Kotobuki Sushi - Akashi

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kotobuki Sushi

住所 :

寿すし 1-chome-10-23 Daidocho, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0029, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 673-0029
Webサイト : http://www.kikumasamune.co.jp/ajinamise/detail.html%3Fid%3D1139

寿すし 1-chome-10-23 Daidocho, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0029, Japan
cx aoyzel on Google

それぞれ良い仕事をしてる美味しい お寿司です。 店内も清潔でご夫婦の連携も素晴らしく なによりご主人の礼儀正しさには また行きたくなります。
Delicious doing a good job each Sushi. The inside of the store is also clean and the cooperation of the couple is wonderful Above all, the politeness of your husband I want to go again.
平山広陛 on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 店内が明るくとても綺麗で 何を食べても美味しいです! 店主も礼儀正しい方で 通う度に気分良くさせてくれます。 他のお寿司屋さんに 行きたいとは思わないですね‼ 恵方巻も毎年頼んでますが 食べきるのが勿体無いぐらい美味です✨
I'm always taking care of you. The store is bright and very beautiful No matter what you eat! The owner is also polite It makes me feel good every time I go. To other sushi restaurants I do not want to go. I also ask for Ehomaki every year It is so delicious that there is no need to eat it.
Sally on Google

素敵なご夫婦でされてる江戸前寿司さんです。真面目な方で、味も、人柄もどちらにも惚れました♡ 美味しいお寿司と、気分の良くなるお店です。 平日ランチならお寿司盛り合わせ¥800〜あるので、是非❣️本当に美味しいです。
This is Edomae Sushi, which is a wonderful couple. He was a serious person and fell in love with both taste and personality♡ Delicious sushi and a place that makes you feel better. If you have a weekday lunch, the sushi platter starts at ¥800, so it's really delicious ❣️.
博富小野 on Google

It was a shop that I jumped in, but it was delicious, the cospa was good, and the personalities of my husband and the landlady were also good, so I would like to visit you for lunch this time.
大西典子 on Google

とても美味しいかったです お吸い物も薄味でにぎり寿司のじやましない 持ち帰りに松前寿司を御願いしたら 2月迄です 温かくなったら 松前寿司油の、のりが悪いので 夕食に穴子の押し寿司 持ち帰りしました とても美味しいかったです 一人でカウンターで 頂きました。 お仕事丁寧に、使う度々 まな板綺麗に拭き取り ふきんもその都度洗う コロナ無い時も同じようにされてるから、自然ですねー?? 寿寿司さん最高に美味しい です??
It was very delicious The soup is also light and does not stop nigiri sushi If you want Matsumae sushi to take home Until February When it gets warm Matsumae sushi oil has a bad glue Conger eel sushi for dinner I took it home It was very delicious Alone at the counter I received. Work politely, every time you use Wipe off the cutting board cleanly Wash the cloth each time It's natural because it's done the same when there is no corona ?? Kotobuki sushi is the best Is ??
ポンポン on Google

美味しかったです。 食べ終わったあと、色んな話をして楽しい時間を過ごせました。 また、行きたいです!
It was delicious. After I finished eating, I had a good time talking about various things. I want to go again!
ペコリーナ on Google

The most recommended sushi restaurant. The personality of the general and the landlady is the best in terms of material and cost performance. Although there are many famous restaurants in Hyogo, I have never met a sushi restaurant that exceeds this number.
HA SA on Google

大将も女将さんもとても感じがよくてすごく丁寧で雰囲気も素敵なお寿司屋さんです。 自宅からも近くいつもお願いしているんですが夏場は保冷バックに保冷剤をいれてくれたりと気遣いが行き渡りすぎていつも気持ちがいいです。 お寿司もネタは大きく新鮮でとても美味しいです。一つ一つ丁寧に握られていて満足できます。お客様が来られた時にいつもお願いするのですが皆喜んで食べているので自宅近くにいいお寿司屋さんがあってよかったなといつも思います。
Both the general and the landlady are very nice, very polite and have a nice atmosphere. I'm always asking for it near my house, but in the summer it feels good because I'm too concerned about putting ice packs in the ice pack. The sushi is also big, fresh and very delicious. You can be satisfied with each one being carefully grasped. I always ask when customers come, but I'm always happy to have a good sushi restaurant near my house because everyone is happy to eat.

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