Kitchen Bar Com - Osaka

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitchen Bar Com

住所 :

1 Chome-50-25 Hannancho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 545-0021
Webサイト :

1 Chome-50-25 Hannancho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0021, Japan
masahiro moriwaki on Google

There were many interesting dishes rather than delicious ones and I enjoyed them very much.
Yumiko Watanabe on Google

Very good hospitality, dishes with a light taste ☆ Singing a birthday song ☆
にゃおやっほー on Google

Use in the birthday plan. Almost reserved status on the day. It is passed to the traditional room space of a traditional tenement. There are flowers and hand-bowls in a small garden, and delicious Italian-style dishes are served in this humble space. From the vision of health to five-color hors d'oeuvres, the eye-popping eight-inch is a never-before-heard horse. I'm satisfied with the pasta
T H on Google

サービスも料理も、オーナーさんのこだわりが、すごくよく伝わってきます。一つ一つのメニューがこだわりの一品でした。 行こうかどうか迷っていたときに、電話したら、定休日だったのに、わざわざ折り返ししてくださって、丁寧に対応いただいたのでここにいくことにしました。
Both service and food, the commitment of the owner is transmitted very well. Each menu was a specialty item. When I was wondering if I would go, when I called, it was a regular holiday.
Amy Kato on Google

It had a good reputation for an anniversary meal, so I made a reservation to celebrate my sister's entrance to high school. Besides, it was true that the clerk was accustomed to the event as well as the birthday customers!
N F on Google

レトロだけどモダン…という感じの素敵な建物です。 かなりお高めの値段設定なので、ランチにお邪魔しましたが、目でも舌でも楽しませてくれる数々のお料理は、のんびりディナーをしているよう。 もちろん料理説明はして欲しいのですが、一品ずつの説明が長い…(と感じる方もいるのではないかな〜笑) カップルより、女性同士で行かれた方が楽しめるかも。
It's a nice building that feels retro but modern. The price is quite high, so I went to lunch, but the many dishes that entertain both eyes and tongue seem to be a leisurely dinner. Of course, I would like you to explain the dishes, but the explanation for each item is long ... (I think some people may feel that ~ lol) It may be more enjoyable for women to go than for couples.
松谷亜由美 on Google

初めての結婚記念日に混さんでと 主人に予約してもらいました? オーナーさんの気配りの良さ、 料理も今まで体験した事の無い 美味しさと楽しさがいっぱい いっぱい詰まった素敵な所でした!! お店も、出てくる料理に1つ1つこだわり があってワクワクしっぱなしでした(*^^*) 福をいっぱい頂けて素敵な結婚記念日 になりました✨✨✨ 最後に可愛いお土産も頂けて お見送りして下さった時に サプライズでお花のシャワーが!! オーナーさんありがとうございました( ˶ ̇ᵕ​ ̇˶) またお伺いした時はよろしくお願い致します♬︎*
On my first wedding anniversary I had my husband make a reservation ? Good attentiveness of the owner, I have never experienced cooking Full of deliciousness and fun It was a wonderful place full of things !! The shop is also particular about the dishes that come out one by one I was excited about it (* ^^ *) A wonderful wedding anniversary with lots of good fortune It became ✨ ✨ ✨ Finally, you can get a cute souvenir When you see me off A shower of flowers with a surprise !! Thank you for the owner (˶ ̇ᵕ ̇˶) Thank you for visiting us again ♬ ︎ *
陽子(よっこぷ) on Google

誕生日のサプライズディナーにと、口コミが良かったので予約させて頂きました。皆さまの口コミ通り、想像以上の素敵なお店でした!こちらの予想を遥かに超えるお心遣いにお腹も心もいっぱいになり幸せな気分で相方にも喜んで頂けました♡ とにかくテーマパークに入り込んだような感覚なります笑 ありがとうございました✨また、再訪したいです♡
I made a reservation for a surprise dinner on my birthday because the word of mouth was good. According to everyone's reviews, it was a wonderful shop beyond my imagination! The thoughtfulness that far exceeded my expectations filled my stomach and heart, and I was happy and pleased with my partner ♡ Anyway, it feels like you're in a theme park lol Thank you ✨ I want to visit again ♡

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