Shibata Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Yokohama

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shibata Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

1-chome-6-1-302 Nakayama, Midori Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-0019, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 226-0019
Webサイト :

1-chome-6-1-302 Nakayama, Midori Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-0019, Japan
しー on Google

My teacher is easy to talk with when I was a kid. I have prescribed a poultice at the time of a light bruise or sprain from the past. Although X - ray examination can be done inside the hospital, I think that a hospital with a larger scale is better if the pain is strong.
さわっちさわっち on Google

It was the best! The teacher was kind and listened to everything and treated me. So it's crowded. It's worth going!
なと(ぬ) on Google

待ち時間は少し長めだと思います。 リハビリもやっているそうですし、先生も1人しかいらっしゃらないのでしょうがないのですが。 私の知り合いは皆ここにお世話になってます。 先生も気さくな方で、レントゲンを撮って、患部をアップにしてよく見せて下さって、まだあなた身長伸びそうだね、とか他愛のない話もしてくださいます。 看護師の方も優しい方で、包帯の巻き方などを丁寧に教えてくださったりしてくれます。 おすすめの病院です。胸をはって言えます。
I think the waiting time is a little longer. He seems to be doing rehabilitation, and there is only one teacher. All my acquaintances are here. The teacher is also friendly and takes X-rays, raises the affected area, shows me well, and tells me that I'm still going to grow tall, or talk about nothing more. The nurses are also gentle and will teach you how to wrap the bandage carefully. This is a recommended hospital. I can say my breasts.
aik on Google

先生の処方には言うことは特にないです。 ただ、受付事務の女性陣の接客が不快でした。 患者さんはご高齢の方が多いのですが、ご高齢の方への態度があからさまに投げやりです。 ひどい時には患者さんが挨拶をされても、目の前にいても無視でした。 たしかに耳が遠い、痴呆が進んでいる方などは多いかもしれませんが、しっかりと対応をして欲しいです。
There is nothing to say to the teacher prescription. However, the receptionists' receptionists were uncomfortable. There are many elderly patients, but their attitudes toward elderly people are openly objectionable. Even if the patient greeted me in a terrible time, I was ignorant even if I was in front of my eyes. Indeed it is likely that many people are deaf and dementia is progressing, but I want you to make a firm correspondence.
ワンチン on Google

首の付け根のしびれと痛み、足の付け根の痛みで伺いました。レントゲン写真を一緒に確認し、ここは〇〇だから問題無し等、自分の骨の状況を説明くださり、質問にも気さくに答えて頂くことが出来ました。診察後、電気治療と温熱パックでだいぶ楽になりました? 触診で、だいぶ筋肉が硬くなってしまっているとの事でしたので、根気よく通ってみようと思います。
I asked about numbness and pain at the base of the neck and pain at the base of the foot. I checked the X-ray picture together and explained the condition of my bones, such as there is no problem here, so I was able to answer questions freely. After the consultation, it became much easier with electric treatment and heat pack. By palpation, it was said that my muscles were quite stiff, so I will try to go patiently.
かか on Google

I had my first visit when my neck, shoulders, and back hurt and became numb. X-ray if the cause is unknown. While looking at the X-ray, the male doctor didn't even notice the straight neck, and it was straight and beautiful. The pelvis is also beautiful compared to the pelvis that is slanted to the right. The hip joint is beautiful ❗ Ah, the hip joint is beautiful, it's a beautiful hip joint ❗ Please return the money. Metamorphosis sexual harassment doctor. I was prescribed a compress and it got worse and I couldn't move. I'm looking for a hospital. Did I need a blood test? Sure enough, nothing went wrong. I will file a complaint as soon as the unexplained disorder improves. It was the worst hospital.
小島雅彦 on Google

骨折、肩こり、腰痛、足底筋膜炎?等で受診していますが、誤診されたこともなく骨折時は手術するかしないかの判断も患者寄りに考えてくれたりと優しい先生でした。 筋肉やスジの痛みなんかはレントゲンに写らないので、血行を促進させたりするしか対処しようがない場合もレーザー、低周波、ウォーターベッドのマッサージで箇所によってリハビリを変えてくれて、私は良くお世話になっています。
Fractures, stiff shoulders, back pain, plantar fasciitis? Although he was seen at the hospital etc., he was a kind teacher who was not misdiagnosed and thought to the patient whether or not to have an operation at the time of fracture. Since the pain of muscles and streaks does not appear in the X-ray, when I can only deal with accelerating blood circulation, laser, low frequency, massage of water bed will change rehabilitation depending on the part, I will take good care of it. It has become.
T O on Google

先生は優しい人でした! その日は、首痛く電気治療で終わりました。 受付の方があまり得意では無かったです。 もお少し笑顔が欲しいしですね。 そして、雑(´×ω×`)
The teacher was a kind person! The day ended with an electric treatment that hurts my neck. The receptionist wasn't very good at it. I also want a little smile. And miscellaneous (´ × ω × `)

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