Kushihachi - Kyoto

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kushihachi

住所 :

50 Takeda Matsubayashicho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8371, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 612-8371
Webサイト : http://www.kushihachi.co.jp/

50 Takeda Matsubayashicho, Fushimi Ward, Kyoto, 612-8371, Japan
大五 on Google

こちらの店舗の店員の方の動きが早くて、その場にいてて、気持ち良かったです。 店長さんに関しては、とても気配りの出きる方だと思いました。 お客の動きを良く見てらっしゃると思いました。 一人の女性の方はあまり愛想は良くなかったですが、お仕事にいっぱいいっぱいだったんですかね? 久しぶりに気持ち良くごはんを頂けました? 家族で行ったんですが、価格も安く、ガレージも店前と横に大きな第二駐車場がありました。
The clerk at this store was quick to move, and it was nice to be there. As for the store manager, I thought he was very attentive. I think you are watching the movements of customers. One woman wasn't very friendly, but was she full of work ? I had a nice meal after a long time ? I went with my family, but the price was cheap, and there was a large second parking lot in front of and next to the store in the garage.
Richman PARADAISE on Google

串八は串物料理を主体とした和食ダイニング『串八』を10店舗、 京都市内とその周辺地域に展開しています。 油とパン粉は全て串八オリジナル。 具材によって、パン粉の付け方・揚げ方を変えていく創業以来の「こだわり」で、 カラッと揚がった最高の串かつをご提供しています。高くて美味いのは当たり前。安くて美味い。そして従業員が皆熱いんです。活気があり美味くてリーズナブル!! 京都で串と言えば迷わず串八です。
Kushihachi has 10 Japanese restaurants, Kushihachi, which mainly serve skewered dishes, in Kyoto city and its surrounding areas. All oil and bread crumbs are Kushihachi original. We offer the best crispy kushikatsu with the "stickiness" since our establishment, which changes the way bread crumbs are applied and fried depending on the ingredients. It is natural that it is expensive and delicious. It's cheap and delicious. And all the employees are hot. It's lively, delicious and reasonably priced !! Speaking of skewers in Kyoto, it's Kushihachi without hesitation.
さとう大さじ1杯 on Google

いつ行っても混んでます。 味は、申し分なしです。
It's always crowded. The taste is perfect.
ako on Google

焼鳥などのネタが、どんどん小さくなってるのは分かってましたが、本当に小さくなって、2.3口で食べてた焼鳥のしそ焼きは、半分になり、串カツの大きさ一口分の大きさでした。ねぎ塩カルビは、カルビが代わりカッチカチに硬く、すじ肉の硬い所みたいになり、全部カルビだったのに、間にネギが挟まれて、ねぎまの様になってました。 一年ぶりくらいに行ったら、ここまで変わってるのかと残念でした。 生キャベツは、いつ食べても水々しかったのに、パッシパシで硬く、繊維の塊みたいな、とても不味いキャベツ。 串八には、子供の頃から通ってるので、ずーっと知ってるけど、1番最悪でした。 他の店舗は、また違うのかな? 次は、また違う店舗に行ってみます。
I knew that the yakitori and other ingredients were getting smaller and smaller, but it became really small, and the yakitori that I ate with 2.3 mouths was halved, the size of a bite of kushikatsu. .. The onion salted ribs were replaced with ribs that were hard to click and became like a hard part of tendon meat. Even though they were all ribs, the green onions were sandwiched between them and they became like green onions. When I went there for the first time in a year, I was disappointed that it had changed so much. Raw cabbage was always watery, but it was passy and hard, and it looked like a lump of fiber, which was very tasty. I've been to Kushihachi since I was a kid, so I've known it for a long time, but it was the worst. Are other stores different? Next, I will go to another store.
oo to on Google

日曜20時頃、混んでました。待ち時間20分程。 4人がけテーブル席はせまっくるしいです。 隣の席の4~50代の男女4人組、お酒がはいってるからか、地声なのか、このご時世にマスクなしで大きな声でしゃべりまくり。 テーブルの真ん中に置いていたパーテーションを隣の席側に置くと店員さんから注意をうけました。 隣が大きな声で話してるから許してほしいと言いましたがダメでした。店員さんが隣の席に注意してましたが、なんと『クレームが入ってるから』と言われてしまいました。その後隣の席からは何度も嫌味を言われました。こいつらとか言って指をさされることもありました。マスクせず席を外したり、タバコをくわえてライターもってたり、火はついてなかったですが食事中ものすごく気分悪かったです。 隣の席の声がわーわーと聞こえまくるのに、自分たちの席の声が、パーテーションもあって聞きとりづらい。 店員さんの対応にものすごく不満です。もっと注意の仕方があるんじゃないですかね。 料理はおいしいのにものすごく残念な気持ちです。 あと注文を聞く女性店員、注文したのが売り切れで他何にしようか迷ってると露骨にはよしろと態度に出すのやめた方がいいですよ。忙しいのはわかりますが、こちらもいつ店員さんつかまえられるかわからないので。それならもっと気軽に注文できるように工夫してください。
It was crowded around 20:00 on Sunday. Waiting time is about 20 minutes. The table seats for 4 people are very small. A group of four men and women in their 4s and 50s sitting next to each other, talking loudly without a mask at this time, whether it was because they were drinking alcohol or because they had a local voice. When I put the partition that was placed in the middle of the table on the side of the next seat, the clerk warned me. I asked him to forgive me because the neighbor was talking in a loud voice, but it didn't work. The clerk was paying attention to the seat next to me, but I was told, "Because there is a complaint." After that, the seat next to me repeatedly told me that I didn't like it. Sometimes I was pointed at by saying these guys. I left my seat without a mask, had a writer with a cigarette, and although it wasn't on fire, I felt very sick during the meal. The voice of the seat next to me was heard, but the voice of our seat was difficult to hear due to the partition. I am very dissatisfied with the response of the clerk. I think there is a way to be more careful. The food is delicious but I feel very disappointed. Also, a female clerk who listens to the order, if the order is sold out and you are wondering what else to do, you should stop giving a blatant attitude. I know I'm busy, but I don't know when the clerk will be caught. Then, please devise so that you can order more easily.
ハマオ on Google

16:30の開店10分前に着きました。すでに行列が出来ておりびっくり?‼️ 予約もたくさん入っており、190席もあるのに、入店出来るか心配しましたが何とか入店できました。 ボックス席もたくさん有りましたが16:30にも、関わらず満席?? ですカウンターも満席??に 凄いです⤴️⤴️ 100名以上は入店してると思います。メニューの豊富さ、目の前で焼き鳥を焼いているのを見てるとよだれ?が、注文から配膳されるまで時間が掛かりましたが、旨い‼️びっくり‼️又行きたいと思います。予約をお薦め致します。
I arrived 10 minutes before the store opened at 16:30. I was surprised that there was already a line ?‼ ️ I had a lot of reservations, and even though I had 190 seats, I was worried if I could enter the store, but I managed to enter. There were a lot of box seats, but even though it was 16:30, it was full ?? The counter is full ?? It's amazing ⤴️⤴️ I think more than 100 people have entered the store. The abundance of the menu, when I saw yakitori grilled in front of me, it took a long time for the drool ? to be served from the order, but it is delicious! ️Surprised! ️ I want to go again. We recommend you to make a reservation.
Emily Bollinger (Embol) on Google

Incredible selection of kushiage. Highly recommend
羅麗 on Google


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