Kotai Shrine - Uda

4.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Kotai Shrine

住所 :

50 Utanohirai, Uda, Nara 633-2201, Japan

Postal code : 633-2201
Webサイト : http://www.narashinsei.com/search/%25E3%2582%25AB%25E8%25A1%258C/%25E7%259A%2587%25E5%25A4%25A7%25E7%25A5%259E%25E7%25A4%25BE/

50 Utanohirai, Uda, Nara 633-2201, Japan
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岡田新吾 on Google

雲外蒼天123 on Google

皇太神社(こうたい) 鎮座地奈良県宇陀市菟田野平井 御祭神天照大神、高皇産霊命、天児屋根命 本殿は石段を上って正面に銅板葺三間社流造、朱塗りで美しい絵画で飾られています。 本殿の左側(北西側)に式内社「御井神社」と「石神神社」の相殿が南西向きに鎮座しています。御井神社の御祭神は「木俣神」。石神神社の御祭神は不明。社殿は銅板葺きの一間社春日造で、こちらも朱が施され、壁には牡丹の絵が描かれています。
Kotai Shrine Utanohirai, Uda City, Nara Prefecture Amaterasu Omikami, Takami Musubi, Ame-no-Koyomi The main shrine is decorated with beautiful paintings painted in vermilion, which is made by the copper plate thatched Sangensha style in front of the stone steps. On the left side (northwest side) of the main shrine, the shrines of the Shikinai shrines "Mii Shrine" and "Ishijin Shrine" are enshrined facing southwest. The deity of the Mii Shrine is "Kimata God". The deity of the Ishigami Shrine is unknown. The main shrine is a copper plate-roofed Ichima-sha Kasuga-zukuri, which is also decorated with vermilion and has a picture of peony on the wall.

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