Lago - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lago

住所 :

3 Chome-1-5 Tezukayamanaka, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Postal code : 558-0053
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1-5 Tezukayamanaka, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0053, Japan
順肥田 on Google

Authentic Italian restaurant, specializing in ingredients, specializing in wine, carefully selecting salt and seasonings. No matter what you eat, try the desperate Peperoncino.
mikan-mikan on Google

お任せのようなサラダを頼んだら、サーモンのサラダが出てきました。 食べられないと言うと、うちはこのサラダなんですよ。たべられないなは、はじめから言ってもらわないと。と言われました。 普通、食べられないものがあるかないか聞きますよね? そのあとの対応もイマイチでした。 他の方が、高い評価しているのがあまり理解できません。
When I ordered a salad that I could leave to you, a salmon salad came out. If you say you can't eat it, we have this salad. If you can't eat it, you have to say it from the beginning. They said. You usually ask if there is something you can't eat, right? The response after that was also not good. I don't really understand that other people appreciate it.
ミキ on Google

他の方も書いていらっしゃいましたが、店員さんの態度が良くないです。 上から目線というか、喧嘩腰というか… お店がお忙しいのでしょうが、それをお客さん側にぶつけるのはいかがなものかと。 わざわざお金を払って行きたいお店ではありません。 私は、二度と行きません。 ●2020年8月5日追記● 気に入らない意見は受け入れずに 来店をウソかと疑うとは… 一年も前ですが、来店した時の不快な気持ちを思い出しました。 レシートを貼ればよかったですね。 もう、捨ててしまっていますが。 ●2020年8月7日追記● 丁寧にご返信ありがとうございます。 私は住まいは東京ではありませんし、営業職でもないです。 ネットで調べて評価の高いこちらを見つけ、楽しみに来店しただけの者です。 昨今、SNSでの名誉毀損だ何だと言われておりますので、申し訳ありませんが詳細を書くのは差し控えさせていただきます。 ですが今回、こうやって丁寧にご返信いただき、お店のことを真剣に良くしようと考えていらっしゃることは伝わりました。 (レシートの件は余計かと思います。私はどこにいってもレシートを貰うようにしておりますので。) ご返信ありがとうこざいました。
Other people wrote, but the clerk's attitude is not good. It's like looking from the top or fighting... The shop is busy, but how about hitting it on the customer side? It's not a store that you want to pay for. I will never go again ● Added August 5, 2020 ● Don't accept opinions you don't like Suspecting that you are a lie... A year ago, I remembered the unpleasant feeling when I visited the store. I should have attached a receipt. I have already thrown it away. ● Added August 7, 2020 ● Thank you for your kind reply. I live in neither Tokyo nor a sales person. It is a person who just looked up on the Internet, found a high evaluation, and looked forward to it. I am sorry to say that I am sorry to say that since it is said that it is a defamation on SNS these days, I am sorry but I will refrain from writing details. However, this time, I received the kind reply from you, and I understand that you are thinking about making the shop seriously. (I think the receipt is superfluous. I try to get the receipt wherever I go.) Thank you for your reply.
タイソン on Google

It looks like a shop with different evaluations. The chef is cooking all the food alone, so it may be a little unfriendly when crowded. I visited at noon, but the response was very good, there was an explanation for every dish, and the chef's strong desire for excellent ingredients was felt. Each dish was beautifully served and had a mysterious taste that I had never eaten before, but it was all delicious. In me, it is positioned as a hidden famous store that I want to use at the moment. There are magical powers in this restaurant that make you want to go again.
にゃんかたん on Google

I am impressed again and again. The wine is so great that I just drink too much. The quality is so good that it doesn't bother me. I will tell you how to make it in detail, but every time I am overwhelmed by the enormous effort of preparation, my head falls.
m on Google

とても美味しかったです。 素材の味や健康も意識されたシェフのこだわりが感じられるお店なので、味の濃い人にはオススメしません。
It was very delicious. It is a shop where you can feel the chef's attention to the taste and health of the ingredients, so it is not recommended for those with a strong taste.
boo nishida on Google

帝塚山のイタリアン。 シェフこだわりの料理はとてもおいしいです。 気さくに話もしてくれ楽しい時間を過ごせます。
Italian food in Tezukayama. The chef's special dishes are very delicious. You can talk to me and have a good time.
寺尾直也 on Google

帝塚山にある、イタリアンのお店に、ディナーでお伺いしました! こちらのシェフは、ポンテベッキオで修行されたシェフで、話をしていると、料理に対する熱い想いを感じられました! 本当に真剣に料理と向き合っている姿勢が、カッコよくて、そういう姿が、私にとっても、とても心地良い空間でした! 何より、こういうコロナの状況でも前向きに捉えて、楽しそうに仕事をされており、それがこちらにも伝わり、楽しく食事させて頂きました! さて、料理ですが、全てメチャクチャ美味しかった♬ それぞれの素材を、最大限活かした調理をした、お料理ばかりで、味、香り、見た目、器、ワインとのペダリング、どれをとっても本当に楽しませて頂きました! イタリアンの中にも和のエッセンスを加えたり、カテゴリーにとらわれすぎず、ご自身の納得のいく、美味しい物を作る事を考えておられるんだなぁ、と、どの料理を食べても感じる事ができ、私にとっても幸せな時間でした! 大満足なコースで、またシェフの生み出す料理を食べにきたいなと思いました!! 本当に美味しかったです! ご馳走様でした♬
We visited an Italian restaurant in Tezukayama for dinner! This chef was trained in Ponte Vecchio, and when I was talking, I felt a passion for cooking! The attitude of facing the food really seriously was cool, and that kind of appearance was a very comfortable space for me as well! Above all, I was able to take a positive view of this kind of corona situation and work happily, which was conveyed to me and I enjoyed eating! Well, it's cooking, but everything was delicious ♬ All the dishes were cooked to make the best use of each ingredient, and I really enjoyed the taste, aroma, appearance, bowls, and pedaling with wine! No matter what kind of food you eat, you can feel that you are thinking about adding Japanese essence to Italian food and making delicious food that you are satisfied with without being too categorized. It was a happy time for me too! It was a very satisfying course and I wanted to come back to eat the food produced by the chef! !! It was really delicious! It was a treat ♬

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