株式会社KTS ハウスメイトネットワーク烏丸御池店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

京都市 中古住宅 土地 中古マンション 不動産 | 京都市の不動産売買なら、株式会社KTSにお任せください - Kts21.co.jp

京都市の中古住宅、土地、中古マンションなど不動産売買なら、株式会社KTSにお任せください。 お客様にあったライフプランを提案し、新しいライフスタイルのご提供・ご相談を賜っております。

Contact 株式会社KTS ハウスメイトネットワーク烏丸御池店

Takamiyacho, Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-0835 Kyoto,Japan
本田勝茂 on Google

Thank you for everything. Thank you again.
m y on Google

Thank you for buying and selling. The sales person was low-profile and kind, and I made a pleasant transaction that this person would want to leave.
横山剣 on Google

Worst trader No matter what you do, you shouldn't go out with such a trader.
小토끼 on Google

Like everyone else has written ... the attitude is very bad and the response is too slow. You will choose a customer. It was unpleasant. This company will never use it again.
中尾知揮 on Google

Person in charge Thank you for always introducing a good property. In addition, we will visit the store, so thank you! !!
上田恵麻 on Google

とても丁寧な対応で、親切に物件も探していただき、満足しています。 なかなか物件探しも大変な状況にも関わらず安心して任せられました。
We are very polite and kindly look for the property, and we are satisfied. Despite the difficult situation of finding a property, I was relieved.
上田将嗣 on Google

They were very polite and kind. It was very encouraging to receive accurate advice. I was able to leave it with confidence. Thank you very much.
丸井曹史 on Google

物件を探す際、こちらが提示した条件から、求めるものを汲み取ってしっかり希望に沿った物件をご提案いただきました。対応していただいた方々は説明も丁寧で、仲介手数料もお安く良心的に感じました。 非常に満足しております。ありがとうございました。
When searching for a property, we asked you to pick up what you were looking for from the conditions presented here and propose a property that was firmly in line with your wishes. The people who responded were polite in their explanations, and I felt that the brokerage fee was low and conscientious. I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.

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