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Contact 八神城跡

住所 :

Kuwabaracho, Hashima, 〒501-6321 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/kyoiku/bunka/bunkazai/17768/siseki/yagami.html
街 : Gifu

Kuwabaracho, Hashima, 〒501-6321 Gifu,Japan
sakappa on Google

立派な銀杏の木が立っています。時期が時期ならすごくキレイな感じです。 遺構は残ってはいないが、明治維新後も藩主の一族の方が、城跡の一角に暮らしていたとのこと。 クルマは銀杏の脇のスペースに停めてくれればいいと、近所の方が親切に教えてくれました。
A splendid ginkgo tree stands. If the time is right, it feels very beautiful. There are no remains, but even after the Meiji Restoration, the lord's family lived in a corner of the castle ruins. A neighbor kindly told me that the car should be parked in the space beside the ginkgo tree.
Dafunder on Google

1584年小牧長久手の戦いの後、膠着状態になったため、秀吉は当時尾張の西方であったこの地域の攻略にかかり、加賀野井城と共に攻撃を受けたと聞く。 城主である毛利氏は尾張徳川家の家臣となり、この地を治めたため、城の縄張りは明治まで残っていたらしいが、今は土塁の上に樹齢300年ぐらいだろうか大きなイチョウの木と記念碑を残すのみである。
After the battle of Komaki Nagakute in 1584, he became a stalemate, so Hideyoshi heard that he was attacked together with Kaganoi Castle in this area that was west of Owari. Mr. Mouri, the lord of the castle, became the vassal of the Owari Tokugawa family and ruled the land, so the castle territory remained until Meiji, but now it is about 300 years old on the earthen wall and a large ginkgo tree and monument Just leave.
yu16 Y on Google

11/19訪問 遺構はないね
11/19 visit There are no remains
koji eno (エノモ) on Google

Ginkgo is easy to understand with the mark. There are no steles, only white piles and explanatory signs. Seasonal pattern, ginkgo was full and I wanted to pick it up, but I stopped it.
響譽破戒僧 on Google

八神城は河内源氏系統の毛利家の居城とされている、主な城主は毛利広盛 毛利氏は土岐、斎藤、織田、尾張徳川重臣、藩士として仕え明治まで存続している 1950年代まで八神城の縄張りがあったとされている
Yagami Castle is considered to be the residence of the Mori family of Genji Kawachi Genji, the main castle is Hiro Mohri Mr. Mouri has survived until Toki, Saito, Oda, Oshure Tokugawa Shimbun, as a samurai serving Meiji It is said that there was a turf of Yagami castle until the 1950s
おだ天狗 on Google

Yagami Castle is a Japanese castle located in Yagami, Kuwabara-cho, Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. Gifu Prefecture designated historic site. During the Kamakura period, Mr. Mouri, the chief of Owari Kuni Nagaokasho Ishida Township (later Ishida Village, Nakashima District, Owari Province), moved his castle to Yagami (time unknown). Mr. Motonari is different from Mr. Motonari, who ruled the Chugoku region during the Warring States period. It is called the descendant of Genji Kawachi Genji. During the Warring States period, Mr. Mouri served Mr. Toki, Mr. Saito, Mr. Oda, etc., then served the Owari Tokugawa family, and ruled the area centered on Yagami Castle. During the Edo period, it was no longer a formal castle due to the one-country-one-castle decree, but it is said that it remained until 1868 (the first year of the Meiji era).
ラッコ男爵 on Google

付近に駐車場はありません。 私は路駐してしまいました? 八神城跡には看板と大きなイチョウの木があります。 本当に立派なイチョウの木です? イチョウの葉が黄色く色づく頃にまたきたいですね? 下記、八神城と毛利氏について。 毛利氏は八神城主として、鎌倉時代より尾張国長岡庄石田郷司職としてこの地方の地頭あるいは領主として幕末まで居住し、明治維新後もこの八神城跡の一角に居住していた。土岐・織田・豊臣・徳川に仕え、江戸時代には名古屋藩に所属していた。 民家がすぐ近くにあり、写真を撮ったりするのも気が引けます。私は写真を数枚撮ってそそくさと立ち去りました? 城跡巡りも楽ではないですね?
There is no parking lot nearby. I have been stationed ? There is a signboard and a large ginkgo tree on the site of Yagami Castle. It's a really good ginkgo tree ? I want to come again when the ginkgo leaves turn yellow ? Below, about Yagami Castle and Mr. Mohri. Mr. Mori has been a lord of Yagami Castle since the Kamakura era, and was the chief lord of Owari Okasho Ishida Go until the end of the Edo period or the territory of this region. Serving Toki, Oda, Toyotomi, and Tokugawa, he was a member of the Nagoya domain during the Edo period. There is a private house in the immediate vicinity, so I can't resist taking pictures. I took a few pictures and walked away after a while ? It is not easy to visit the castle ruins ?
mxa03032 on Google

尾張徳川家に仕えた毛利氏の居城。 どう見ても民家の中にあり、入るのに躊躇しましたが、説明板もありますし、意を決して突入しました。 駐車場はありません。 遺構も特に残っていません。
The residence of Mr. Mouri who served the Owari Tokugawa family. By all means, it was in a private house and I hesitated to enter, but there was an explanation board and I never rushed into it. There's no parking lot. There are no remains of the remains.

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