Life Abiko - Osaka

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Life Abiko

住所 :

1 Chome-11-1 Abikohigashi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 558-0013
Webサイト :

1 Chome-11-1 Abikohigashi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0013, Japan
松島正善 on Google

A convenient store as a large supermarket near the station. It handles groceries and household goods, and has a good selection, but the price is a little higher.
若山誠 on Google

The clerk will take care of you very carefully, so you can shop comfortably every time.

品数が多くて楽しいです。 駐車場が少しはなれているので、買い物後は重い荷物を持って駐車場にまで行く間に信号もあるので。ひたすら待たないとダメージです。
There are many items and it is fun. Since the parking lot is a little far away, there is a signal while going to the parking lot with heavy luggage after shopping. If you don't wait earnestly, it will be damaged.
槍魔栗三助 on Google

いつの間にか、我孫子にも、ライフが出来てて、堺方面に行く時等、色々と、食料品を調達できるので、利用してます♪ (^o^)
Before I knew it, Abiko had a life, and when I went to Sakai, I could procure various foods, so I use it ♪ (^ o ^)
z Taka007 on Google

ライフとしては規模が小さいが、品揃えに不自由は無いです。 駐車場も有って車での来店にも対応している。 近隣に住宅街と団地があって、時間によっては凄く混雑するので、必然的にレジ待ちが発生する。 イオンにイズミヤや阪急オアシスも有るので併用したい。 自転車であれば万代あたりも良い雰囲気です?
Although the scale of life is small, there is no inconvenience in the product lineup. There is also a parking lot, which can be used by car. There is a residential area and a housing complex in the neighborhood, and it gets very crowded depending on the time, so waiting for a cash register inevitably occurs. Aeon also has Izumiya and Hankyu Oasis, so I would like to use them together. If it is a bicycle, it has a nice atmosphere around Mandai ?
弓北絢乃 on Google

オールシーズン お餅が好きで、それもお豆の入ったお餅が大好きで それを取り扱っているお店は ライフだけなので、お店の棚に有る分買い占めてしまうほど。同じように豆餅好きな人には 朗報になるかな~?
I like mochi all season, and I love mochi with beans, and Life is the only store that sells it, so I buy up as much as I have on the shelves. Is it good news for people who like tofu?
kichi yato on Google

駅近で、駐輪場も駐車場あって便利。 買い物もしやすい。 パンコーナーも種類豊富。 ただし、ベーカリーの小麦の郷は入っていません。 私は小麦の郷のあん食好きなので入れてほしいな!
It is convenient because there is a bicycle parking lot near the station. Easy to shop. There is also a wide variety of bread corners. However, the bakery's wheat town is not included. I like red bean paste in Wheat Town, so I want you to add it!
竹下勉 on Google

大阪メトロⓂ️丸ノ内線?あびこ駅下車★北へ徒歩4分にある店舗です。 Pay Pay決済には?d-POINTも合わせ貯まります。
Osaka Metro Ⓜ️ Marunouchi Line ? Get off at Abiko Station ★ It is a store located a 4-minute walk north. PayPay payments also include ?d-POINT.

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