Kutsukake Castle Site Park - Toyoake

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kutsukake Castle Site Park

住所 :

Higashihongo-11 Kutsukakecho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Postal code : 470-1101
Webサイト : http://www.jp-history.info/castle/5646.html

Higashihongo-11 Kutsukakecho, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1101, Japan
Nakagoe Makoto on Google

小さな公園ですが満開の桜で賑わってました。愛犬と散歩して来ました 花見?は良いですが、バーベキューはやめてほしいです
夏草や兵どもが夢の跡 on Google

少し分かりにくい場所にありました。手前に小さな看板があって辿り着くことが出来ました。 数台分ですが駐車場もトイレもあります。公園の中は静かで落ち着きます。この城は1,300年代に近藤宗光が初代城主で、以来景春に至るまで9代の近藤氏が居住していました。今川義元は桶狭間の戦いの前夜この城に泊まり、出陣していきました。 9代城主景春は今川軍に従い死守していましたが、義元の戦死後、信長軍に城を攻め取られ、景春は戦死、城は空城となりました。その後、城は信長の勢力圏に入り、家臣が居住しました。 緑も多く、お堀や土塁もほとんど残っており、昔を偲ばれます。ここは私のお気に入りです。
It was in a place that was a little confusing. There was a small signboard in the foreground and I was able to reach it. There are parking lots and toilets for several cars. The park is quiet and calm. Munemitsu Kondo was the first castle owner in the 1300s, and since then, Mr. Kondo, the 9th generation, has lived in this castle until Kageharu. Yoshimoto Imagawa stayed at this castle on the eve of the Battle of Okehazama and went to the battlefield. The 9th castle owner, Kageharu, was defending himself according to the Imagawa army, but after Yoshimoto's death, the castle was attacked by Nobunaga's army, Kageharu was killed in action, and the castle became an empty castle. After that, the castle entered Nobunaga's sphere of influence and was inhabited by his vassals. There is a lot of greenery, and most of the moats and earthworks remain, reminiscent of the past. This is my favorite.
杉山弘道 on Google

I was very happy with the remaining earthworks and moats. Thank you very much for leaving it well. (2022_01_03)
on Google

A castle that broke away from Nobunaga and competed with Saumasuke Yamaguchi and Kageharu Kondo, who belonged to the Imagawa clan. Currently, the main enclosure, Ninomaru, samurai residence, and Suwa Kuruwa have been converted into parks, and empty moats often remain.

愛史協巡り 数台止めれる駐車場はサラリーマンの休憩場所となっています…? 案内板の奥には城址があったことがよく分かります。 この時期10/28正午、本丸跡は秋晴れにそよ風が吹き、ゆっくりとした時間を過ごせると思います♫弁当買っときゃ良かったー! また、初夏には蛍も拝見できるところでもあります。
Aishikyo Tour The parking lot where several cars can be parked is a resting place for office workers ... ? You can see that there was a castle ruin in the back of the information board. At noon on October 28th, a breeze blows in the clear autumn weather, and I think you can spend a relaxing time ♫ I wish I had bought a lunch box! You can also see fireflies in early summer.
cafeすけ on Google

A park in Toyoake City, Aichi Prefecture. Kutsukake Castle was once built here. It is now a playground for children, but it is a recommended spot for history lovers.
あおじ on Google

御城印を頂きに来ました。 こんな町中にしっかりと遺構が残っている事が凄い。石垣積みの城は日本全国に沢山ありますが、室町戦国時代の様式の城郭の遺構がこんなにも当時のまま、残っているのは、日本全国探してもないと思います。山地ではなく、町中の平地で残っているのは貴重です。コレが凄い事。ここなら戦国時代の様式の城の再建、復元が可能です。是非検討して頂きたいです。
I came to get the castle stamp. It is amazing that the remains are firmly left in such a town. There are many castles with stone walls all over Japan, but the remains of the castle in the style of the Muromachi Warring States period remain as they were at that time all over Japan. I don't think I'm looking for it. It is valuable to remain on the flatlands of the town, not on the mountains. This is amazing. Here you can rebuild and restore the castle in the style of the Warring States period. I would like you to consider it.
Toshi Andy on Google

⚔️桶狭間の戦い史跡巡り? ⭐️1560年5月19日の朝⭐️ 今川義元運命の一日の始まり、大高城も周辺の城砦も殆ど今川方の手中に義元意気揚々と大部隊従え出立、そして田楽狭間で織田信長の奇襲に落命、まさかまさか? 桶狭間の戦い後は勲功第一と称された簗田政綱が城主に、1600年(慶長5年)関ヶ原の戦いで当時の城主/川口宗勝が石田三成方の西軍に、敗戦後に所領接収され沓掛城は廃城? ★余談…川口宗勝は後に秀忠から許され、今の千葉県佐倉市内に知行2500石の旗本に、川口宗勝は家康のはとこ⁉️ 豊明市の指定史跡、市の史跡にしては凄く整備されていて良かったです? 中世鎌倉時代から戦国時代の中世城郭にしては規模が大きい印象、南側から三の丸~二の丸~本丸と連郭式、1600年廃城されたのに本丸・二の丸・各曲輪・空堀の跡がハッキリ残り、訪問出来て凄く良かったです✨ 駐車場…北側にトイレ?完備の広目の駐車場、南側は車椅子対応の新しい駐車場とスロープ公園入口に成っています、但し南側は3台程しか停めれません注意‼️ 周辺の道路も狭いので運転には要注意?
⚔️ Battle of Okehazama Historic Site Tour ? ⭐️ May 19, 1560 morning ⭐️ At the beginning of the day of Yoshimoto Imagawa's fate, Odaka Castle and the surrounding forts were almost in the hands of Imagawa, and Yoshimoto triumphantly followed the large troops. After the Battle of Okehazama, Masatsuna Hieda, who was called the first merit, was requisitioned by the castle owner, and in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 (Keicho 5), the castle owner / Munekatsu Kawaguchi was requisitioned by the western army of Mitsunari Ishida after the defeat. Kutsukake Castle is an abandoned castle ? ★ Digression ... Munekatsu Kawaguchi was later forgiven by Hidetada, and now in Sakura City, Chiba Prefecture, the flagship of 2500 stones of Tokugawa, Munekatsu Kawaguchi is the second cousin of Ieyasu ⁉️ It was good that it was very well maintained for a designated historic site in Toyoake City and a historic site in the city ? Impression that it is a large scale for a medieval castle from the medieval Kamakura period to the Warring States period, from the south side Sannomaru-Ninomaru-Honmaru and the continuous castle type, although the castle was abandoned in 1600, the remains of Honmaru, Ninomaru, each Kuruwa, and Kubori are clearly left It was great to be able to visit ✨ Parking lot ... A large parking lot with a toilet ? on the north side, a new wheelchair-accessible parking lot on the south side and the entrance to the slope park, but only about 3 cars can be parked on the south side. ️ Be careful when driving as the surrounding roads are narrow ?

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