look at the repair process right in front of me! I am familiar with technology and can hear various stories about the factory situation, so it may be the best for engineers (this may be depending on staff). It was the replacement of the upper parts including the display It was very good to have the inside cleaned! Thank you very much!
H M on Google

MacBookProのディスプレイ乱れを昨日修理していただきました。口コミではいろいろ書かれていましたが、電話で話した感じではしっかりした対応なので店頭へ持ち込みました。料金も妥当で2時間ほどの時間内に修理していただきました。次回はLet's Noteの修理を依頼する予定です。所狭しと積み上げられた部品や修理機材であふれかえっているので修理に専念している印象で安心できます。
I repaired the display disorder of MacBookPro yesterday. Although it was written variously in the word of mouth, I brought it to the store because it was a solid response when I talked on the phone. The price was reasonable and repaired within 2 hours. Next time, we will ask you to repair Let's Note. You can rest assured that you are devoted to repairs because it is overflowing with narrowly stacked parts and repair equipment.
fan boy112342 on Google

The price was low, and it was helpful to have the display replaced in about 40 minutes.
市川治郎 on Google

落として画面を破損したMacBook pro Retina 13を修理しました。Appleサポートに問い合わせたところ「7年前の製品なので修理できません」との回答でした。新潟県から横浜へ郵送してわずか4日間で完璧に修理返送されました。費用も大変リーズナブルです。たとえ古いパソコンでも、このようにきちんと直していただき、大切に使い続けられるのはエコだと思います。とても感謝しております。
I repaired a MacBook pro Retina 13 that I dropped and damaged the screen. When I contacted Apple Support, the answer was "It's a product 7 years ago and can't be repaired." It was mailed from Niigata prefecture to Yokohama and completely repaired and returned in just 4 days. The cost is also very reasonable. Even if you have an old computer, I think it is eco-friendly that you can fix it properly and continue to use it carefully. Much obliged.
もりK on Google

The LCD of my Macbook pro was damaged, so I asked for repair. It was very helpful to be able to respond on the same day for use at work. The price was also the cheapest when I contacted other apples and repair shops. He was very polite, so I'm surprised that there are critical reviews.
林知佳 on Google

まだ購入して半年経っていないけれど、動かなくなったMacBookProを預けて、1度修理完了するも、また数週間で使えなくなってしまい再修理に出しました。(すぐに使えなくなったため、サービスで無料とのことでした) 修理中、2ヶ月の間一度も先方からは連絡がなく、こちらから連絡しても修理完了日の日程提示はなし。 連絡がない点を指摘すると、担当の方がお怒りになってしまいました。 またこちらから「弁護士さんに相談」というと、声色が変わり、「その弁護士の名前を言え」と言われたのですが、まだ正式に依頼しているわけではないので、「言えません、迷惑がかかってしまうので」とお伝えすると、「私にも迷惑かかってます」と・・そしてそこからは「謝罪しろ」の言葉の連発。取り憑く島もないです。 また修理完了したとのことで連絡もいただいていたため、「今から取りに行く」と電話をすると、「ハッキリお断りします」とガチャ切り。 そこから怖くて連絡できません。どうすればいいんでしょうか・・消費者センターには連絡済みです。 私は、パソコンをかなり使う職種で、前のパソコンでは限界が来ていて、悩んでいます。 また口コミを拝見し、無くされた場合も考えて、会社にインシデント報告をあげなければいけません。 皆様の大事なパソコンですので、修理でお預けになる際には、十分に自己責任でお預けになってください。
It's been less than half a year since I bought it, but I left my MacBook Pro that stopped working, and even though it was repaired once, it became unusable in a few weeks and I sent it for repair. (Since it became unusable immediately, it was said that the service was free) During the repair, there was no contact from the other party for two months, and even if I contacted from here, the schedule of the repair completion date was not presented. The person in charge got angry when I pointed out that there was no contact. Also, when I said "consult a lawyer" from here, my voice changed and I was told "say the lawyer's name", but I haven't officially requested it yet, so "I can't say it, it's annoying." When I told him, "I'm inconvenienced," ... and from there, the words "Apologize" were repeated. There is no island to possess. In addition, I was informed that the repair was completed, so when I called "I'm going to get it now", I said "I will refuse it clearly". I'm afraid I can't contact you from there. What should I do ... I have already contacted the Consumer Center. I'm a job that uses a lot of computers, and I'm worried because my previous computer has reached its limit. You must also read the reviews and report the incident to the company in case it is lost. It is an important computer for everyone, so when you check it in for repair, please check it in at your own risk.
English2 Team on Google

They replaced my MacBook Pro battery in about an hour for around 10,000₩. I wouldn't use them to replace certain things since it seems like a lot of the parts they use are harvested from old/broken machines, but I have no complaints so far.

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