Kurayoshihachimangu - Kurayoshi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurayoshihachimangu

住所 :

3626-3 Hachimancho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0831, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88878
Postal code : 682-0831

3626-3 Hachimancho, Kurayoshi, Tottori 682-0831, Japan
上村弘次 on Google

松本吉正 on Google

よねだしをじ on Google

Although it is a long time ago, if there is not enough money, there is no thankfulness for the lost gold company complained of visiting his daughter Nomiya!
仙人アンシュー on Google

There are many stone steps. Although it is Hata's shrine, it is Banza.
KAZU O on Google

It is a classic that both me and my child visit the shrine and have them done. The building is also beautiful and a gentle priest.
太刀花 on Google

The stairs are tight (laughs) Mr. Miyaji was very kind and I had a good feeling. However, since Mr. Miyaji has lamented, a word to those who plan to receive a seal. "The seal is not a stamp rally. It might be different from having a shrine visit but to get only the seal and not to worship God. It is a visit of the moment. Let's worship and have a pleasant seal
izumi izumi on Google

鳥居そばのモミジの美しさと、めずらしい子連れの狛犬さんは、ぜひ見ていってくださいと、通りすがりの近所の方に教えていただきました。 薄暗い拝殿の中、よく磨かれた、八角形のような形をした、大きな鏡が印象的でした。アスファルト舗装された駐車場が相当数ありました。 宮司さんが兼務されているようで、倉吉八幡宮の社務所にて、「倉吉八幡宮」の御朱印と「伯耆国総社国庁裏神社」の御朱印の、2つをいただきました。2018年11月訪問。
A neighbor who passed by told me that the beauty of maples near the torii gate and the rare guardian dogs with children should be seen. Inside the dimly lit hall of worship, a large, well-polished, octagonal-shaped mirror was impressive. There were quite a few asphalt-paved parking lots. It seems that Mr. Miyaji is also serving as a shrine, and at the office of Kurayoshi Hachimangu, I received two stamps, the red stamp of "Kurayoshi Hachimangu" and the red stamp of "Hokikunisoja Kokusho Ura Shrine". Visited in November 2018.
masanori maeta on Google

倉吉町の西部と生田の産土神という。 氏子の崇敬あつく寄進された灯籠などがとにかく立派 神饌幣帛料供進神社 氏子戸数 千二百六十戸(鳥取県神社誌)
It is said to be the god of origin in the western part of Kurayoshi Town and Ikuta. The lanterns donated by the reverence of the parishioners are just wonderful Shinsen heihaku donation shrine Number of parishioners: 1,260 (Tottori Shrine magazine)

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