Maboroshi Hakurankai - Itō

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Maboroshi Hakurankai

住所 :

1310-1 Futo, Itō, Shizuoka 413-0231, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 413-0231
Webサイト :
Description : Open-air museum with outlandishly kitschy exhibits evoking Japan's history & its subcultures.

1310-1 Futo, Itō, Shizuoka 413-0231, Japan
Shoko on Google

ずーと行きたかったまぼろし博覧会にやっと行けました! 入口からカオス過ぎて感動しました。 気に入るか否かは個人差がありますが、 奇妙で面白い物が好きな方は是非。 建物も展示物も薄汚れているけれど、それも含めてアートな感じでgoodです。 写真の撮りかたによってはカッコいい物になりそう。
I was finally able to go to the Maboroshi Expo that I always wanted to go to! I was impressed by the chaos from the entrance. Whether you like it or not depends on the individual, If you like strange and interesting things, please come. The building and exhibits are slightly dirty, but it is also good with an artistic feel. It looks cool depending on how you take the picture.
Mark Sasaki on Google

セーラーちゃんが入口で出迎えてくれて、帰りも見送ってくれて…。セーラーちゃんの人柄が、ここの運営を大きく支えている。 そうは見えないけど、とても広くて昔を思い出しながら懐かしく観て廻れる。 ぜひ、ここの運営を支える意味でも、観に行ってあげてほしいですね。そして、気さくなセーラーちゃんとたくさん話してください。意外と立派な考えをお持ちですので。
Sailor greeted me at the entrance and sent me off on my way home ... Sailor's personality greatly supports the operation here. It doesn't look like that, but it's so wide that you can look around with nostalgia while remembering the old days. By all means, I would like you to go see it in the sense of supporting the operation here. And talk a lot with the friendly Sailor. Because you have a surprisingly good idea.
Omer Shaulian on Google

Coolest place
Marco Yu on Google

Very strange, very weird, walked alone and scared, not suggest with kids But no harm to experience it, you may wonder how the hell he collect these stuffs
Melos HT on Google

it's as if you found 10 abandoned sheds and a greenhouse in the mountains, added shelves, then summoned from the dead endless boxes of stuff found in peoples' closets or estate sales. an organized junkyard, a realized collection of random categories. game boy games, gaudy kids' toys, stuffed animals, wartime mannequins, old arcade machines, ancient civilization dioramas, rooms full of rooms, displaced from their original locations and contexts: it feels like walking through a google search for "everything", and yet its curation and arrangement gives the sense of walking and peering into the past: seeing the 'progress' of japan and all the consumable objects its left behind. More straightforwardly it's composed of a lot of random stuff, some that were taken from closed museums around japan. Formally it does have a sense of 'museum storeroom' at times. The manager, sera-chan, is nice and talks very fast, and is against salaryman culture and had some life advice for working and pursuing interests. In some ways their relation to collecting objects reminds me a bit of how tumblr blog owners curate images. I think there's slight leftist and queer slants to some parts of the museum, which was nice. ...when i see stuff like this i always grow more wary of the urge to collect excessively. Not as a criticism of the museum, but so many of the collections here feel like they were donated by someone (maybe they were?), just bundles of random stuff. I suppose my 'digital folders of game/movie screenshots' aren't much cleaner.. this area of japan has a lot of random museums for some reason and i'd like to know why! I have a few theories but who knows... accessibility note: buses run seldomly through here and there doesn't seem to be water or food sold at the museum. The road isn't super walking friendly, so plan ahead! i also feel like this museum being intact is a miracle, it feels like it's falling apart and being reclaimed by nature. Some parts of it are entirely outdoors and overgrown. (I would bring a face mask for dust/potential mold and some bug spray!)
Marc Lapoirie on Google

Weird, crazy, grotesque, historical, esoteric, vaste... It was surprisingly one of the best attractions in the region! Very nice welcome from the manager!
millie oyama on Google

the most weirdest place I’ve ever been in my life. so chaotic and it was like being in a dream. was a fun experience though!
Jesse M on Google

This place is probably the most unique place I have ever been. So much weird stuff in here. But I feel like its an important place. They have a lot of things and the way they put it together is interesting. If your in the neighborhood you should make the stop.

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