
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イタリア料理ピヌーチョ

住所 :

Higashikohama, Sumiyoshi Ward, 〒558-0051 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Webサイト : http://pinuccio.web.fc2.com/Pinuccio/
街 : Osaka

Higashikohama, Sumiyoshi Ward, 〒558-0051 Osaka,Japan
稲垣一美 on Google

A shop with a warm and homely atmosphere. There is also a recommended menu with devised dishes, so you can rest assured that there will be no loss! I go there regularly.
駒谷はるみ on Google

ランチメニューをいただきました。前菜とスープは今時らしく冷製で、パスタは本当に出来たて熱々で美味しかったです。 100円追加だけで飲める食後のコーヒーも、丁度良い量、濃さで美味しかったです? 清潔で、お店の人も感じ良い人でした✨
We had lunch menu. Appetizers and soup were cold like today, and pasta was really hot and delicious. After-meal coffee that you can drink just by adding 100 yen, it was delicious with just a good amount and concentration? It was clean and the people in the shop felt good
よんぴよんぴ on Google

Gentle Italian taste. It is a calming shop.
砂ホタル on Google

Lunch 1300 yen. Delicious and reasonably priced. More authentic taste than cafe. The place is far from the shopping street, so I sometimes go there, but I think it's okay to have more customers. I will go again.
コージ on Google

パスタランチを食べました。 コロナの影響で、お客さんは0人でした。 中庭があり、落ち着いた感じでした。 パスタは最近は固めが多いのですが、僕は少し柔らか目が好きなんで、丁度良かったです。 トマトベースのソースでしたが、後を引かない酸味と甘味で美味しいかったです。 男性的には前菜もパスタももう少し、ボリュームが欲しいですね。 コロナに負けず、頑張って下さい。
I had pasta lunch. There were no customers due to the influence of corona. There was a courtyard and it felt calm. Pasta has a lot of firmness these days, but I like the slightly soft texture, so it was just right. It was a tomato-based sauce, but it was delicious with its sourness and sweetness that didn't end up. For men, I want more appetizers and pasta, more volume. Please do your best not to lose corona.
NYC 212 on Google

週末の晩に訪問。駐車場はないけどチンチン電車が目の前なのでアクセスは悪くない。 お店は温かみがあって、家庭的な料理を気楽な感じで楽しめるカジュアルイタリアンという雰囲気。定番パスタやピッツァのほか、肉料理、魚介料理、おつまみ、ドルチェなどメニュー充実。ワインもいろいろある。 ピッツァマルゲリータを頼んだら生バジルじゃなかってんなぁ。他の料理もそのような感じで総じてカジュアル。お子様づれで食べに来るにはよいのかも。
Visited on weekend evenings. There is no parking lot, but access is not bad because the Chinchin train is right in front of you. The shop is warm and has a casual Italian atmosphere where you can enjoy home-style cooking in a relaxed manner. In addition to standard pasta and pizza, the menu includes meat dishes, seafood dishes, snacks, and dolce. There are also various wines. If you ask for Pizza Marguerite, it's not raw basil. Other dishes are generally casual like that. Maybe it's good for children to come to eat.
M A on Google

日曜日のランチに店内は3組のお客のみでしたが、忙しいのか、食器を片付ける音がガチャガチャうるさくて落ち着きませんでした。 お会計の際も、急いでいるのかシェフらしき方がノーマスクで出て来て急ぎ気味にお会計をされ、とても気になりました。 口コミを見て楽しみに行きましたが、残念でした。
At lunch on Sunday, there were only 3 groups of customers in the store, but maybe I was busy, the sound of cleaning up the dishes was so noisy that I couldn't calm down. At the time of checkout, a chef-like person came out with no mask and was in a hurry to make the checkout, which made me very worried. I was looking forward to seeing the reviews, but I was disappointed.
Henry Servin on Google

Tasty standard Italian comfort food in a nice informal setting. Wine list is good and the food is artfully prepared. See the courtyard, and hopefully if its not raining you can ask to sit there. The variety of pasta dishes is very good.

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