小谷流温泉 森の湯

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小谷流温泉 森の湯

住所 :

Koyaru, Yachimata, 〒289-1135 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://koyaru-morinoyu.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba
Description : Indoor & outdoor bathing in hot spring water at a classic, timber-cut rural onsen with a restaurant.

Koyaru, Yachimata, 〒289-1135 Chiba,Japan
ちゃんたら on Google

凄いところにありました。成田方面からGoogleマップで行きましたが細い道でホントに道があっているのか不安になりながら到着!口コミで拝見していた通り駐車料金を払い領収書は受付で渡して返金と…。お風呂へそそくさそそくさ…。お風呂脱衣所も綺麗だし木の香りもまだしていて○ お風呂も祝日で賑わっていましたがぎゅうぎゅうではなく○ 露天風呂も黄色味がかかっているお湯でお風呂上がりでもポカポカして肌はしっとりしていました。値段は高いですが個人的には好きな施設です。熱った身体を冷ます場所もあり外のイスがある場所が私はお気に入りでした。
nokko noko on Google

露天風呂エリアの広さにびっくり!周りはとても静かです♨♨広いお風呂でゆっくり味わう温泉はジンジン伝わる感じで気持ちよかった~洞窟風呂はなんだかエキゾチックで独りだけの空間を贅沢に満喫?露天エリアにも洗い場( ゚Д゚)夏場は解放感ありそうです。夜になるとライトアップもされて更に雰囲気が出てきます。 スタッフの方みんなとても気さくで親切~行き届いてる感じ?? 館内はお洒落でシックな雰囲気。とても落ち着きのある処です。 お料理もちゃんとおいしく頂けましたよ?木曜日はファミリーデイでフライドポテトがサービス!!
I was surprised at the size of the open-air bath area! The surroundings are very quiet. There seems to be a feeling. At night, it is lit up and the atmosphere is even better. All the staff are very friendly and kind ~ Feeling attentive ?? The hall has a stylish and chic atmosphere. It's a very calm place. The food was delicious ? Thursday is Family Day and French fries are served! !!
Asif on Google

Not sure why people gave low ratings but this is a really lovely onsen. The staff are attentive and helpful. The baths are really nice, the restaurant is lovely and our visit was great. I hope it's successful.
Jonathan Kangas on Google

Just an amazing onsen. Think its my favorite by far out of all the onsen I have been to in Japan.
Tran Giang on Google

Beautiful and very relaxing onsen
Mike Michimasa on Google

The hot spring experience was amazing .

Love it? It's a nice place to relax your body?
Will Chen on Google

Not friendly for family with a baby below 3 year’s old. The baby bath means wash bowl. You are not allowed to take baby to take a bath with parents. But it is a high level hot spring for couples for a date. Personal recommend: ★ ★ Family-friendly: ★ ★ Date for couples: ★ ★ ★ ★ Parking lot: ◯ 500 yen Services/meals/products/design: ★ ★ ★ ★ Period for stay: 2-3 hours Charge: adults 1,320 yen <3 year’s old kids, free Baby room/accessible toilet: ✕ Cleanness: ★ ★ ★ ★

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