4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact L'ARGENT

住所 :

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.largent.tokyo/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–1PM
Sunday 11AM–1PM
Monday 11AM–1PM
Tuesday 11AM–1PM
Wednesday 11AM–1PM
Thursday 11AM–1PM
Friday 11AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan
Kiyoshi Fujioka on Google

L'ARGENT(ラルジャン)は銀座四丁目交差点に在り、素晴らしい立地だ。1年程前までティエリーマルクス東京店が在った場所だが、居抜きでなく、内装は完全に新調している。2020年12月に開店したが、その直後にコロナ ウィルスの第二次緊急事態宣言が発出され、多難な出だしとなってしまった。 内装の基調色は黒と灰色と白だが、床は明るい茶色で、単調にはなっていない。テーブル クロスは無いものの、現代的な高級感に溢れる内装だ。料理はお任せのコースで、ワインもお任せのペアリングにした。 アミューズ ブーシュの一皿目は、薄い生地の上にアオリイカやキャビアを載せたもの。生地の軽い食感とアオリイカのねっとりとした食感の対比が良く、微かな塩味の塩梅も見事だ。 アミューズ ブーシュのニ皿目は、 サブレに挟んだ鶏のムース。ムースの滑らかな喉越しに対して、サブレの食感は恐らく意図的に粗くしてある。 三皿目はうすい豆という豆を使った料理。一皿の中に、軽く茹でた豆と、豆から作った滑らかなソースと、豆を衣のように揚げた部位が入っており、豆の様々な味や食感を楽しめる。 四皿目は、鯛のマリネに粉末状にした緑色の野菜を添えている。詳しく訊かなかったが、鯛は恐らく昆布か何かで締めており、深みのある味だ。 ここで自家製のパンが出てくる。蒸した上で焼いており、中身はフワフワだが、外側はカリッとしており、単なる添え物でなく、料理としても成り立つようなものだ。 五皿目は、シェフのスペシャルテだというマッシュルーム。薄切りにした生のマッシュルームを、ソースの上に浮かべている。このソースは発酵させたマッシュルームに卵を混ぜており、香りと食感が良い。 六皿目は、リドヴォー(仔牛の胸腺)。リドヴォーの揚げ方が見事。 七皿目は、ソテーした平目をパイ生地で包み、野菜から作った色鮮やかなソースを添えている。パイ生地は極めて薄く、ソースもとても良い。 八皿目は羊。一見単にローストしただけみたいだが、中にニンニクを練り込むなど、芸が細かい。肉汁から作ったソースも丁寧な仕事振り。 デセールの一皿目は、ヨモギを粉末状にしている。上品な甘みと軽い食感。 デセールの二皿目は、チョコレート。驚くほど大きいが、液体窒素を使って膨らませているので、しつこさは感じず、アッサリと食べられる。添えた苺のソースも上質だ。 お茶とミニャルディーズを楽しむ祭は、テラスに移動した。気温は若干低かったが、コートを羽織り、電気ストーブも付けてもらったので、和光の時計を眺めながら寛げた。 料理は全般的にプレゼンテーションが練られており、素材や食感の対比が良く考えられている。現代的に軽くても印象に残る味だ。接客は親しさを感じさせつつもプロフェッショナル。 立地、内装、料理、接客の全てが高い水準にある店だ。
L'ARGENT is located at the Ginza 4-chome intersection and is in a great location. The place where the Thierry Marx Tokyo store used to be about a year ago, but the interior is completely new, not a living room. The store opened in December 2020, but shortly after that, a second state of emergency for the coronavirus was issued, which was a difficult start. The base colors of the interior are black, gray and white, but the floor is light brown and not monotonous. Although there is no tablecloth, the interior is full of modern luxury. Cooking is a course that you can leave, and wine is also paired. The first dish of amuse-bouche is a thin dough topped with bigfin reef squid and caviar. The contrast between the light texture of the dough and the sticky texture of the bigfin reef squid is good, and the slightly salty salted plum is also wonderful. The second dish of amuse-bouche is chicken mousse sandwiched between sables. The texture of the sable is probably intentionally roughened against the smooth throat of the mousse. The third dish is a dish using beans called thin beans. Lightly boiled beans, a smooth sauce made from beans, and a part of fried beans like a batter are contained in one plate, and you can enjoy various tastes and textures of beans. The fourth dish is marinated sea bream with powdered green vegetables. I didn't ask in detail, but the sea bream is probably kelp or something, and it has a deep taste. Homemade bread comes out here. It's steamed and baked, and the inside is fluffy, but the outside is crispy, and it's not just a side dish, it's like a dish. The fifth dish is a mushroom that is a chef's specialty. Sliced ​​raw mushrooms are floating on top of the sauce. This sauce is made by mixing eggs with fermented mushrooms and has a good aroma and texture. The sixth dish is Lido Vaux (veal thymus). The way to fry Lido Vaux is wonderful. The seventh dish is sautéed flatfish wrapped in puff pastry and served with a colorful sauce made from vegetables. The puff pastry is extremely thin and the sauce is very good. The eighth dish is a sheep. At first glance, it looks like it's just roasted, but the tricks are fine, such as kneading garlic inside. The sauce made from gravy is also polite. The first dish of the dessert is powdered mugwort. Elegant sweetness and light texture. The second dish of the dessert is chocolate. It's surprisingly large, but because it's inflated with liquid nitrogen, it doesn't feel stubborn and can be eaten easily. The strawberry sauce attached is also of good quality. The festival to enjoy tea and minardies moved to the terrace. The temperature was a little low, but I wore a coat and had an electric stove attached, so I relaxed while looking at the Wako clock. The food is generally well-presented, and the contrast between the ingredients and texture is well thought out. It's a modern, light but memorable taste. The customer service is professional while making you feel familiar. The location, interior decoration, food, and customer service are all of a high standard.
WH C on Google

彼氏との記念日にランチで利用しました。 銀座4丁目の交差点のGINZA PLACEの7Fにあり、銀座の一等地を一望できる、とても見晴らしの良い場所にあります。 店内の内装はシックなモノトーン調でまとめられており、天井も高くてすごく広い空間に感じました。 老舗フレンチレストランのようなおごそかな雰囲気ではなく、海外の高級レストランに来たような、モダンフレンチレストラン。 全部で6品のコース料理をお願いしました。 「和歌山県産アオリイカのタルタル」 一口サイズのタルトの上にアオリイカのタルタルと緑の野菜(聞いたけど忘れた)にキャビアが乗ったお料理。アオリイカに合わせたソースがとても爽やかで、イカの臭みを消しながら味を壊さず、そこにキャビアの塩味が合わさって、噛んだ後に新鮮な海鮮の香りが抜けていきとても美味。 料理に合わせてソムリエさんにグラスワインを注文。 「サンセール アンリ・ブルジョワ 2017」 前菜にぴったりなすっきりとした辛口。繊細な魚介類の味を殺さず、口の中の海鮮の風味を倍増してくれる。 「京都 七谷鶏のムース」 鶏レバームースをサブレで挟んだ料理。 全く臭みがなく濃厚な鶏レバーのムースに思わず舌鼓をうちました。 ムースが美味しいのは勿論、サブレがとてもクリスピーで驚きました。 「北海道 帆立貝」 細かく叩いた帆立貝を春巻き程の薄さに剥いた大根に包んだ料理。 液体窒素で凍らせたよもぎや・ハーブ・ソースなど多くの味のエッセンスが混ざり、とても複雑で今まで味わったことのないような最先端の料理を味わってる気分。 「自家製パン」 外はとてもカリッとして中はふわふわにやわらかく、脇役どころかこれで主役を張れるのでは?!と思わせるクオリティーのパン。さらに驚いたのは2種類のバターがあり、一つはキャラメリゼされた甘く非常に濃厚なバターで、もう一つは毎朝お店で作っているフレッシュで軽い自家製バター。口に入れたら一瞬で溶けるほど軽い、感動レベル。 他のお店で食べたことない様な味で、甲乙付け難くどちらもとても印象に残っています。 「静岡 発酵マッシュルーム」 一風変わって、きのこのスープ料理。発酵したマッシュルームがふんだんに入った器にサービスの方が熱々のスープを注いでくれる。肉厚で旨みが凝縮されたマッシュルームが味を堪能しつつ、さらにスープに自家製パンを浸し食べるとなお美味しい。 「子羊のロティ」 ヴィアンドは子羊のもも肉。今まで打って変わって王道な肉料理。火入れがすばらしくとてもやわらかくてジューシー。 とても肉肉しい味で、赤ワインをついつい飲みたくなります。ここでソムリエの方にお願いして赤ワインを注文。 「シャトー・オー・バタイエ 2011年」 フルボディのバランスの良い味で肉料理にとても合う。ここで一気にお腹も一杯になりました。 「静岡 ヨモギ ミニャルディーズ」 デセールはよもぎ・日向夏・ヨーグルトを液体窒素で粒状に凍らせた一品。味もとても複雑で北欧の森の大地のような自然美がお皿の上で表現した様なアート作品の様。 一通り食事を終えたところにサービスの方がよろしければと、食後のコーヒーと焼き菓子を、外のテラスで召し上がってくださいと案内してくれました。花見の季節で桜も飾ってあり、素晴らしい銀座の中心地の眺めと一緒にゆったりとしたソファーで、彼氏とコーヒーを楽しみました。 全体を通した感想は、内装・料理・器などを見たり味わったりして、王道なフランス料理ではなく、基礎を大事にしつつもガストロミーの最先端の調理法や北欧を感じさせる料理の盛り付けや色合いなど加藤シェフのこだわりが存分に表現されていて、とても美味しかったです。海外のバーの様なモダンな内装のデザインもとても気に入りました。 帰りはエレベーターの前まで加藤シェフ自ら見送りまでいらしてくれて、レストランの心遣いに感謝しました。 今度は、ディナーに挑戦したいです。
I used it for lunch on the anniversary with my boyfriend. It is located on the 7th floor of GINZA PLACE at the intersection of Ginza 4-chome, and has a very good view overlooking the prime location of Ginza. The interior of the store is chic and monotone, and the ceiling is high, so I felt it was a very spacious space. A modern French restaurant that feels like you've come to a high-class restaurant overseas, rather than the tranquil atmosphere of a long-established French restaurant. I asked for a total of 6 course meals. "Aori squid tartar from Wakayama prefecture" A dish of caviar on a bite-sized tart, a tart of Aori squid and green vegetables (I heard but forgot). The sauce that matches the bigfin reef squid is very refreshing, it does not destroy the taste while eliminating the smell of squid, and the salty taste of caviar is combined there, and after chewing, the scent of fresh seafood comes out and it is very delicious. I ordered a glass of wine from the sommelier according to the food. `` Sancerre Henri Bourgeois 2017'' A clean and dry appetizer. It does not kill the delicate taste of seafood and doubles the flavor of seafood in the mouth. "Kyoto Nanatani chicken mousse" A dish of chicken liver mousse sandwiched between sables. I was impressed by the rich chicken liver mousse, which had no odor at all. Not only the mousse was delicious, but the sable was very crispy and surprised. "Hokkaido Scallops" A dish of finely beaten scallops wrapped in radish stripped to the thinness of a spring roll. The essence of many flavors such as YOMOGI frozen in liquid nitrogen, herbs, and sauces is mixed, and it feels like you are tasting a very complex and cutting-edge dish that you have never tasted before. "Homemade bread" The outside is very crispy and the inside is fluffy and soft. !! Bread of quality that makes you think. What was even more surprising was the two types of butter, one was caramelized sweet and very rich butter, and the other was fresh and light homemade butter made in the shop every morning. Impressive level that is light enough to melt in an instant when you put it in your mouth. It tastes like I haven't eaten at other restaurants, and it's hard to put it on the table, both of which are very impressive. "Shizuoka fermented mushrooms" An unusual mushroom soup dish. The service will pour hot soup into a bowl filled with fermented mushrooms. While enjoying the taste of the thick and condensed mushrooms, it is even more delicious if you soak the homemade bread in the soup and eat it. "Lamb Roti" Viand is the thigh of a lamb. A royal meat dish that has changed so far. Very soft and juicy with great burning. It has a very meaty taste and makes you want to drink red wine. I asked the sommelier to order red wine here. "Chateau au Bataie 2011" Full-bodied, well-balanced taste that goes well with meat dishes. I was full at once here. "Shizuoka mugwort minardies" Dessert is a dish of wormwood, Hyuganatsu, and yogurt frozen in liquid nitrogen. The taste is also very complicated, and it looks like a work of art that expresses the natural beauty of the Nordic forest on a plate. After finishing the meal, he advised me to have coffee and baked goods after the meal on the outside terrace, hoping that the service would be better. Cherry blossoms were displayed during the cherry blossom season, and I enjoyed coffee with my boyfriend on a spacious sofa with a wonderful view of the center of Ginza. The overall impression is that you can see and taste the interior, dishes, vessels, etc., not the royal French cuisine, but the cutting-edge cooking method of gastronomy and the arrangement of dishes that make you feel Scandinavian while valuing the basics. Chef Kato's commitment to color and other details was fully expressed, and it was very delicious. I also really like the modern interior design, like an overseas bar. On the way back, Chef Kato himself came to see me off in front of the elevator and thanked the restaurant for his kindness. Next time, I want to try dinner.
8 7 on Google

シェフの料理への愛が感じられるお店です。 スタッフさんのサービスと優しさに包まれる素敵な時間を過ごさせていただきました。 お料理は盛り付けの美しさも楽しめて、それでいて旬の素材を生かした美味しいディナーをいただきました。 ごちそうさまでした☺️
It is a restaurant where you can feel the chef's love for cooking. I had a wonderful time surrounded by the service and kindness of the staff. I enjoyed the beauty of the dishes, but I had a delicious dinner that made the best use of seasonal ingredients. Thank you for your feast ☺️
wako kudeken on Google

平日お昼に伺いました!最近レビューが荒らされているようでびっくりしましたが、皆さんが書かれている通り接客からお料理から全てのレベルが高く感動でした?✨✨料理長の方も何度かお料理のご説明や最後のご挨拶に来てくださり、腰が低くて素敵でした!ソムリエさんもグラスで良いワインをご提案くださり感謝です!2杯目のシャサーニュモンラッシュが美味でした✨ お料理は目と食感で楽しめて、空間も天井が高くガラス張りで外も明るく心地よいレストランでした✨ごちそうさまでした✨✨
I visited at noon on weekdays! I was surprised that the reviews seemed to be ruined recently, but as you wrote, I was impressed by the high level of everything from the customer service to the food ? ✨ ✨ The chef also explained the food several times. And came to the last greeting, it was nice to be low-profile! Thank you sommelier for suggesting a good wine by the glass! The second cup of Chassagne Mont Rush was delicious ✨ You can enjoy the food with your eyes and texture, and the space is high in the ceiling and covered with glass, and the outside is bright and comfortable.
T S on Google

謎のコメントなし低評価コメント…googleは取り締まらないのかな? 昼食で利用しました。THIERRY MARXがコロナ禍で撤退し、残念に思っていた中オープンした新しいお店。なかなか来れなかったのですが今回満を持して来店しました。 素晴らしいの一言。日本各地の食材を限界以上に引き出して出された料理の数々は、五感全てを刺激してくれる極上のコースでした。 値段もリーズナブルで大満足。今後も期待させてください。
No mysterious comment Low rating comment ... Isn't google cracking down? I used it for lunch. THIERRY MARX withdrew due to the corona, and I was disappointed that it was a new shop that opened. I couldn't come easily, but I came to the store with full satisfaction this time. A wonderful word. The many dishes that were served with ingredients from all over Japan pulled out beyond the limits were the finest courses that stimulated all five senses. The price is reasonable and I am very satisfied. Let me expect it in the future.
Ang Hung on Google

wonderful service/ delighted
Kyoko Nagano on Google

Went there for lunch with my International friends - fermented mushroom soup was out of this world and super delicious! Hand made sour dough bread was amazing and delicious too. The quality of food is great by Mr Kato who used to work at a Michelin Star restaurant in Azabu and he got headhunted! Good choice! I am sure the restaurant will receive the two star soon. Highly recommend. Located at the Ginza intersection above Nissan, there’s a terrace which maybe ideal to use in warmer weather with a great view for some drinks.
Boss on Google

Came on a Friday evening with a group and had the 11 course meal with glass of champagne booked on ikkyu for 24000 per person. I am so glad we came here - this place was awesome - the food was creative and so tasty... We were trying to pick a favorite dish but seriously we're not able as each dish had its own unique taste and characteristics. The chef comes out and explains his dishes which was a great point. The service was very good and all the staff were knowledgeable. They have a terrace which overlooks ginza - again great part of this restaurant. I will be coming back as I was really impressed with everything about here.

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