KONAMI Sports Club - Shinjuku City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KONAMI Sports Club

住所 :

軽子坂MNビル B1F 2-1 Agebacho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 162-0824
Webサイト : https://information.konamisportsclub.jp/ksc/004414/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 7AM–10PM
Tuesday 7AM–10PM
Wednesday 7AM–10PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 7AM–10PM

軽子坂MNビル B1F 2-1 Agebacho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0824, Japan
古屋あい on Google

職場から近くて、また営業時間が早朝〜深夜までで大変使いやすかったので、ほぼ毎日短時間の利用をしていました。 マシンやストレッチエリアは、窓が大きくて明るいスペースにあったので、いい気分転換になりました。 また、夜のクラスも楽しいものが多くて、パワーヨガやキックボクシングなどを楽しめました。自分一人で黙々と運動するタイプではないので、こういったクラスが充実しているのはとてもいい動機付けになりました。 低温のスチームルームがプールエリアにあり、水着に着替えて帽子をかぶりプールを横切らないと使えないのが少し不便でした。それ以外は、高温のサウナが更衣室に併設されていますが、いつもとても混み合っていたのと、主のような女性たちがいらして少し怖かったので、入りにくかったです。
It was close to the workplace, and the business hours were very easy to use from early morning to late night, so I used it for a short time almost every day. The machines and stretch areas were in a bright space with large windows, so it was a good refreshment. There were also many fun night classes, and I enjoyed power yoga and kickboxing. It was a very good motivation for me to be enriched with these classes, as I was not a type of exercising silently by myself. There was a low-temperature steam room in the pool area, and it was a little inconvenient to be able to use it unless I changed into a swimsuit and put on my hat and crossed the pool. Other than that, there was a hot sauna in the changing room, but it was always very crowded and it was a little scary to see women like the Lord, so it was hard to enter.
shinichi on Google

スタジオの古株のような方が、後から割り込んで嫌な気になります。中途半端な入場整理も原因。 バイクの置き場が狭く、コロナ下で使いづらくなっている。
People like old studio stocks will be disgusted by interrupting later. The cause is halfway entrance arrangement. The storage space for the bike is small, making it difficult to use under the corona.
Okuyama Shizuko on Google

I've been going all the time. There is a favorite trainer, Intra, and there are many old members who are at home, and all of them are familiar around Kagurazaka, and they always warm up. New members will be able to talk to each other soon. There was a temporary influence of Corona, but I wonder if it has almost returned. I am going to get rid of corona fatness.
satoshi e on Google

The free weight area is relatively vacant, and I think it's easy to use because it has a moderate size for a comprehensive gym. Is there a small number of machines? A shower line occurs just before the store closes during the shortened business.
ゆきこ on Google

施設内も綺麗、スタッフの方の気遣いが良い。 必ずスタッフの方の方から挨拶をしてくれて、和みます。
The inside of the facility is clean and the staff are very considerate. Be sure to say hello from the staff and relax.
ばちこ on Google

値段の割にマシンが全然ない…。 コナミは料金設定が四つあり、飯田橋店はその中でも一番高い価格設定(フリータイムで16000円越え)なのですが、実際の中身がそれに全然見合ってないと思います。 背中、内腿、復帰のマシンが無いので、もはやどこを鍛えればいいのか謎。これで一万六千円はちょっと…。
There is no machine for the price ... Konami has four price settings, and the Iidabashi store has the highest price (over 16,000 yen in free time), but I don't think the actual contents are worth it at all. Since there are no back, inner thigh, or return machines, it is a mystery as to where to train. With this, 16,000 yen is a little ...
すうさん on Google

建物地下1階にあり、地下鉄から来れば、あまり雨に濡れない。ワンフロアーなので店内は移動しやすくて良い ただ外履きと、室内履き(トレシューズ)が同じ通路なので不衛生!雨でも降った日には濡れた通路を室内履きで通らないといけない。ロッカーでわざわざ履き替える意味があるのかな?いっその事、某24時間ジムみたいに土足OKにした方が清々しいと思う。 またロッカールーム内での土足立入り、キャリーケースのタイヤを拭かないで入って来る人が結構居たので(水虫の皮を剥いでいる人も居たし)、床もかなり不衛生かも?そのためかロッカー専用の室内履を履いている人を見かけた。 【マシン】→肩、背中=ロー、腹筋、ヒップ系が無いと言う大手ジム(カテゴリーも高いのに)としては不完全な施設。 【フリーウエイト】→ベンチプレス1台、パワーラック1台、ハーフラック1台、スミス1台。 インクラインベンチ2台。ダンベルは30kgまで、1〜10kgまでは各2つづつある。 【ケーブル系・チンニング】→ケーブル2本&チンニング1台=デュアル・アジャスタブル・プーリ 【有酸素マシン】→全部予約ボード有り。 テレビ付きはランニングマシンのたった2台だけにしか無い(電動式)。他は散歩程度の速度タイプ(電動式)が数台で、残りは走りづらいタイプ(自走式)であった。なのでテレビ付の電動式ランが入れ替わり使われている バイクの方は、いわゆる「スピンバイク」のみで、気軽に漕げる「エアロバイク」は無い。椅子が小さいので座りづらく非常に漕ぎづらい。何よりも椅子の上下前後の調整と、手を置く台の上下前後の調整が非常に面倒で、何でこんなマシンを大衆ジムで導入しているのか甚だ疑問。このバイクを使いたい層は、バリバリのアスリート向けでは? 【ロッカールーム】→非常に狭い。各ロッカーもソーシャルディスタンスで間引いているため、ロッカーが1つ置きで使えなくなっている。 シャワーブース→6室。 サウナ→あるが現在はコロナで使用禁止。 またチェックインカウンター左脇に、鍵付きのコートハンガー掛けが3つも有るので、上着などは無理してロッカーに入れる必要は無い。 【その他】 Wi-Fiは大手なのに完備されてません。 最後にトレーニングルームが狭いのに、この規模としては無駄にストレッチスペースが広いので(8〜9人は利用可能)、マシンの数が少なくなってしまっている(上記部位のマシンが無い)。 言い換えれば、好きなだけストレッチが出来るジムである。 とは言っても、「ストレッチ1割だけして、残り9割はおしゃべりや寝ている」だけの人達が多い。中には1時間近くも占領している主婦&年配層がいた、さらにはフリーウエイトスペースまで行ってストレッチしている人もいた。
Located on the basement floor of the building, if you come from the subway, you won't get too wet in the rain. Since it is one floor, it is good that the inside of the store is easy to move However, it is unsanitary because the outdoor shoes and the indoor shoes (treshoes) are in the same passage! On rainy days, you have to wear indoor shoes through the wet passage. Does it make sense to change clothes in a locker? Better yet, I think it's refreshing to make the shoes OK like a certain 24-hour gym. Also, there were quite a few people who entered the locker room without wiping the tires of the carry case (some people were peeling athlete's foot), so the floor may be quite unsanitary. Perhaps because of that, I saw a person wearing indoor shoes exclusively for lockers. [Machine] → It is an incomplete facility for a major gym (although the category is high) that there are no shoulders, back = low, abdominal muscles, and hip hop style. [Free weight] → 1 bench press, 1 power rack, 1 half rack, 1 Smith. Two Incline Bench. Weigh up to 30 kg and 2 dumbbells from 1 to 10 kg each. [Cable system / chinning] → 2 cables & 1 chinning = dual adjustable pulley [Aerobic machine] → All reservation boards are available. Only two running machines have a TV (electric). Others were a few speed type (electric type) like walking, and the rest were hard-to-run type (self-propelled type). So electric orchids with TVs are being used in turn. The bikes are only so-called "spin bikes", and there is no "exercise bike" that you can easily row. Since the chair is small, it is difficult to sit down and row very hard. Above all, it is very troublesome to adjust the up and down front and back of the chair and the up and down front and back of the table on which the hand is placed, so I wonder why such a machine is introduced in the popular gym. Is this bike for athletes who want to use it? [Locker room] → Very small. Since each locker is also thinned out by social distance, every other locker cannot be used. Shower booth → 6 rooms. Sauna → There is, but it is currently prohibited to use in Corona. There are also three coat hangers with keys on the left side of the check-in counter, so you don't have to force your jacket into the locker. 【others】 Wi-Fi is big but not complete. Finally, although the training room is small, the stretch space is uselessly large for this scale (8-9 people can use it), so the number of machines has decreased (there is no machine in the above part). In other words, it's a gym where you can stretch as much as you like. That said, there are many people who just "stretch 10% and the remaining 90% are chatting and sleeping." Some housewives and seniors occupied for nearly an hour, and some even went to free weight spaces to stretch.
Booger Boy on Google

Went there for the first time to attend BodyPump on Saturday morning in October 2017. Instructor is not up to Les Mills standard. Music was very loud and the instructor kept on screaming to boost up the atmosphere. Only incapable instructor will do so. Instructor didn’t control the member to return the equipment during the class. It’s a dangerous move if somebody dropped the weight on people lying on the floor doing abs training. Cardio equipment of the gym is brand new. Changing room is small and the studio was build decades ago. Bodypump equipments are few generations ago. You can hardly find them in other parts of the world. Not recommend if you come here for les Mills class.

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