Koyasu Shrine - Itabashi City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koyasu Shrine

住所 :

子易神社 2 Chome-19-20 Itabashi, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 173-0004
Webサイト : http://www.tokyo-jinjacho.or.jp/itabashi/5978/

子易神社 2 Chome-19-20 Itabashi, Itabashi City, Tokyo 173-0004, Japan
cart M on Google

I received a red stamp
sakichang on Google

The cherry blossoms are quaint. It seems that the cherry blossoms will bloom beautifully.
MASA 3 on Google

東武東上線「下板橋駅」もしくは「大山駅」から徒歩5分ほど。三田線「板橋区役所前駅」から徒歩5分ほどの場所にあります。東上線の踏切のすぐ近くになります。 神社前の板橋区教育委員会の案内板には以下のような記載がありました。(抜粋) 御祭神木花開耶姫命 創建年代は不詳だが、境内地が延宝2(1674)年の水帳に記載されており、創建はこれ以前に遡ると思われる。富士浅間神社の御分霊を勧請したと伝えられ、旧金井久保村の鎮守であった。江戸時代は、社号を子安宮または子安明神とも称し、安産・子育ての神として信仰を集めた。近くの福生寺が別当であったが、明治初年神仏分離により子易神社と改称した。
About a 5-minute walk from Shimoitabashi Station or Oyama Station on the Tobu Tojo Line. It is a 5-minute walk from Itabashi-ku Yakusho-mae Station on the Mita Line. It is very close to the Tojo Line railroad crossing. The information board of the Itabashi Education Board in front of the shrine had the following statement. (Excerpt) God of God tree flower The date of construction is unknown, but the precincts are listed in a book of Yanbao 2 (1674), suggesting that the construction dates back to earlier. It was reported that he had recommended the spirit of Fuji Asama Shrine, and he was the guardian of the former Kanai Kubo Village. During the Edo period, the company name was also referred to as Koyasumiya or Koyasu Myojin, and they worshiped as a god of safe birth and child care. The nearby Fussa-ji Temple was special, but it was renamed Koyasu Shrine in the early Meiji era due to the separation of Shinto and Buddha.
mxa03032 on Google

桜が綺麗な神社です。桜に惹かれて参拝。 子安観音という子宝に御利益のある神社の様です。
It is a shrine with beautiful cherry blossoms. I am attracted to the cherry blossoms and worship. It's like a shrine called Koyasu Kannon that benefits from child treasure.
カメちゃんカメちゃん on Google

桜がとても綺麗で思わず参拝してしまいました? 立派な桜・・・木花咲耶姫を祀ってるのかな?→木花咲耶姫乃命が祭神でした! 子易・・・安産にご利益ありそう→安産祈願で有名でした! 分かりやすくてヨシ✌️
The cherry blossoms are so beautiful that I inadvertently worshiped ? A splendid cherry blossom ... Is it enshrining Konohanasakuyahime? → Konohanasakuya Himenomei was the deity! Koyasu ... It seems to be beneficial for easy delivery → It was famous for praying for easy delivery! Easy to understand Yoshi ✌️
ひっきー on Google

Why is the cherry blossoms ? blooming?
松野皓一 on Google

地元の神社ですが、最近はコロナ禍も有り遠のいています。 通路が段差があったり、歩き難いのに、照明がなく年配者が行くには不親切です? 誰もがお参り出来る様な配慮が必要です⁉️
It's a local shrine, but recently there is a corona wreck and it's far away. There are steps in the aisles and it is difficult to walk, but there is no lighting and it is unfriendly for elderly people to go ? It is necessary to consider that everyone can visit ⁉️
T K on Google

池袋氷川神社参拝後に徒歩10分~15分くらいの位置にありました。 社まで階段を上りましたが、足腰の悪い人は別の入り口があるのかな? 御朱印は社務所のインターホン鳴らしても誰も出てこなかったので、諦めました。
It was about 10 to 15 minutes on foot after visiting Ikebukuro Hikawa Shrine. I went up the stairs to the company, but I wonder if there is another entrance for people who are sick. Nobody came out even if I rang the intercom of the office, so I gave up.

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