
2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東口メンタルクリニック

住所 :

Kurita, 〒380-0921 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Webサイト : https://www.hmcl.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Nagano

Kurita, 〒380-0921 Nagano,Japan
葉山匡 on Google

予約しているのに、だいたい1時間半待ちます。 平均20人ぐらい常に待っているので、少なく見積もっても1日200人以上診察していると思います。 つまり、この病院は200人×1.5時間→延べ300時間/日を無駄にさせています。 週や月で考えても途方もない時間を患者に無駄に使わせています。 予約制なのだから、この果てしない時間の無駄遣いを患者に強いるのをなんとかして欲しいです。 受付に待ち時間が45分から1時間って書いてあることが多いですが、その場合だいたい2時間待ちになります。
I have a reservation, but I wait for about an hour and a half. I'm always waiting for about 20 people on average, so at least I think I see more than 200 people a day. In other words, this hospital wastes 200 people x 1.5 hours → a total of 300 hours / day. It wastes patients a tremendous amount of time, even if they think about it in a week or a month. Since it is a reservation system, I want you to manage to force patients to waste this endless amount of time. The reception desk often says that the waiting time is 45 minutes to 1 hour, but in that case it will be about 2 hours.
komi kuchi on Google

Obasan, who seems to be the oldest at the reception, has a bad attitude. Well, everyone doesn't like it, but all the receptionists are like that? The teacher is neither good nor bad. It's close to my house so I just go there. It is natural to wait for one hour from the reserved time, and it is also possible to wait for two hours or more. The waiting time is too long and you can laugh.
じう on Google

待ち時間が長い割に(1時間半〜2時間半)、診察の質が悪いです。 こちらが必死に病状を訴えても、返ってくる言葉は「ではまた1ヶ月後ですね〜」それだけです。 必死に病状を訴えれば訴える程、先生の機嫌が悪くなるので気をつけた方が良いです。 私は先生に気を使って、なるべく診察時間が短くなる様、なるべく簡潔的に病状を話すようにしています。 そもそもこちらが先生に気を使うのがおかしな話な訳で。 私が先生との相性が悪いだけなのかも知れませんが、一患者としては、先生のアドバイスや意見を聞いて、今後の生活をどう見直すか考えて治療をしたいと思っています。 病状を聞いてお薬を出す事だけが精神科の先生のお仕事でしょうか? 他の科の病院とは違って、医師と患者の相性は精神科に通う患者にとっては非常に大切な事です。 皆様もよく吟味して病院選びをする事をおすすめします。
The quality of the examination is poor despite the long waiting time (1 hour and a half to 2 and a half hours). Even if I desperately complain about my medical condition, the only word I get back is "Well, it's another month later." The more desperately you complain about your medical condition, the worse your mood will be, so you should be careful. I pay attention to my teacher and try to talk about my condition as briefly as possible so that the consultation time will be as short as possible. In the first place, it is strange that this is a teacher's attention. Maybe I'm just not compatible with my teacher, but as a patient, I would like to listen to my teacher's advice and opinions and think about how to reconsider my future life. Is it the only job of a psychiatrist to listen to your medical condition and give you medicine? Unlike hospitals in other departments, doctor-patient compatibility is very important for psychiatric patients. We recommend that you carefully examine and select a hospital.
s r on Google

人気なので待ち時間も長いです。 でも院長先生は優しくて良い先生です。 しかし受付の方々が目も合わせなかったり、受付前に立っていてもスタッフ同士で話していて対応しなかったり、笑顔もないので毎回心が折れかけます。
Because it is popular, the waiting time is long. But the director is a kind and good teacher. However, the receptionists do not look at each other, even if they are standing in front of the reception desk, the staff members talk to each other and do not respond, and there is no smile, so my heart breaks every time.
Namidamoroi Misoji on Google

初診は朝早くか夜遅く。時間外に時間をかけてじっくり話を聞いてもらえるのだと思い、そこに誠意というか向き合ってくれる感じを受けましたが…。こちらの話は断片的にしか聞いてもらえず、モヤモヤが残りました。また、症状に対して何が問題なのか、何が原因なのかなどの説明がなく、いきなり薬を処方されたため、不信感と疑念が大きくなり、通うのをやめました。 院長先生は県内でも有名な先生だと聞いて来たので、期待しすぎたのかもしれません。
The first visit is early in the morning or late at night. I thought that they would take the time to listen to the story after hours, and I felt that they would face it in good faith. This story was only heard in fragments, and it remained moody. In addition, there was no explanation as to what was the problem with the symptoms and what was the cause, and I was suddenly prescribed the drug, which caused my distrust and suspicion to grow and I stopped going. I heard that the director is a famous teacher in the prefecture, so I may have expected too much.
Noriyuki Funami on Google

県外(普通列車で約1時間半ほど)から通院しています。 待ち時間は長いですが、院長先生が親身になって話を聞いてくれます。 交通費がかかっても通う意味のある病院だと思います。
I go to the hospital from outside the prefecture (about an hour and a half by regular train). The waiting time is long, but the director will be kind enough to listen to you. I think it's a meaningful hospital to go to even if it costs transportation.
わたぬき on Google

2階の医師に診てもらっていましたが突然退職されるとのことでとても驚きました。 この病院では結構あることらしいのですが、イチからまた新しい医師との信頼関係を築くのはとてもエネルギーが必要ですし相性が合うかもわかりません。患者の気持ちなんてお構いなしなんだなと思いました。 また、転院のため診療情報提供書を受付へ電話にて依頼したところ『そんな名前の患者はいません』とぶっきらぼうに答えられました。つい数週間前に受診したばかりなのに! 駅から近いのと、建物が新しいくらいしかいいところはありません。
I was seen by a doctor on the 2nd floor, but I was very surprised that he would suddenly retire. It seems that there are quite a few things in this hospital, but it takes a lot of energy to build a relationship of trust with a new doctor from the beginning, and I don't know if it will be compatible. I thought that the patient's feelings didn't matter. Also, when I called the reception desk to request a medical information form for transfer, I was bluntly answered, "There is no patient with that name." I just had a medical examination a few weeks ago! The only good thing is that it is close to the station and the building is new.
マンモス大将軍 on Google

良い点: ・精神科の先生はだいたい話を聞いてくれない方が多いですが、 こちらの先生は話をしっかりと聞いてくれる優しい先生です。 ・待ち時間が短く、ほぼ時間通りに診察に入れます。 ・待合室の居心地が良いです。 悪い点: ・薬の処方ミスがたまにあります。
good point: ・ Most psychiatric teachers don't listen to me, This teacher is a kind teacher who listens to the story. ・ The waiting time is short, and you can see the doctor almost on time. ・ The waiting room is comfortable. Bad points: ・ Sometimes I make a mistake in prescribing medicine.

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