交野山 三宝荒神

3.4/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact 交野山 三宝荒神

住所 :

Kuraji, Katano, 〒576-0001 Osaka,Japan

街 : Osaka

Kuraji, Katano, 〒576-0001 Osaka,Japan
D H田 on Google

I said hello for the time being
藤尚(山猿) on Google

Is it the god of the kitchen?
naotoshi takayama on Google

2016.06.19. (火) 10:00 初参拝 (奈良斑鳩人) 交野山観音岩の15m程手前に 鳥居が有り 左脇に入る小道を 少し進むと高さ2m程 巾70cm程の 金属の箱の様な祠が有り驚き 拝する事に! 調べると「三室荒神サンボウコウジン」は 「仏 法 僧を守護すると言う神」 と有りましたが 恥ずかしながら 宗教心の 浅い私には イマイチ分からず 無念でした しかし願い事は 厚かましくも・・ 後利益を頂ければ イイのですが!
2016.06.19. (Tue) 10:00 First visit (Nara Ikaruga) There is a torii gate about 15m before Katanoyama Kannoniwa Follow the path on the left side for a height of about 2m Surprisingly there is a shrine like a metal box with a width of about 70 cm To worship! When I looked it up, "Mimuro Kojin Sanbo Kojin" "God who protects Buddhist monks" I was ashamed to say that I was religious I was so shallow that I didn't know what to do However, my wish is brazen ... It would be nice if you could make a profit afterwards!
Isami Yokoyama (issa) on Google

20年ぶりぐらい前に来たことがあるのですが、以前は岩に梵字が刻んであったような気がしましたが今回は見つかりませんでした。 山の上なのにとても綺麗に清掃がされていて気分の良い神社です。
I came here for the first time in 20 years, but I felt that the rock was engraved with a Chinese character before, but I couldn't find it this time. Although it is on the mountain, it is a very clean and pleasant shrine.
Chan NU on Google

古文書によれば由緒ある交野山頂の通称、観音岩より少し南の斜面に三宝荒神の社跡があります。寺社縁起という古い本の中に修験者の宿(修業の場)が次のように書かれてある。これを北峰の宿と言って石舟(磐船神社)師子石窟(獅子窟寺)、金剛寺(傍示の北にある)金剛寺という地名と龍王山を含めて甲の尾(交野山)と峰道を通り特に甲の尾から 元寺滝に降り不動明王の梵字の前で身を清め鏡池の北「三宝荒神諸願成」の碑の前で申し上げの聖なる場所とされていたと思われる。山頂の大岩に聖観音、北の岩に大日如来、大岩の南に三宝荒神の梵字が彫られて大岩の右側に 「寛文六丙甲年三月二十八日法印」 これは修験者の超であろう大岩の北 に窓のような彫り跡があって、法華経と銅板が出たとある。特に三宝荒神は仏・法・僧の三宝を守る荒神である。
According to ancient documents, the site of the Sanpo Aragami is located on the slope slightly south of Kannoniwa, commonly known as the summit of Katano. In an old book called Temple and Shrine Engi, the inn (place of training) for the trainees is written as follows. This is called Kitamine no Yado. It is thought that it was a sacred place to say in front of the monument of "Sanpo Aragami's wishes" in the north of Kagamiike, especially after descending from the tail of the instep to the Motoji waterfall and purifying himself in front of the Iwafune of Fudo Myoo. The Oiwa on the top of the mountain is engraved with Holy Kannon, the north rock is engraved with Dainichi Nyorai, and the Sanpo Aragami is engraved on the south side of the Oiwa. North of Oiwa There is a carving mark like a window on the surface, and it is said that the Lotus Sutra and the copper plate came out. In particular, the Sanpo Kojin is a Kojin that protects the three treasures of Buddha, Dharma, and monks.

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