森の中の家 安野光雅館

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 森の中の家 安野光雅館

住所 :

Kumihamachotani, Kyōtango, 〒629-3559 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877899
Webサイト : https://mori.wakuden.kyoto/category/morihouse/
街 : Kyoto

Kumihamachotani, Kyōtango, 〒629-3559 Kyoto,Japan
carpenter k.k. on Google

カニを食べに久美浜に行く途中、時間調整の為に立ち寄りました。 安藤忠雄さん設計の美術館があると連れが言うので行く事になったのですが、恥ずかしながら安野光雅さんは誰なのか、何者なのか知りませんでした。 あいにくの雨模様でしたが濡れた塀や道が趣がありとても良かったです。建物内では天井が良かったなぁ。天伏図を見てみたいものですね。 安野光雅さんの絵はやさしい絵で良かったです。連れには一度は見たことがある有名な画家だと言われていたのですがやはり知っている絵はありませんでした。 ところが!!帰りに売店で一冊の本を見てビックリ!!! あいうえおの本じゃありませんか!!! 私があいうえおを覚えた本です! 安野さんの本だったとは! 懐かしくて涙が出そうでした?
On the way to Kumihama to eat crabs, I stopped by to adjust the time. My companion said that there was an art museum designed by Tadao Ando, ​​so I decided to go there, but I was ashamed to say that I didn't know who Mitsumasa Anno was or who he was. Unfortunately it was raining, but the wet fences and roads were nice. The ceiling was good in the building. I would like to see the Tenbushi map. It was good that Mitsumasa Anno's painting was a gentle one. I was told that my companion was a famous painter I had seen once, but I didn't know any paintings. However! !! I was surprised to see a book at the shop on my way home! !! !! Isn't it Aiueo's book? !! !! This is the book I remembered Aiueo! It was Mr. Yasuno's book! I missed it and was about to tear ?
nul ha on Google

A museum of pretty watercolors and wonderful architecture. The painter is Mitsumasa Anno. The architecture is Tadao Ando.
チョビ on Google

とても静かでゆっくりとした時間が過ごせる所。こんな所で安藤建築が見れると思いませんでした。 入館料一般が1,000円でミュージアムショップで売られている桑の茶が付いてきますが 飲んでしまうと終わりなので それなら額に入れて飾れるので安野光雄さんの絵のポストカードとかの方が良かったな〰️と思いました
A place where you can spend a very quiet and relaxing time. I didn't think I could see Ando architecture in such a place. The general admission fee is 1,000 yen, and mulberry tea sold at the museum shop is included. It ’s over when you drink it In that case, I could put it in a frame and decorate it, so I thought it would have been better to have a postcard with a picture of Mitsumasa Anno.
T on Google

2年前に訪問し、その際に安野光雅先生のことを初めて知りました。 先生の描かれる絵は、とても可愛らしかったのが印象に残っています。 ただ、急遽立ち寄ったため、今度はゆっくりと時間をかけて楽しみたいと思っております。 冬の冷たい雨が降る日でしたので、次はぜひともいいお天気の日がいいですね。(汗)
I visited there two years ago and learned about Mitsumasa Anno for the first time. I was impressed that the picture drawn by the teacher was very cute. However, since I stopped by in a hurry, I would like to take time to enjoy it. It was a cold winter day, so it would be nice to have a nice day next time. (Sweat)
2 aco on Google

子供の頃から安野光雅さんの絵本が好きです。 現在は追悼展で『旅の絵本』デンマーク編の絵が中心。 一枚一枚の絵を細部まで見て楽しんでいると、気が付けば結構な時間が経っていました。 静かで安野さんの絵にピッタリの素敵な空間でした。 この美術館をデザインされたのが安藤忠雄さんなので建築ファンぽい方も。 雨天だったので、今度は晴れた時にお邪魔したいと思います。
I've loved Mitsumasa Anno's picture books since I was a kid. Currently, the memorial exhibition focuses on the Danish edition of "Travel Picture Book". When I enjoyed looking at each picture in detail, I noticed that it had been quite a while. It was a nice space that was quiet and perfect for Mr. Yasuno's paintings. Tadao Ando designed this museum, so even those who are architectural fans. It was raining, so I would like to bother you when it is sunny this time.
西脇千里 on Google

ステキな場所にステキな建物 こじんまりとした美術館ですが それがとてもいい感じでした のんびりゆったりできました
A nice building in a nice place It ’s a small museum, It was a very nice feeling I was able to relax and relax
とらこ on Google

安藤忠雄さんのすっきりとした建物に、昔から大好きな安野光雅さんの優しい絵の美術館。素材にこだわったレストラン。どこも落ち着きのある空気が流れたすてきな空間でした。 ソフトクリームも美味しかったです。 津和野にある美術館のほうが作品が多いそうなんで、いつか行きたいです。 今回は来年1年生になる孫と一緒だったので、丁度良い作品数でした。
Tadao Ando's clean building and Mitsumasa Anno's gentle painting museum, which he has always loved. A restaurant that is particular about the ingredients. Everywhere was a nice space with a calm air flow. The soft serve ice cream was also delicious. It seems that there are more works in the museum in Tsuwano, so I would like to go someday. This time I was with my grandson who will be in the first grade next year, so the number of works was just right.
Jeremy Odden on Google

Beautiful place, though the exhibit was a tad expensive for being so far out of the big cities. Beautiful nature all around.

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