La Brasserie

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La Brasserie

住所 :

Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0011 Tokyo,Japan
あかね on Google

コロナ禍になり、ずーっと休業していたというラブラスリー。 昨年11月にやっと再開したとの事で訪問しました! 以前よりもメニューやシステム?等も少し変わったそう。 シャンパンで乾杯☆彡 お酒は、メモしていなかったので詳細分からず( ̄▽ ̄;) 料理は、コースとアラカルト、どちらでもOK。 トラディショナルなメニューが詰め込まれたコースも魅力的だったけど、新しいメニューも気になり、アラカルトでお願いする事に。 まずは、テリーヌ・トラディション。 ワゴンサービスで、ガラガラとテリーヌがやってくる°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° ・チキン ・鹿肉 ・サーモンとオマール海老のシーフード ・パテ・ド・カンパーニュ ・野菜 5種類のテリーヌがずらり✨ チキンは丸鶏を使用し、 野菜はこれ1つで一日に必要な野菜の1/4が取れるそう。 さて、どれにしようか・・・ 三人だったので、シェアしましょうか、と。 賛成\(^o^)/ 欲張って、野菜のテリーヌは1人1つずつ、そこに、鹿肉とパテを三等分カットし、盛り合わせのようにしてもらいました(^_-)-☆ 付け合わせは、ナッツチャツネ・きのこのピクルス・赤キャベツ・ピクルス。 鹿肉は、ジビエらしいワイルドな味わい。 パテは安定の美味しさと言ったところ。 そして、野菜のテリーヌがかなり好み! 野菜1つ1つの味や食感が異なるのがいい◎ パンもホテル内で焼いている自家製なんだそう。 プレーンなバゲットと、蜂蜜を練り込んだパン。 そして、帝国ホテルの伝統料理:海老と舌平目のグラタン エリザベス女王風! グラタンと言えば、グラタン皿のあのグラタンを想像していたので、予想外の見た目にまず、びっくり(゚д゚)! 大きな車海老がドーンと二尾! なかなかのインパクトである。 エリザベス女王が来日した際の晩餐会で、村上信男シェフが創作した歴史的なお料理。 車海老に、舌平目を巻いてオランデーズソースをかけ、焼いたもの。 別添えで濃厚な海老のアメリケーヌソース。 このソースが濃厚で美味しい! まずは、そのまま。 ブリンブリンの海老!それを優しく包む舌平目がお布団のような優しさを演出←何言ってるの?笑 次に、ソースをかけて・・・と行くのだが、一度、アメリケーヌをかけてしまうと、もう後戻り出来ない( ´艸`) もう1つ、海老のメニューを。 海老のニンニクパセリソテー。 上品な味わいのエリザベス女王風の海老とは対称的に、こちらの海老は、ガツンとにんにく! バスマチライスも追加。 タイ米のような細長い米で、日本の米のような粘り気はなく、パラパラ系。 残ったタレ(海老の旨味が出たオイル?)にバスマチライスを絡めて食べるジャンクな感じ! お次は、経産牛のフィレ肉のペッパーステーキと、ローストビーフ。 メインが絞り切れず、いろいろ頼んでシェアしてもらいました\(^o^)/ こちらで使用する経産牛は、ホルスタインだった牛を、再肥育しているそう。 ホルスタインをそのまま、食用にすると美味しくないと言う事で、今まで評価が低かった経産牛だが、再肥育する事で肉質が良くなり、美味しくいただけるようなるんだそう。 今回のメニュー改定で、このようなサスティナブルな取り組みの食材や調理法の料理が追加になったそう。 冒頭の野菜のテリーヌも、美味しさは維持したまま、端材が出ないよう配慮されているんだとか。 最近、他のお鮨屋さんでも無駄のないとか食材を大切にする事をすごく考えさせられた私としては、非常に心に刺さる。 しかし、肝心のお味も重要視してしまう・・・ 一口。お!悪くない! むしろ、いい感じに肉肉しさを感じる。 弾力もしっかりありつつ、硬すぎない肉質。 ホルスタインと聞いたからか、後味にミルキーさも感じるような・・・? 霜降り好きよりも、赤身のしっかりしたお肉が好きな人におすすめだと思う。 そして、帝国ホテルと言えば、ローストビーフ!! こちらも三等分して、シェアしていただきます♬ ローストビーフと言っても、ステーキのような厚みしっかりで、存在感抜群です。 そして、これも楽しみにしてた\(^o^)/ 低温調理したイチボのタルタル仕立て。 お皿の中に沢山のスパイス等を入れながら目の前で仕上げてくれるんです✨ まずは、マスタード、卵黄エシャロット、ピクルス、一味、をよく混ぜたら ???ソース、タバスコ、最後にオリーブオイルを入れて、よく混ぜ、乳化させていきます。 全てが一体化した所で、お肉を入れていきます。 お肉は粗目の角切りみたいな感じ。 更にそこへ、揚げたお肉・ケッパー・オニオンを入れてよく混ぜ、野菜を添えたら完成\(^o^)/ 作っている最中からいい香りが漂い、食欲をそそる✨ めっちゃ近くで見てたから、やりづらかっただろうなぁ( ̄▽ ̄;) 完成したタルタルは、いろんな食感があり、スパイスが効いて、トロッと舌に絡みつく。 ガーリックの効いたトーストに乗せても美味しそう!! バゲット、頼んでおくんだった!と後悔した・・・ 最後はデザートワゴン°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° ワゴンサービスって、何でこんなにときめくんでしょうね? ケーキは、バナナ・チョコレート・ベリー・ミルフィーユの4種類から選べます。 ミルフィーユが一番残っていたので人気なし?と思ったら、その逆で、人気があって新しいのに差し替えられたとの事。 それを聞いたら、それを選ばざるを得ないでしょう・・・ もう1つ食べたいなと、チョイスしたのは、バナナ。 ミルフィーユは、元々なのか、意図しているのかは分からないが、ちょっと虎柄っぽくない?笑 サクサク食感と、側面のアーモンドが良い◎ そしてバナナのケーキ!! これが予想外に美味しくて驚き(゚д゚)! バナナの美味しさを最大限に引き出してる!! クリームたっぷりに見えるけど、余ったるさはなく、とにかく美味しかった~♡ そして、デザートをもう1つ・・・ クレープシュゼットも捨てがたいが、この日はなかったのかな? と言う事で、チェリージュビリーをお願いする。 大粒のダークチェリーをフライパンの上で華麗に転がし、キルシュに炙り、火を付け、チェリーの入ったフライパンにかける。 青い炎の滝!!幻想的で美しい✨ 素晴らしい技を見せてもらいました♬ チェリーソースで、とろんと溶けたアイスがカスタードのように濃厚。 そうそう!デザートの時に、カトラリーの話題で盛り上がったんだけどね、 現在の帝国ホテルで、使われている銀器(銀製の容器や道具)には、年号が刻印されているんです! ※店舗によっては、刻印なしもあるそうです。 自分の生まれ年あるかな?!ってワクワクする♡ さらに、その昔、銀器ならぬ、金メッキをまとった”金器”が使われていた時代があるそう。 それが、最近、保管庫から見つかったんだって!! これも使わせていただいたんだけど、驚くのがその美しさ。 デザインはシンプルながらも洗練されており、 使用頻度が少なかったという事もあり、傷が少なく、ピカピカ。 上品に輝くゴールドはやはりテンションが上がる。 そして、気分の問題かもしれないが、口当たりがすごく滑らかで気持ちいい。 恐らく、厚みが違うのも要因ではないかと思うが、その繊細さに、惚れ惚れした♡ はぁ・・・非常に良い体験をさせてもらった♡
La Brasserie is said to have been closed for a long time due to the corona. I visited there because it finally resumed in November last year! More menus and systems than before? Etc. have changed a little. Toast with champagne ☆ 彡 I didn't make a note of the sake, so I don't know the details ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) You can cook either course or a la carte. The course packed with traditional menus was also attractive, but I was also curious about the new menu, so I asked for it a la carte. First of all, Terrine Tradition. Rattle and terrine come by wagon service ° ˖✧◝ (⁰▿⁰) ◜✧˖ ° ·chicken ・ Venison ・ Salmon and lobster seafood ・ Pate de Campagne ·vegetable 5 types of terrines are lined up ✨ Chicken uses whole chicken, It seems that you can get 1/4 of the vegetables you need in a day with this one vegetable. Well, what should I do ... There were three people, so let's share it. Agree \ (^ o ^) / Greedily, each vegetable terrine was cut into three equal parts, venison and pate, and made into a platter (^ _-)-☆ Garnish with nut chutney, mushroom pickles, red cabbage, and pickles. Venison has a wild taste that is typical of Jibie. The putty is said to be stable and delicious. And I really like the vegetable terrine! It is good that each vegetable has a different taste and texture ◎ Bread is also homemade baked in the hotel. Plain baguette and honey-kneaded bread. And the traditional food of the Imperial Hotel: shrimp and tonguefish gratin Queen Elizabeth style! Speaking of gratin, I imagined that gratin on a gratin plate, so I was surprised at the unexpected appearance (゚ д ゚)! Big prawns with Dawn and two tails! It's quite an impact. A historic dish created by Chef Nobuo Murakami at a dinner party when Queen Elizabeth came to Japan. The prawns are wrapped in tongue and sprinkled with Hollandaise sauce and baked. A rich shrimp Americaine sauce is attached. This sauce is rich and delicious! First, just as it is. Bling shrimp! The tonguefish that gently wraps it creates a kindness like a futon ← What are you saying? Lol Next, I put the sauce on ... but once I put the Americaine on it, I can't go back anymore (´ 艸 `) Another menu of shrimp. Shrimp garlic parsley saute. In contrast to the elegant taste of Queen Elizabeth-style shrimp, this shrimp is guts and garlic! Bass machi rice is also added. It is an elongated rice like Thai rice, not sticky like Japanese rice, and is parapara. It's a junk feeling to eat with bass machi rice entwined with the remaining sauce (oil with the taste of shrimp?)! Next is pepper steak of beef fillet and roast beef. I couldn't squeeze the main, so I asked for various things and shared it. \ (^ O ^) / The multiparous cow used here seems to be re-fat the cow that was Holstein. It is said that Holstein is not delicious if it is eaten as it is, so it is a multiparous beef that has been evaluated poorly until now, but by re-fat, the meat quality will improve and it will be delicious. With this menu revision, it seems that ingredients and cooking methods of such sustainable efforts have been added. The vegetable terrine at the beginning is also taken into consideration so that no scraps are produced while maintaining its deliciousness. Recently, I was very impressed by the fact that other sushi restaurants were made to think about how to avoid waste and how to cherish the ingredients. However, the essential taste is also important ... bite. Oh! not bad! Rather, I feel the meatiness in a nice way. The meat quality is not too hard while having good elasticity. Maybe because I heard Holstein, I feel milky aftertaste ...? I think it is recommended for people who like lean meat rather than marbling. And speaking of the Imperial Hotel, roast beef! !! This is also divided into three equal parts and shared ♬ Even though it's roast beef, it's thick like a steak and has an outstanding presence. And I was looking forward to this too \ (^ o ^) / Ichibo tartar sauce cooked at low temperature. It finishes in front of you while putting a lot of spices in the plate ✨ First, mix the mustard, egg yolk shallot, pickles, and gang. ?? ?? ?? Add sauce, tabasco and finally olive oil, mix well and emulsify. I will put the meat in the place where everything is integrated. The meat is like coarse diced. Add fried meat, capers, and onions, mix well, and add vegetables to complete. \ (^ O ^) / A nice scent drifts from the middle of making, and it is appetizing ✨ It would have been difficult to do because I saw it very close ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) The finished tartar has various textures, spices are effective, and it is entwined with the tongue. It looks delicious even if you put it on toast with garlic! !! Baguette, I asked for it! I regretted ... The last is Desert Wagon ° ˖✧◝ (⁰▿⁰) ◜✧˖ ° Why is the wagon service so exciting? You can choose from four types of cake: banana, chocolate, berry, and millefeuille. Isn't it popular because Millefeuille was the most left? On the contrary, it was popular and replaced with a new one. If you hear that, you'll have to choose it ... I chose banana because I wanted to eat another one. I don't know if Millefeuille was originally or intended, but isn't it a bit like a tiger? Lol The crispy texture and the almonds on the sides are good ◎ And banana cake! !! This is unexpectedly delicious and surprising (゚ д ゚)! We are maximizing the deliciousness of bananas! !! It looks like a lot of cream, but it wasn't too much and it was delicious anyway ~ ♡ And another dessert ... The crepe suzette is also hard to throw away, but wasn't this day? So, please give me a cherry jubilee. Roll large dark cherries brilliantly on a frying pan, roast the kirsch, light it, and pour it into a frying pan with cherries. Blue flame waterfall! !! Fantastic and beautiful ✨ I was shown a wonderful technique ♬ With cherry sauce, the melted ice cream is thick like custard. Oh yeah! At the time of dessert, the topic of cutlery was exciting. The silverware (silver containers and tools) used at the current Imperial Hotel is engraved with the year! * Some stores do not have a stamp. Do you have your own year of birth? !! I'm excited ♡ Furthermore, it seems that there was a time when gold-plated "goldware" was used instead of silverware. It was recently found in the vault! !! I also used this, but what is surprising is its beauty. The design is simple yet sophisticated Since it was used less frequently, it has few scratches and is shiny. The elegantly shining gold also raises the tension. And although it may be a matter of mood, the mouthfeel is very smooth and pleasant. Perhaps the difference in thickness is also a factor, but I fell in love with its delicacy ♡ Hmm ... I had a very good experience ♡
Rui Kowase on Google

Good foods
keigo himari on Google

Alex Shyu on Google

The best dining experience - interior atmosphere, waiting service, and of course, food. A taste of early Japanese interpretation of Western fine cuisine, which in certain aspects have preserved its essence better than the West. Will come back again and again.
Noe on Google

For those unaware of the history in Japan this place, actually the whole basement level of the imperial hotel, is like entering the 1990's bubble era .... the shops, stores decoration ....... even the people depending on what time you visit are all living in that bygone era ....prices too in some respects when you look at the wine list Though with that funny view in mind above this places makes for a quaint lunch stop with clients if you are in the area and we have used on a number of occasions - weekdays - including a couple of times on a Sunday to try their 'carvery' roast beef lunch. Quality is good, though quantity, even for someone that eats small portions, is quite poor vs the price however the experience is great with the old school decorations and a decent, if not slightly robotic, staffing Wine lists covers something for everyone - from those in this period and those in the 90's Sunday is quite an amusing time to visit as you'll tend to have a number of the traditional local families from the Chiyoda-ku area visit and they will be quite formal including the kids ( think how the royal family dress in casual - which isn't ) Weekdays you'll have a mix of business people and general people Consistently decent food and with a wide menu along the french brasserie style Slightly stiff feeling but recommended. Sunday roast beef is good though quite meagre portion for the price
s a on Google

Went for my wife's birthday. Very classy all around. Nice high ceilings. Food was superb. Most tender roast beef I've ever had. Not cheap so save it for a special occasion.
Edward Villa on Google

I went in for the lunch course on weekend with my wife. It cost around 10,000 yen and overall was very good. I ended up getting the salmon entree but was a little disappointed by the appearance. It was deep fried so it looked like I was just eating 2 fried patties. They had a nice selection of desserts and we could choose as many of each as we wanted to so that kind of made up for it.
Nobuko Asakai on Google

Nice French bistro, well known for roast beef and crepe chousette. Friendly staff.

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