
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジョイクックおくだ

住所 :

Kumihamacho Sano, Kyōtango, 〒629-3562 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://www.joycook.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Kumihamacho Sano, Kyōtango, 〒629-3562 Kyoto,Japan
村岡信之 on Google

魚の鮮度 惣菜の手作り感が大好きな店です 写真のイカの塩辛は絶品です
Freshness of fish It is a shop that loves the handmade feeling of prepared foods The salted squid in the photo is excellent
mo to on Google

A famous store in Kumihama! !! According to the actual situation in the region, we were pioneering the development of businesses that major companies have recently started. You can buy local fruits and lively sashimi at reasonable prices. It's a long way away, but it's a shop you always want to go to buy ☆
ごりやま on Google

「ジョイクックおくだ」で買い物スタートが休みの日のお決まりパターン。美味しいローストビーフは鉄板ですが、お店に設置の精米所からでた糠を使った「ぬか漬け」が抜群に美味しい(あんまり教えたくなかったけど)。 あと他のスーパーより菓子パンやカップ麺のラインナップが面白いのと、高齢者も意識したお菓子の品揃え(バターボールや昆布アメなど)も面白い。 …結局のところ、地域の人にどれだけ寄り添っているかがよく分かるお店ってこと。陳列棚の高さが140センチ程度しかないのもご高齢の方に配慮されていると感じますし。応援しています。 (「高齢者を意識」と書きましたが電子マネーやクレジット決済等のほぼ全てが網羅されていますので若者でも支払いで困ることはない笑)
"Joy Cook Okuda" is a regular pattern for days when shopping starts on holidays. The delicious roast beef is an iron plate, but the "nukazuke" made from rice bran from the rice mill set up in the shop is outstandingly delicious (though I didn't want to tell you too much). Also, the lineup of sweet buns and cup noodles is more interesting than other supermarkets, and the assortment of sweets (butter balls, kelp candy, etc.) that are conscious of the elderly is also interesting. … After all, it's a shop where you can see how close you are to the people in the area. I feel that the height of the display shelves is only about 140 cm, which is also considered for the elderly. I support you. (I wrote "Awareness of the elderly", but since it covers almost everything such as electronic money and credit card payments, even young people will not have any trouble paying.)
ノムラヨウイチ on Google

たまにドライブに行った際に弁当を買いに立ち寄ります。 握り寿司はシャリとネタ、溜まり醤油の相性がばっちり。 2番人気の巻き寿司は、たいてい売り切れ。 前もって予約とかは可能なのかな...
Occasionally, when I go for a drive, I stop by to buy a lunch box. Nigiri sushi is a perfect match for sushi rice, sushi rice, and tamari soy sauce. The second most popular sushi roll is usually sold out. Is it possible to make a reservation in advance ...
ぐでたま on Google

The ambitious sales attitude, such as the lineup of locally produced ingredients and selected products, is a good impression. When I entered the store before 11 o'clock, there was space in the arajiru corner, so when I asked the clerk when it would be sold, he answered "I don't know" without checking in the backyard. There will be no repeats due to the unfortunate response.
まあした on Google

久美浜のスーパーで、朝早くから開いています。 メジャーな商品はもちろん、地元の野菜やお菓子も売っています。 カード決済も対応しています。 日曜日は長くやられているたこ焼き屋のピンクキャットさんも出店されているようです
It is open early in the morning at the supermarket in Kumihama. We sell not only major products but also local vegetables and sweets. Card payment is also supported. It seems that Pink Cat, a takoyaki restaurant that has been around for a long time on Sundays, is also open.
田渕誠一 on Google

前の国道312号はたまに通っていて初めてよささしてもらいました。寂れている店かと思っていたのですが、なんというか、凄い の一言です。色々有るのですが、値引きシール貼り替えを頻繁にされています、ポップの表示も工夫されています、弁当の御飯を出来るだけ温かい内に出そうとされているのが分かります。書ききれませんが、地域のスーパーとして府下でも一番ではないかと思いました。この様なお店が近くにあって励みになります。
The previous national highway No. 312 was good for the first time when I went there once in a while. I thought it was a lonely shop, but it's a great word. There are various things, but the discount stickers are frequently replaced, the pop display is also devised, and you can see that we are trying to serve the lunch box rice as warm as possible. I can't write it down, but I thought it might be the best supermarket in the prefecture. It is encouraging to have such a shop nearby.
yu-ki takechi on Google

It is a privately run supermarket along the national highway. The size and product lineup of the store is commensurate with the size of the local population. It seems that it is a member of the all-day meal chain, but the atmosphere of the restaurant is very strong. There were two Kubota coin rice mills.

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