Toyoake High School - Toyoake

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Toyoake High School

住所 :

Ebiike-10 Kutsukakecho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 470-1101
Webサイト :

Ebiike-10 Kutsukakecho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1101, Japan
ポケモンだいすきくらぶ on Google

I don't recommend it because it's basically a garbage high school.
新コロ後遺症さん on Google

教頭が科学的なことを学習しない低次元の学校 頭の悪い教頭がいる限り、低次元高校のまま、他人様に迷惑かけまくりの不良高校生しかいない
A low-dimensional school where the vice-principal does not learn scientific things As long as there is a foolish vice-principal, there are only bad high school students who are still in low-dimensional high school and bother others.
ねこ on Google

AIが反応したのか表示されないみたいなので再投稿します。 ここに通うなら安全に自転車通学する気持ちと常時録音のICレコーダーを忘れず準備すると良いです。
I don't seem to see if the AI ​​has responded, so I'll post it again. If you go here, don't forget to prepare an IC recorder for continuous recording and the feeling of safely going to school by bicycle.
おまえざこ on Google

私が在籍していた頃は人格否定してくる教師が居ました こんな学校に入学しては高校生活がもったいなさ過ぎます
When I was enrolled, there was a teacher who denied personality High school life is too wasteful to enroll in such a school
ビンダディン on Google

現在この学校に通っています。 いくつか悪い点を挙げていくので参考程度に。 まず第一に全員ではありませんが教師がいろいろ残念過ぎます。部活を辞めただけで裏切り者扱いをする教師やネチネチ女々しい男教師など性格に難アリの先生がいます。 第二に学校行事が本当に終わってます。まっったく盛り上がらない粗末な文化祭、高校生にもなってまさかの森でハイキング笑。 第三は昔は頭が良かったらしい豊明高校!!その名残なのか夏季講習は絶対に参加です。今は大して頭も良くない中の下くらいの田舎高なのに。そしてバイトも禁止!スマホの使用も禁止!もちろんメイクも! 第四は、雨の日も雪の日も真夏の暑い日も自転車、徒歩通学が絶対。パンクをして遅刻をしても本人のせいになると担当の先生は集会で言っていました。釘を踏んでパンクしても自己責任です。流石に訳が分かりませんよね...。 だいたいこんな感じですかね。本当に今自分は鳴海高校とかにした方が良かったと感じております。皆さんはしっかり高校を選んで下さい。一見輝いて見えていても中は腐っている事だってあります。先輩などに聞いて自分で判断して下さい。あなたは後悔の無い選択を出来るように陰ながら祈っています。頑張って下さい!
I am currently attending this school. Some of the bad points will be listed for reference. First of all, not everyone but teachers are too sorry. There are teachers who are difficult to characterize, such as teachers who treat them as traitors just by resigning their club activities, and female teachers who are ecstatic. Second, the school event is really over. Hiking laughs in the forest of the rainy day, becoming a high school student, a poor cultural festival that does not rise at all. The third is Toyoake High School, which seemed smart in the past! ! Whether it is a remnant or summer class is absolutely a participation. It's a country high in the lower middle now that's not really smart. And bytes are also prohibited! The use of smartphones is also prohibited! Of course make-up! Fourth, it is absolutely necessary to go to school on foot on rainy days, snowy days and hot summer days. The teacher in charge said at the meeting that even if he was punctured and was late, it would be his fault. Even if you step on a nail and puncture it, you are at your own risk. I do n’t understand why. Is it almost like this? I feel that it was really better to go to Narumi High School now. Everyone should choose a high school. Even if it looks shining at first glance, the inside is rotten. Ask your seniors and judge for yourself. You are praying in the shadow of making a choice without regrets. good luck!
涼風青葉 on Google

結論から言うとこんな学校に入ってしまうのはオススメしないです ・今時時代遅れとも言える頭髪検査、身だしなみ検査があります ・学校内でのスマホの使用は休み時間であっても禁止(まぁ守ってる学生はほとんど居ない) ・名前さえ書けば入学できるとこなので不良が多いです.......w ・何か問題を起こせば転校、退学を促されまくる ・すぐに反省文を書かせる ・謹慎処分という名目で朝8時から夜6時まで強制拘束、この時登下校は親の送迎のみ、家での生活も制限したりスマホの利用を禁止したり等行き過ぎた教育をしています 私はここの元生徒でしたが耐えれず1年半で通信高校に転校しましたが転校して良かったと思いました
In conclusion, I don't recommend going to such a school ・ There are hair inspections and grooming inspections that can be said to be outdated nowadays. ・ The use of smartphones in the school is prohibited even during breaks (well, there are few students who protect it) ・ There are many defects because you can enter the school just by writing your name .... w ・ If something goes wrong, you will be prompted to transfer or drop out. ・ Immediately write a reflection statement ・ Forcibly detained from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm under the pretext of disciplinary action. I was a former student here, but I couldn't stand it and transferred to a correspondence high school in a year and a half, but I was glad I transferred.
バナナのゲームチャンネル on Google

In 2021, it dropped considerably at a magnification of 1.54, but in 2022 it will be 1.66 ~ Well, I do not know if it will gradually become popular from here, but it is a school that seems to be able to go to university for the time being I do not know if it is F run
妖精 on Google

2021制服がブレザーに変わり、可愛い。男子のブレザーも良い。チアリーディング部があって、衣装とかダンスとか、素敵。もっと知られて良い気がする。  三河の中学からいくと、校則は元々厳しいから気にならないかもしれないが、名古屋からだと窮屈かも。 このご時世に、スマホやICT使わない授業は遅れていると思う。大府東は授業に使っているようだ。これでは差がつき、中学教員も私立高校推しの今、そりゃ定員割れするだろう。
2021 The uniform has changed to a blazer and is cute. Men's blazer is also good. There is a cheerleading club, and costumes and dance are wonderful. I think it's better to be known more. From Mikawa's junior high school, the school rules are strict from the beginning, so it may not bother you, but from Nagoya it may be cramped. I think that classes that do not use smartphones or ICT are delayed in this age. Obu Higashi seems to be using it for classes. This will make a difference, and now that junior high school teachers are pushing for private high schools, the capacity will be reduced.

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