Enjoji Temple - Kyōtango

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Enjoji Temple

住所 :

873 Mineyamacho Hashigi, Kyōtango, Kyoto 627-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87797
Postal code : 627-0001
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/hashikidera

873 Mineyamacho Hashigi, Kyōtango, Kyoto 627-0001, Japan
uva tea on Google

洋司 on Google

足立ひろし on Google

I like the old days
翔平八嶋 on Google

比叡の苔石 on Google

It's a shame that such an old temple is not well known. It's hard for tourists to rush and destroy the current atmosphere.
坂東太郎 on Google

丹後西国霊場 十三番札所 高野山真言宗 千手観音菩薩
Tango Saigoku Sacred Ground, 13th Fudasho, Koyasan Shingon Sect, Senju Kannon Bosatsu
ramu mura on Google

静寂の森に佇む縁城寺は、開創1300年を迎えた丹後有数の古刹。かつては、七堂伽藍が建ち並び7ヶ院、25の僧坊が建ち並ぶ大寺であった。 ご本尊は、千手観音菩薩立像(国の重要文化財で、非公開の秘仏)で、近年では平成28年10月に行われた第86世の新住職・晋山式にて、御開帳。また、本堂前に立つ宝篋印塔も国の重要文化財。この他にも多数の絵画や工芸品などの文化財を保有。 そして、境内に自生する椎林は、「京都の自然200選」に選定されており、境内地には椎の巨木が目立つ。その他、春は桜・石楠花・ミツバツツジ、秋には多数のカエデが境内を彩る。 毎月17日(例外月もあり。要確認)の観音さまのご縁日には、本堂にて護摩・住職による法話、また昼食のお接待がある。
Enjo-ji is located in a quiet forest and is one of Tango's leading ancient temples, celebrating its founding in 1300. It used to be a large temple with seven temples and seven monasteries and 25 monks. The principal statue is the Senju Kannon Bodhisattva statue (an important cultural property of the country, a secret Buddha that is not disclosed). . In addition, the treasure tower in front of the main hall is an important cultural property of the country. In addition, he has many cultural properties such as paintings and crafts. Shiibayashi, which grows naturally on the precincts, has been selected as one of the "200 Natural Selections of Kyoto", and there are large trees of shii in the precincts. In addition, cherry blossoms, Ishikusuhana and honeybee azaleas in the spring, and many maple trees in the fall. On the 17th of every month (exceptional months, please confirm), Kanma-sama has a gossip and a gossip at the main hall with a gossip and lunch.
Dr. Anthony J. Toledo on Google

Pretty nice temple in the country side of Kyotango.

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