Kuzugaya Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Yokohama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kuzugaya Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

4-14 Kuzugaya, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 224-0062

4-14 Kuzugaya, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0062, Japan
Taishi Miura on Google

Daisuke T on Google

やる気無し 治す気無し 見る気無し 優しさ無し かなり酷い
No motivation I have no intention of healing I don't want to see No kindness Pretty terrible
Shogo Yamada on Google

He listens to me well, is polite, and is wonderful! !! !!
MUY on Google

It was a polite explanation and I was kind after consulting with me about prescriptions.
n n. on Google

I feel better and I am saved. I was treated as a patient in various ways. Thank you very much.
Takashi Ogawa on Google

腰痛、肩関節痛で初めて伺いましたが、とても話しやすい院長先生でした。必要な治療、検査はなさいますが、患者第一で不要と思われる処置はなさいません。(よくある効くか効かないかわからない電気治療もありませんでした。笑) 処方箋も患者と話して決めてくれました。 次に必要な時は間違いなく、こちらの整形外科にお世話になります。
I first heard about backache and shoulder pain, but it was a very easy-to-speaker director. We will provide necessary treatments and tests, but we will not do any treatment that seems unnecessary in the patient first. (There wasn't any electric treatment that I don't know whether it works or not. Lol) He also decided the prescription by talking to the patient. The next time I need it, I will definitely be in charge of this orthopedic surgery.
佐川俊幸 on Google

交通事故に遭いこのクリニックを受診したところ、足の関節痛と首の痛みと激しいめまいを訴えるもレントゲン写真だけの診断で異常なしとのこと。2週間寝ていれば治ると言われて鎮痛剤すら処方されず、やむなく他院を受診。他院では前出の足関節にストレスをかけてのレントゲン撮影で靭帯損傷と診断される。また、めまいと頚部捻挫の因果関係も説明されました。 が、最初の葛が谷整形外科の的はずれな診断を根拠に交通事故加害者の任意保険会社が治療費と通院交通費と休業損害等々の支払いを拒絶。 葛が谷整形外科はこのような対応のクリニックです。
When I visited this clinic in a traffic accident, I complained of joint pain in the legs, neck pain and severe dizziness, but it was diagnosed only by X-ray photographs and there was no abnormality. He was told that he would be cured if he slept for two weeks, and even painkillers were not prescribed, so he had to go to another hospital. At another hospital, ligament injury is diagnosed by X-ray photography with stress on the ankle joint mentioned above. He also explained the causal relationship between dizziness and cervical sprains. However, the voluntary insurance company of the traffic accident perpetrator refused to pay medical expenses, outpatient transportation expenses, lost time damage, etc. based on the first misguided diagnosis of Kuzugaya Orthopedic Surgery. Kuzugaya Orthopedic Surgery is such a clinic.
K KENJI on Google

ホームページが無いようで、最初行くときは情報が少なく、他の病院も考えましたが、行ってみました。 とても親身になってくれる先生で、安心してお任せできます。 リハビリ室もちゃんとあります。 駐車場も3台?確保されています。 他人にも薦めたい良い整形外科だと思います?
There seems to be no homepage. There is little information when going first, I thought of other hospitals, but I went. I am a teacher who will be very kind and can leave it with peace of mind. There is a rehabilitation room properly. Three parking lots? It is secured. I think that it is good orthopedic surgery that I would like to recommend to other people ます

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