
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 郷村断層(樋口地区)(国指定天然記念物)

住所 :

Kyōtango, 〒629-3133 Kyoto,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/kankyo/rdb/geo/db/sur0009.html
街 : Kyoto

Kyōtango, 〒629-3133 Kyoto,Japan
masaru araki on Google

You can see the magnitude of the earthquake.
かにソムリエ on Google

断層が水平260センチ垂直90センチ大地が動くては驚きです 震災の記憶風化させないよう伝える必要あります。
It is amazing that the fault moves horizontally 260 cm vertically 90 cm It is necessary to tell them not to make the memories of the earthquake quake.
あへ坊 on Google

It seems that there are only a few other places where the general public can see the so-called "fault" geologically.
田渕誠一 on Google

There is a parking lot and there is plenty of road space, so it is ideal for a meeting place.
まほろば紀行 on Google

昭和2年3月7日に丹後地方をマグニチュード7.3の大地震が襲った。この時に多くの人命、家屋等が失われた。その時地盤が大きく動き延長18キロに及ぶ断層が生じたそうです。当時の村名をとって郷村断層と命名された。 折角の断層を保存の建物のガラスが曇って中が見えない。時々メンテナンスをお願いします。勿体ないです。 奇しくも訪れた当日10時から臨時地震速報を流して避難訓練の最中でした。日本は美しい自然が多い国ですが自然災害も多い。日頃の心構えが大切かと・・・(ご安全に)
On March 7, 1947, a large earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 hit the Tango region. Many lives and houses were lost at this time. At that time, the ground moved so much that a fault of 18 km was generated. The village name at that time was taken as the Gomura Fault. The glass of the building that preserves the fault is cloudy and the inside is not visible. Please do maintenance from time to time. Of course not. It was in the middle of evacuation drills with a temporary earthquake bulletin from 10 o'clock on the day when I visited strangely. Japan is a country with a lot of beautiful nature, but there are also many natural disasters. Is everyday attitude important? (Safely)
黒田源太郎 on Google

京都府道(17)号線を南から北に車で走っていると踏み切り横に郷村断層の看板があったので小型車で踏切を渡り近所の方に聞きました、なんとか行けると聞き行って見ましたが道が細くなり道が凸凹、草も沢山はえ通れなくなりました、目的地迄行けず断念しました、何回か切り返し元の道にたどり着き、ホットしました。その後少し北へ行くと 叉断層の看板があり目的地にたどり着きました
When I was driving on Kyoto Prefectural Road (17) from south to north, there was a signboard for the Gomura fault next to the railroad crossing, so I crossed the railroad crossing with a small car and asked the neighbors. However, the road became narrower, the road was uneven, and I couldn't get through a lot of grass. I gave up because I couldn't reach my destination. Then go north a little There is a signboard of the fork fault and I arrived at the destination
藤原裕三 on Google

Can see the road vended by earthquake
Eito’s Time on Google

I miss this place ,,, peaceful no traffic clean everywhere

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