Life Saitama Shintoshin

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Life Saitama Shintoshin

住所 :

Kishikicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0843 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Saitama

Kishikicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0843 Saitama,Japan
on Google

The product lineup is good and there is a sense of luxury in the store. On the other hand, some prices such as eggs are high, so I thought that I wouldn't usually use it.
アイスタイタン on Google

ビオラルと言う健康的な食品を扱うお店が一角に今年の二月にオープン! 手頃で美味しくて、添加物の少ない食品が色々売ってます。ちくわ、ハム、卵、豆腐、スープの素、せんべい、飴、パン、惣菜、弁当などなど。
A store that sells healthy food called Bio-Ral will open in February of this year! There are various foods that are affordable, delicious, and have few additives. Chikuwa, ham, eggs, tofu, soup base, rice crackers, candy, bread, side dishes, bento boxes, etc.
おか on Google

コクーンが出来たときからあります。セルフレジもありそんなに混雑しないで買い物出来ると思います。 品揃えは、増設されて出来たコクーン2のイトーヨーカ堂に比べると…ですが、普段購入するであろう食材は大体揃うと思います。 パン屋さんや、オーガニックのお店?や、銀だこ、クレープアイスのお店、とんかつ屋さんも入っています。 電車で新都心に来る方はこちらの方が立ち寄りやすいのかな。
It has been around since the cocoon was created. There is also a self-checkout so you can shop without being too crowded. The product lineup is compared to the Ito-Yokado of Cocoon 2 that was added, but I think that most of the ingredients that you would normally buy are available. A bakery or an organic shop? There are also Gindaco, crepe ice cream shops, and pork cutlet shops. If you come to the new city center by train, I wonder if this is easier to stop by.
AKI-YUKI on Google

調味料や食材が豊富でライフのプライベートブランドも充実しています。全体的に安さを売りにしているわけではなさそうですが、 隣接しているイトーヨーカドーとうまく差別化できていると思います。セルフレジが私にはありがたい。
There are plenty of seasonings and ingredients, and Life's private brand is also substantial. It doesn't seem to be selling cheap as a whole, but I think it is well differentiated from the neighboring Ito-Yokado. I am grateful for the self-registration.
JM ! on Google

Nice alternative between ōmiya and yono! Prices are good!
Bill Kiefer on Google

I like their produce selection as well as their variety of other products. Would be even better if they had more of a selection with their bentos...
Alon B on Google

A nice local supermarket that has plenty of authentic items and products
mirai woodgreen on Google

A nice and clean, usual Japanese supermarket. Not too big to lose your way. I like here because they sell a wide variety of nice bento and sozai (convenient food, or cooked meal). They have a small corner for vegetarian food.

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