九州酒場 ラブラヌードル(LOVE la NOODLE) 鎌倉駅前

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 九州酒場 ラブラヌードル(LOVE la NOODLE) 鎌倉駅前

住所 :

Komachi, Kamakura, 〒248-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://ghj6600.gorp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–12AM
Sunday 10AM–12AM
Monday 10AM–12AM
Tuesday 10AM–12AM
Wednesday 10AM–12AM
Thursday 10AM–12AM
Friday 10AM–12AM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Komachi, Kamakura, 〒248-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
tamaro gyokuro on Google

博多とんこつラーメンのお店がラーメン不毛地帯鎌倉にオープンしていたのでお邪魔してきました。 メニューやお店の雰囲気的に一風堂な感じかな?と想像していたのですが割とヘビーな塩味と脂を感じました、たまがったさんとかよりコッテリでスープ飲み干すのは万人にはお勧めしないです。 替え玉(130円)は食べごたえ有り、お酒の提供が再開されたらまた行ってみようかと思います。
Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen shop was open in Kamakura, a barren ramen area, so I've been bothering you. Is the atmosphere of the menu and the shop like Ippudo? I was imagining that, but I felt a relatively heavy salty taste and fat, and I don't recommend drinking soup with a coterie rather than Tamagata-san. The replacement ball (130 yen) is delicious, and I think I'll go there again when the sake service is resumed.
ym R on Google

I visited around 16:00 on a holiday. The number of seats in the store is small, but the number of people was small, so I was immediately informed. The shopkeeper's man was very nice with his polite customer service. The food was red tonkotsu, but it had a strong ethnic feel and the aftertaste was slightly like green curry. The noodles are also very fine, so I felt a lot of discomfort. It seems that noodles can be made into thick noodles for a fee (maybe only takeout?). Next, I would like to have regular ramen.
Yu M on Google

I went in for the first time. Hakata ramen shop. It's perfect for eating flat sake and ramen alone in a small shop! The order is Miyazaki spicy noodles for 890 yen.

First visit. A ramen shop where you can drink alcohol in a stylish shop. I received a coupon for Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen. The soup was creamy and easy to drink. The noodles were thin and easy to eat.
Money Dr. on Google

鎌倉で数少ないとんこつラーメン。 仕事帰りに夕食目的で利用。平日19時で先客は若い男性二人。後から男女二人が入店。みな観光客の様子。 店は2階で、夜だと場所が少しわかりにくい。階段を上がるとアメリカン風の入口。店内は狭いが清潔でおしゃれ。カウンターのみ8席ほど。 若い男性マスターとアルバイトらしき女性はやさしい落ち着いた接客。 熊本黒とんこつ780円を注文。注文他になしで5分ほどでサーブ。 とんこつスープは臭みが少なく粘度が高い。それをアレンジして博多風、熊本風、鎌倉赤とんこつの3種類で出している様子。熊本で食べた熊本ラーメンが懐かしかったので頼んだが、やはり別物。自分には塩気が強すぎてコクや旨味を感じにくかった。 麺はとんこつ専用の極細麺。小麦の味がして問題ない。かたさはもちろん選べる。店からはあえて聞いてこないので、好みがあるなら言ったほうがよいかも。 トッピングはオーソドックス。好みで色々追加できるよう。 替え玉は130円でがっつり1杯分。ちょっと足したい程度なら半替え玉もある。無料のトッピングで紅しょうが、高菜キムチ、刻みニンニクがある。高菜は酸味があるタイプ。 もともと予定していた銀座篝が緊急事態宣言延長で休みだったので、口コミ評価が高かった当店を利用。なので少し辛口評価かも。駅チカなので行って確かめてみては。
Tonkotsu ramen is one of the few in Kamakura. Used for dinner on the way home from work. At 19:00 on weekdays, the first guests are two young men. Two men and women entered the store later. All the tourists. The store is on the 2nd floor, and the location is a little difficult to understand at night. When you go up the stairs, you will see an American-style entrance. The store is small but clean and fashionable. Only the counter has about 8 seats. A young male master and a woman who seems to be a part-time job are gentle and calm customer service. I ordered Kokutei black tonkotsu for 780 yen. Serve in about 5 minutes without any other order. Tonkotsu soup has a low odor and high viscosity. It seems that it is arranged and put out in three types: Hakata style, Kumamoto style, and Kamakura red tonkotsu. I missed the Kumamoto ramen I ate in Kumamoto, so I ordered it, but it's still different. It was too salty for me to feel the richness and umami. The noodles are extra-fine noodles exclusively for tonkotsu. There is no problem with the taste of wheat. Of course you can choose the hardness. I don't dare to ask from the store, so if you like it, you should say it. The topping is orthodox. You can add various things as you like. The replacement ball is 130 yen, which is enough for one cup. If you want to add a little, there is also a half-replacement ball. There are red pickled ginger, mustard kimchi, and chopped garlic with free toppings. The mustard is a sour type. The originally planned Ginza Kagari was closed due to the extension of the state of emergency, so we used our shop, which had a high word-of-mouth evaluation. So it may be a little dry evaluation. It's a train station, so why don't you go and check it out?
YUU YAM on Google

駅からすぐで便利な立地。 熊本黒豚骨おいしかったです。 とんこつラーメンの種類が豊富。つけ麺はエスニック風味の味でした。 餃子も美味しいです。 ラーメンなどのテイクアウトもあるようなのでまた利用したいです。 店員さんが気さくでした。
Convenient location just off the station. Kumamoto black pork bones were delicious. A wide variety of tonkotsu ramen. Tsukemen had an ethnic flavor. Dumplings are also delicious. There seems to be takeout such as ramen, so I would like to use it again. The clerk was friendly.
おしも女子 on Google

ガッツリとんこつラーメンが食べれます。 豚骨の匂いもするやつ。 ラーメンを選んで、スープも選びます。 普通のとんこつと味玉にしました。 味玉はとろってしたやつ。カウンターに味変のんが並んでて、ニンニクとお酢入れました(笑) 食べてる途中で、お隣さんが日本酒飲んでたので、気になって気になって… 私も而今飲んでしまった(^^;; ラーメン屋と言うか、九州料理って感じのお店。日本酒は九州縛りとかではないみたい。 2回目。 お酒入ったとか聞いてしまったので、訪問(笑) 飛露喜飲んでたら、これも新しく入りましたよ的に「わ」ってお酒頂きました♡男山酒造らしい。 匂いがとても甘いのに、飲んだ感じはちょっとピリッとしてて飛露喜より甘くない。 アテに鶏のたたき頂きました。 サイドに付いてる玉ねぎ辛くなくて良かった♡ お腹空いてる時にまた他の食べたい?
You can eat tonkotsu ramen. The one that smells like pork bones. Choose ramen and soup. I made ordinary tonkotsu and taste balls. The taste ball was melted. The taste-changing noodles were lined up on the counter, and I added garlic and vinegar (laughs). My neighbor was drinking sake while I was eating, so I was worried about it ... I also drank it now (^^ ;; It's a ramen shop, or a restaurant that feels like Kyushu cuisine. It seems that sake is not tied to Kyushu. Second time. I heard that I had alcohol, so I visited (laughs) When I drank Hiroki, I got a new drink, "Wa" ♡ It seems to be Otokoyama Sake Brewery. The smell is very sweet, but the feeling of drinking is a little tingling and not as sweet as Hiroki. I had a chicken beaten by Ate. I'm glad the onions on the side weren't spicy ♡ I want to eat another when I'm hungry ?
前田塁 on Google

【神奈川 鎌倉】のりラーメン(790円)、黒豚餃子5ヶ(390えん)、替え玉(130円) 所用で鎌倉へ。地元の人に教えてもらったこちらにきました!席数は数席しかないですが、開放感のある窓で窮屈さは感じない。 しっかり豚骨スープが効いてて美味い!ついつい替え玉してしまった。。黒豚餃子は野菜の甘めが強めの小ぶりサイズ。餃子食べ飲み放題というコースもなんだか魅力的。 お酒の種類も豊富なので今度は飲みでも使いたい!
[Kanagawa Kamakura] Nori ramen (790 yen), 5 black pork dumplings (390 yen), spare ball (130 yen) I went to Kamakura for business. I came here after being taught by a local! There are only a few seats, but I don't feel cramped because of the open windows. The pork bone soup works well and is delicious! I just changed the ball. .. Black pork dumplings are a small size with a strong sweetness of vegetables. The all-you-can-eat and drink dumpling course is also attractive. There are many types of sake, so I want to use it for drinking this time!

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