鳥こまち 青戸店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳥こまち 青戸店

住所 :

Aoto, Katsushika City, 〒125-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Webサイト : https://torikomachi-aoto.owst.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Aoto, Katsushika City, 〒125-0062 Tokyo,Japan
なるみん on Google

A nice, serious and delicious restaurant
Hisa Saito on Google

お店の雰囲気も良いし、つくねの種類もバラエティーにとんでいて楽しかった♪ もちろん、焼鶏は言うまでもないです?
The atmosphere of the shop was good, and the variety of Tsukune was so different that it was fun. Not to mention grilled chicken, of course ?
柳原淑幸 on Google

You can enjoy it even if you drink it alone ❢
Yuki Naruse on Google

Beer was half price until 6 pm, so I came to the store with a drink alone during the children's cram school. The atmosphere is very good and the food is delicious. Especially, the grilled wasa was excellent! Also, the beer has a black label and the glass is particular, so I felt it was delicious. I will come back again.
一色大悟 on Google

It is beautiful and stylish for a yakitori shop. It is a good shop to go with a couple because it has a good atmosphere. There are many special dishes of the store manager, and it is good to enjoy small dishes such as toriyu tofu with Japanese-style soup stock. Hearts and levers are recommended.
Usa Satou on Google

初めて利用しましたが、お酒も焼き鳥も本当に美味しいです! 店内も清潔で、ゆったりしていて居心地がいいです。
I used it for the first time, but the sake and yakitori are really delicious! The inside of the store is also clean, spacious and cozy.
Takeshita oota on Google

お店の雰囲気もよく美味しかったです。 コロナ対策もしっかりできていると思います。 何食べても美味しかったです。写真撮るの忘れて食べたものが何品かあります 今後も応援したいお店です。
The atmosphere of the shop was also good. I think that the measures against corona are well done. It was delicious no matter what I ate. I forgot to take a picture and there are some things I ate It is a shop that I would like to support in the future.
ReikoChime on Google

キレイでオシャレな焼き鳥屋さん。地域のFMを聞いて知り、友人と行きました。 感染対策がしっかりしていて安心できました。 焼き鳥は一本ずつでもたのめ、串も外してくれたりシェアしやすい工夫をしてくれました。 店主さんはとても気さくで、話しやすく感じのいい方でした。
A beautiful and fashionable yakitori restaurant. I heard about the FM in the area, learned about it, and went with a friend. I was relieved that the infection control was solid. They enjoyed yakitori one by one, removed the skewers, and devised ways to make it easier to share. The owner was very friendly, easy to talk to, and pleasant.

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