
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くらもち滝の里

住所 :

Kuramochi, Chonan, Chōsei District, 〒297-0123 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kuramochi, Chonan, Chōsei District, 〒297-0123 Chiba,Japan
Yoshi.S on Google

Small, murmuring, shin. The duck was laid back. There is an atmosphere.
高橋正義 on Google

It will be beautiful in the young leaf season. You can see the gifts in such a close vicinity. Two cars can be parked.
加瀬美代子 on Google

My friend told me that the maple leaves are beautiful, and I'm glad that the maple leaves are beautiful even from the mountains.
とーくまじょーら on Google

田んぼ道をこえた先にあります。 滝と聞くと荘厳なイメージを持ってしまいますが、ここは本当に小ぢんまりとしています。ですが、時期はハズしましたが、きっと紅葉は美しいのでしょう。
It is beyond the rice field road. When you hear the word "waterfall", you get a solemn image, but it's really small here. However, although I missed the time, I'm sure the autumn leaves are beautiful.
片桐幸雄 on Google

紅葉の頃は綺麗だと思うが!水量が少なかったので、 滝はイマイチ!わざわざ見に行く程ではないと思う! 亀と鯉が泳いでいた。静かな所
I think it's beautiful when it's autumn colors! Because the amount of water was small, The waterfall is not good! I don't think it's enough to go see it! A turtle and a carp were swimming. Quiet place
Urotas Atobuk on Google

ミハラシテラスに行く途中に看板があるので田んぼ道を入って行くと突き当たりにありました。 こじんまりしてますが水の流れる音が心地良く、のんびり落ち着けます。
There was a signboard on the way to Miharasi Terrace, so when I entered the rice field road, it was at the end. It's small, but the sound of flowing water is comfortable and you can relax and calm down.
中山家範 on Google

本当に紅葉の見事の一時期に限った評価になりますが、滝と言う感じではありませんが、それなりに紅葉を楽しめる場所です。 紅葉時期は駐車場もあります。
It's really a wonderful evaluation of autumn leaves only for one period, but it's not like a waterfall, but it's a place where you can enjoy autumn leaves as it is. There is also a parking lot during the fall foliage season.
manato 0930 on Google

この場所は職場の人に教わり来てみました! 平日の午後に来たので他に来ている人は誰もいませんでした。 駐車場は、もみじ祭りの旗の写真の後ろ側にありました! 田んぼ道を歩いて行って目的地に到着です、足元は悪くぬかるんでる所もあったりデコボコしてるので歩きやすい運動靴をおすすめします?
This place was taught by people at work! Since I came on a weekday afternoon, no one else came. The parking lot was behind the photo of the Momiji Festival flag! I walked along the rice field road and arrived at the destination, I recommend athletic shoes that are easy to walk because there are places where my feet are bad and muddy and bumpy ?

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