
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラーメンハウス唐がらし

住所 :

Futo, Itō, 〒413-0231 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : Shizuoka

Futo, Itō, 〒413-0231 Shizuoka,Japan
有坂カスティーニ on Google

Niboshi ramen has a watery taste and beef sushi ramen is rather dark. But chilled Chinese was delicious.
荒川知在(kuma) on Google

とても美味しかったです。ご夫婦とも気さくな方で、ご主人がスポーツカー好きで楽しくお話しさせていただきました!! 最初なので初級を注文、女将さんに途中でハラペーニョやハバネロ追加していただきました。 中級でハラペーニョ追加貰うのがベストかな。 餃子も食べたい、牛すじラーメンも食べたい、汁無しも!! また行きます!
It was very delicious. The husband and wife both love to play sports cars and have a good time! ! I ordered the beginner's class at first, so she had Jalapeno and Habanero added to her on the way. I think it is best to add Jalapeno at an intermediate level. I want to eat dumplings, I also want to eat beef noodles, no soup! ! I will go there again!
双一knesnekqh on Google

駐車場何台か停められます。担々麺が有名なようで辛さが何段階かありました。ラーメンは担々麺しか無い感じでした。 味はとにかく薄く、担々麺ではありませんでしたが、お店の雰囲気は狭くて個人的には好きでした。ご夫婦でやられてるようでとても感じの良い人でした。
Several parking lots can be parked. It seems that the carrier noodles are famous and there are several stages of hotness. I felt that there was only ramen noodles. The taste was thin anyway, but it was not noodles, but the atmosphere in the shop was narrow and I liked it personally. It was a very nice person that seems to be done by the couple.
COme U1 on Google

気の良いご夫婦で営業されてます。 客数はカウンター4席ほどと、小上がりに6〜8名くらい 一風変わったハラペーニョと胡椒が聞いた担々麺。辛党でなくても上級までであれば美味しく食べられるかと。 辛さは特製ハラペーニョソース追加で辛くできます。立地と店の見た目で少し入店に勇気がいりますが、他では味わえない担々麺だと思うので是非試して欲しい
It is open as a nice couple. The number of customers is about 4 seats at the counter, and about 6 to 8 people in a small rise Dandan noodles heard by unusual jalapeno and pepper. Even if you are not a spicy party, you can eat deliciously if you are up to advanced level. The spiciness can be spicy by adding a special jalapeno sauce. It takes a little courage to enter the store due to its location and appearance, but I think it's a dandan noodle that you can't taste anywhere else, so please try it.
T takuichi on Google

A shop run by a couple who loves diving. Dandan noodles are delicious because the spiciness can be adjusted, but dumplings are even more delicious. Eat with the characteristic spicy miso. It becomes habit.
りぞくら on Google

A shop where you can eat nuts and spicy ramen. When you enter the store, a stubborn and scary old man silently makes ramen. Involuntarily correct my posture and order a little nervously and wait. Suddenly, I was talked to with a friendly feeling and the tension was released at once. You can hear the Kodawari and pursuit of spices from the end of the story. Then I tried it and was satisfied with the "Kodawari". You can order the spiciness as you like, and many people reach the height of spiciness as they go there many times. The story of the master that spiciness is "pain" and not taste. Then, the reason why the number of customers who seek the "pain" is constant is that the drug substance in the brain is secreted to relieve the "pain", and it is said that it is "comfortable" in combination with delicious ramen. "Addictive ramen pepper" is amazing! There was such a cut. Well, I took off my hat, saying that I was able to create something unique so far. And a shop with a gentler landlady to snuggle up to her husband.
Rain Wild on Google

2020年12月の土曜日お昼頃に訪問。遅めの時間だった事もあり、帰るお客さんと入れ替わりで入店。どこまでが使ってよい範囲か分からないですが、店舗前に4台分くらいの駐車スペースがあります。 店内はカウンター3席に、座敷に4人掛けテーブルが1つになっていました。カウンターは、厨房との間がコロナ対策のビニールシートで分離されています。 初めてでしたが、店員さんのおすすめで旨辛担々麺を注文。辛さはどのくらいか分からなかったので、一番辛い天国(ムニャムニャとか書いてありました)でお願いしました。注文後、リーパー?も入れますか、との事で、100円追加でお願いしました。 スープは辛味中心であっさり目。麺はすこし縮れた中太麺より少し細目な感じ。キャベツなどの野菜も多く、美味しく頂けました。リーパーは叩いてペースト状にしたものを別皿で提供されたので、そちらも入れましたが、全体的にはそこまでの辛さではなく、ゆったりと食べられます。ライスがサービスでつきますが、もう少しシャキッとした感じが好みでした。 卓上調味料が塩胡椒くらいだったのは、個人的にはちょっと残念だったかも。東京方面から来た場合、対向車線側にあるので、目につきにくいのは少しもったいない気がします(同じ場所の向かい側に、餃子店の看板があるので、見落としがちと思います)。
Visited around noon on Saturday, December 2020. Since it was a late time, I entered the store in place of the returning customers. I don't know how far it can be used, but there is a parking space for about 4 cars in front of the store. Inside the store, there were 3 seats at the counter and 1 table for 4 people in the tatami room. The counter is separated from the kitchen by a vinyl sheet to prevent corona. It was my first time, but I ordered the spicy dandan noodles at the recommendation of the clerk. I didn't know how hot it was, so I asked for it in the hottest heaven (it was written as Munyamunya). After ordering, reaper? I asked if I could add 100 yen. The soup is mainly spicy and light. The noodles are a little finer than the slightly crispy medium-thick noodles. There were many vegetables such as cabbage and it was delicious. The reaper was beaten into a paste and served in a separate plate, so I put that in as well, but overall it's not that spicy and you can eat it comfortably. Rice is served as a service, but I liked the crispy feeling. Personally, it might have been a bit disappointing that the tabletop seasoning was about salt and pepper. If you're coming from Tokyo, it's on the opposite lane, so it's a bit of a waste to see it (there's a gyoza shop sign on the other side of the same place, so it's easy to overlook it).
田辺幸雄 on Google

まぼろし博覧会の帰りのバス待ちにて利用。 気さくなご店主夫婦は地元の人達にも慕われているよう。 メニューはいくつかありますが、辛さは調節できます。 思っていたより辛くないときは追加で注文しれば辛味を足してくれます。
Used while waiting for the bus on the way back from the Maboroshi Expo. The friendly shopkeeper couple seems to be loved by the locals. There are several menus, but the spiciness can be adjusted. If it's not as spicy as you expected, you can order more and it will add spiciness.

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