
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 青々庵

住所 :

Koyamadai, Sakae Ward, Yokohama, 〒247-0002 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Koyamadai, Sakae Ward, Yokohama, 〒247-0002 Kanagawa,Japan
千尋 on Google

時間遅めだったので、十割がなく残念でしたが、美味しかったです。 ご馳走さまでした。
It was late, so I was disappointed that there wasn't 100%, but it was delicious. It was a feast.
達也堀 on Google

It is always popular and delicious. I like Tanuki soba and curry Nanban soba. Kana even if there are more types of bowls
Agent Chef03 on Google

つゆは甘くなく、出汁が効いていておいしかったです。十割せいろ天ぷらをいただきましたが、1,300円はお安いと思います。 海老天もプリプリ。大満足
The soup was not sweet and the soup stock worked well and was delicious. I received 100% seiro tempura, but I think that 1,300 yen is cheap. Ebi-ten is also pre-prepared. Great satisfaction
菜の花あんずひきわり納豆 on Google

天丼十割せいろそばと親子丼の普通せいろそばを初めて来店。毎週通る道なので気になっていた。残念なのが漬け物がもしかしたら市販?きゅうりのぬか漬けだけでも良かったかなぁ。駐車場が3台道沿いで少しだけ入れにくい。美味しかったです。 久しぶりの来店。日曜日lunch天丼と蕎麦setと穴子丼と蕎麦setを頂きました。
For the first time, I visited Tendon 100% Seirosoba and Oyakodon Ordinary Seirosoba. I was worried because it is a road that I take every week. Unfortunately, the pickles are probably on the market? I wonder if it was okay to just pickle the cucumber in bran. There are 3 parking lots along the road and it is a little difficult to enter. It was delicious. Visited the store after a long absence. I had lunch lunch tempura bowl, soba set, conger eel bowl and soba set on Sunday.
masa nonaka yokohama (Nonaka横浜) on Google

いつも気になってたお店です。いつも車が一杯で今回はウォーキングがてら来ました。お蕎麦自家製で美味しかったです。つゆの濃さも蕎麦湯の味も良かった。 好みを言えば丼もののタレがもう少し甘めで多くかかって欲しいという玄人さんから笑われてしまいそうな事かな。
It's a shop I've always been interested in. The car was always full and I was walking this time. The soba was homemade and delicious. The strength of the soup and the taste of soba hot water were good. Speaking of taste, it seems that the expert who wants the sauce of the bowl to be a little sweeter and more sprinkled will be laughed at.
。すだち on Google

土日限定の十割蕎麦と天丼のセットを注文。 十割蕎麦、香りも喉越しもよく美味しい♪ 天丼の海老もボリュームがあり美味しく、これで1200円はコスパがいい!
I ordered a set of 100% buckwheat noodles and tendon bowl only on Saturdays and Sundays. 100% buckwheat noodles, delicious with aroma and throat ♪ The shrimp in the tendon is also voluminous and delicious, and the cost performance is good for 1200 yen!
酒井寛 on Google

蕎麦の香りが立っており美味しかったです♪ 天丼付きで1000円、安い! 今度は違うメニューも食べたいと思わせてくれる様な良いお店でした。
The scent of soba was standing and it was delicious ♪ 1000 yen with a bowl of tendon, cheap! It was a good restaurant that made me want to eat a different menu this time.
ラドンゴジラ on Google

普通のそばは、2:8ですが、充分満足させてくれます。蕎麦湯がほのかに甘いのも、そばの香りも、大満足です。 蔓延防止期間がすぎても、当面は、夜の営業はしないとの店主の話です。
Ordinary soba is 2: 8, but it's quite satisfying. The slightly sweet soba hot water and the aroma of soba are very satisfying. Even after the spread prevention period has passed, the shop owner says that it will not be open at night for the time being.

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