ミシンショップイシカワ - Toyoake

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ミシンショップイシカワ

住所 :

Kutsukakecho, Toyoake, 〒470-1101 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 470-1101
Webサイト : http://www.mb.ccnw.ne.jp/m.s.ishikawa/
街 : Aichi

Kutsukakecho, Toyoake, 〒470-1101 Aichi,Japan
GWS 204 on Google

長谷川琉聖 on Google

あつもり on Google

十数年使用しているミシンが突然動かなくなり途方にくれていましたが、クチコミの良かったこちらのお店に修理を依頼した所、無事元通りに動くようになりました。 修理代も良心的な価格設定で安心です。 また何かありましたらこちらにお願いしたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
The sewing machine I've been using for more than a dozen years suddenly stopped working and I was at a loss, but when I asked this shop, which had good reviews, to repair it, it returned to normal. You can rest assured that the repair fee will be set at a reasonable price. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much.
さめ on Google

高尾實 on Google

A fun couple is watching carefully. The repair fee is also cheap. It was helpful.
真美今井 on Google

とても、親切な店主と奥様。 忙しい中、正しい使い方を教えてくださいました。次は修理ではなく購入に訪れたいです。
Very kind shopkeeper and wife. While I was busy, he taught me how to use it correctly. Next time I would like to visit for purchase instead of repair.
akiko ban on Google

He explained a lot about the sewing machine. I only ordered it today, but he will explain how to use it when I receive it at a later date. It seems that he will explain the sewing machine purchased here as many times as he wants and undertake repairs. Both my husband and the landlady like me, so it's easy to talk to.
yingpataya on Google

Since it was a high-priced rough estimate at another store, I used to cheat, but it finally stopped working and I searched for sewing machine repair in Aichi prefecture, and the homepage and word of mouth were good and I was taken care of for the first time. As a result, the repair wages and correspondence were all perfect. I recommend Mr. Ishikawa for sewing machine repair.

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