LIVRE KEISEI Aoto - Katsushika City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

3 Chome-36-1 Aoto, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 125-0062
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM

3 Chome-36-1 Aoto, Katsushika City, Tokyo 125-0062, Japan
岡崎公美 on Google

高架下にある為か、思ったよりも縦に細長いスーパー。 初めて行って、後で買おうと思っていると見失います。 特売品はすぐカゴへ!
Perhaps because it's under the overpass, it's a supermarket that's longer than I expected. I lose sight of it when I go there for the first time and plan to buy it later. For sale items, go to the basket immediately!
Yusuke on Google

駅近で便利なんだが、野菜高い、魚も値段が高い上に品揃えもいまいち。肉は安めで品揃えもまあまあ。特に和牛は悪くないと思う。 惣菜コーナーは中華ばかりなのが今一歩。和の惣菜をもっと充実してくれると良いなぁ
It's convenient near the station, but the vegetables are expensive, the fish are expensive, and the product lineup is not good. The meat is cheap and the assortment is ok. I don't think Japanese beef is particularly bad. The side dish corner is all about Chinese food. It would be great if you could enrich the Japanese side dishes.
タケヤン on Google

Many fruits are not fresh. Later, when I baked pork loin and ate it, it smelled strange.
みねさんみねさん(みねさん) on Google

2022年現在冷凍食品の半額は無くなりました?残念??? 最近の情報です202106現在です。肉は毎週水曜日が安い?✨?です? 時々安売りや朝市等でお買い得も有りますが、あまりコスパは良いもの、そうでないものは良くみる必要があります。でも駅近なのは便利です?毎週火曜日と土曜日は冷凍食品が半額です。他のスーパーにもありますが、良いですね❗でもとても残念なのはレジの人により、態度に不快感を感じてしまいます。仕事なので社員にしろパートにしろしっかりして欲しいです‼️
As of 2022, half the price of frozen food is gone ? Sorry ??? Recent information 202106 As of now. Meat is cheap every Wednesday ?✨?? Sometimes there are bargains and bargains at the morning market, but you need to take a closer look at the ones that are not so good and the ones that are not. But it's convenient to be near the station ? Every Tuesday and Saturday, frozen food is half price. There are other supermarkets, but it's good ❗ But it's very disappointing that some cashiers make their attitude uncomfortable. It's a job, so I want you to be solid, whether it's an employee or a part-time worker! ️
山田次郎 on Google

駅前好立地のスーパーの割に値段はそこまで高くない。惣菜は美味しい。 普段は最寄り他のスーパーを利用していますが青戸地区だと品揃えが良いので時々利用しています。
The price is not so high for a supermarket in a good location in front of the station. The side dish is delicious. I usually use the nearest supermarket, but in the Aoto area, I use it from time to time because the product lineup is good.
jack kent on Google

京成青砥駅前の高架下にあるスーパー。 京成電鉄の子会社が経営しています。 親会社の京成電鉄と共通して言えることですが、下町らしい温かみのある接客と気さくなやり取りが心を和ませます。 客も下町の人らしい気遣いが随所に見られるので「ぶつかった」「買おうと思ったものを先に取られた」といったトラブルもほとんどありません。 扱っている生鮮食品の鮮度はかなり良いと思いますが、値段が高めでイトーヨーカドー・ヨークマート・サミットに比べると2割程度割高です。 京成グループの仕入れの弱さと青戸地区は他店との競合が少ないのと相まっての結果だと思います。(競合の激しい店舗はこの限りではありません) 仕入れや配送の関係でしょうか、朝(開店直後)が弱く、10時の開店と同時に入ると売場が整っていないことがほとんどで、整理や品出しの最中で店内が散らかっていることが多いです。 特に鮮魚売場は売場がガラガラでダメです。 もう少し言えば果物の品揃えがイマイチ。 夕方はレジが混んでいますが、6つあるレジを全て開けて対応していますのでこれは仕方ないと思います。 マグロの解体ショーや朝市などイベントも多いですし、店の前には移動販売の今川焼や焼鳥などのお店が良く来ていますので飽きません。また毎日行われる特売の商品にはかなりお買い得な商品もあります。 高砂橋の東詰にヨークマートがありますが、ヨークマートには無い物を多数取り扱っています、 ハーブやスパイス類、缶詰類や調味料など他店に無いものがあるので助かります。 利用の際には近隣の商店やヨークマートの品揃えや値段をよく吟味して使い分けするのが上手な買い物をするコツだと思います。
Super under the overpass before Keisei Aoto Station. Subsidiary of Keisei Electric Railway has to management. It is common to say with Keisei Electric Railway Company of the parent company, but warm customer service and friendly interaction like downtown will make the heart feel better. There are few troubles such as' Customers' bothers of downtown being seen everywhere, 'Bumped' and 'Things I thought were going to be taken first ". I think that the freshness of the handled fresh foods is fairly good, but the price is high and it is about 20% higher than the Ito-Yokado · Yorkmart Summit. Weakness of the purchase of the Keisei Group and the Aoto district are the result of having little competition with other shops. (Intense store of conflict is not limited to this) Whether it is relationship of purchase or delivery, the morning (immediately after opening) is weak, mostly that the store is not in place when entering at the time of opening at 10 o'clock, the inside of the store is often cluttered during arrangement and shipment is. Especially fresh fish department is useless department is in a rattle. Isnt assortment of fruits Speaking a little more. The evening is crowded the cash register, but I think this can not be helped because it supports open all there are six cash register. There are many events such as tuna dismantling shows and morning markets, and shops such as Imagawa Yaki and Yakitori such as mobile sales are well in front of the shop, so I will not get tired of it. There are also quite a bargain product for bargain sale products which are done every day. There is a York Mart to Higashitsume of Takasago Bridge, but we handle a lot of things not to York Mart, Herbs and spices, it will be saved because there is not in other stores, such as canning class and seasoning. When using it I think that it is a trick to do good shopping to carefully examine the selection and prices of neighboring shops and York Mart and use them properly.
ゆうと on Google

Fish such as sashimi is very fresh and cheap. They will handle the fish until about 16:00 in the evening. If you are dissatisfied, the green onions are expensive. .. ..
John White on Google

Long shopping area that includes Daiso and Subway. Has food and a bookshop as well.

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