エベレストキッチン 港南台

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エベレストキッチン 港南台

住所 :

Konandai, Konan Ward, Yokohama, 〒234-0054 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Konandai, Konan Ward, Yokohama, 〒234-0054 Kanagawa,Japan
Kenji Saito on Google

本格的なインド・ネパール料理店ですが、リーズナブルでとても美味しい。また、このお店は大変家族的な対応で居心地が良くて気に入っています。メニューにないものも含め、お客の要求に応えてくれるので多くの人が満足されるのではないでしょうか。常連客も多いようですし、Uber Eatsを利用されている方が多いことからもお店の良さがうかがえます。残念なところは駐車場が離れたところにあり2台しか駐車でないこと、及び現金払いのみで電子マネーやクレジットカードが使えないことですね。
It is a full-fledged Indian / Nepalese restaurant, but it is reasonably priced and very delicious. Also, I like this shop because it is very family friendly and cozy. I think many people will be satisfied because they will meet the needs of customers, including those that are not on the menu. It seems that there are many regular customers, and many people are using Uber Eats, which shows the goodness of the store. Unfortunately, the parking lot is far away and only two cars can be parked, and you can only pay cash and cannot use e-commerce or credit cards.
さとうあきら on Google

スタッフさんの対応がとても良くて居心地の良いお店です。 ランチタイムにしか行ったことはないのですが、ランチメニューはとてもお得です。特にダルカレー(豆のカレー)セットは、ナンかライス、ドリンク、サラダ、カレーのセットで680円ととてもお得です。自分は豆が好きなので、よく注文します(^^)。豆の甘みの影響からか、辛目が好みの人は辛さをupする方が良いかと思います。自分は辛口にしてます。後は、サグカレー(ほうれん草のカレー)もオススメです。 ナンは驚くほどの大きさ!。ランチタイムはおかわりokです。 カレーって美味しいですよね。オススメのお店です。 駐車場あり。支払いは現金のみ。
It is a cozy shop with very good staff. I have only been there during lunchtime, but the lunch menu is very good. In particular, the dal curry (bean curry) set is a great deal of 680 yen for Nan or rice, drink, salad, curry set. Since I like beans, I often order (^^). Because of the sweetness of the beans, I think that people who like spiciness should increase spiciness. I'm dry. After that, Sag curry (spinach curry) is also recommended. Nan is surprisingly large! . Lunch time is ok instead. Curry is delicious. It is a recommended shop. There is a parking lot. Payment is cash only.
伊藤康世 on Google

インドカレーの店を探して入ったら大当たりでした。ランチも安くて病院の帰りに毎月寄ってます。オススメはバターチキンカレーです。ナンも色々ありゴマナンもオススメ! もう常連で母は店員さんと話してます。
It was a big hit when I searched for an Indian curry shop and entered. Lunch is also cheap and I stop by every month on my way home from the hospital. I recommend butter chicken curry. There are various kinds of naan, and we also recommend sesame naan! I'm already a regular and my mother is talking to the clerk.
masa nonaka yokohama (Nonaka横浜) on Google

I came here for the first time, but there is a parking lot, so you can eat delicious curry at a reasonable price! I had lunch this time, but next time I'm talking with my husband and wife to try various combinations and spiciness as a set.
猫中まろこ on Google

I visited for the first time ♪ I had lunch broccoli and chicken curry. You can also choose the spiciness of the curry from 5 levels. Rice and naan can be refilled! I'm glad I took the courage to enter the store that I had been concerned about for a long time ♪ The infection control was perfect, and the staff also smiled and made me feel at ease. After all, I understand that there are more repeaters. I'm full ♪ Feast ? I'll come again.
T2 Racing on Google

2021.11.26 (FRI) PM13:30 素晴らしい‼️ 美味しいです‼️‼️ ✔バターチキンカレー ✔マトンカレー ?マトンカレー絶品 バターチキンは定番の安定した味です☺ マトンカレーは旨味が凝縮した味です☺ ターメリックライスも炊き加減が良い? 本当にオススメできます✨ 店内も清潔✴ 是非、マトンカレーを堪能して下さい?
2021.11.26 (FRI) PM13: 30 splendid! ️ It's delicious! ️‼ ️ ✔ Butter chicken curry ✔ Mutton curry ? Mutton curry exquisite Butter chicken is a classic stable taste ☺ Mutton curry is a condensed flavor ☺ Turmeric rice is also cooked well ? I can really recommend it ✨ The inside of the store is also clean ✴ Please enjoy the mutton curry ?
Mani' Sh on Google

Nice places
ISLM NSR on Google

Good food but not best service I ordered butter chicken and mutton curry but both came in the exact same color and taste only difference was one with chicken and the other with lamp! Also, in the menu its written for my meal (couple set) "rice or Nan" but the serving person told me I could order only one

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