Komyoji - Toride

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komyoji

住所 :

1133 Kuwabara, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897778
Postal code : 302-0017

1133 Kuwabara, Toride, Ibaraki 302-0017, Japan
渡邊信一 on Google

S Mik on Google

田牧英輔 on Google

鯉渕治枝 on Google

おぶちゃん on Google

It is one place of Toride and Nekawa Seven Lucky Gods.
菅谷宏一 on Google

The night bell was handed a number tag, but even without it, it fell within 108. You can get it over 108.
ck mt on Google

除夜の鐘をつきに伺いました。 0時10分頃に到着して、列に並びました。 64番目でした。瓦せんべいを頂きました。人が多過ぎず良かったです。
I visited Joya no kane. Arrived around 0:10 and lined up. It was the 64th. I received a tile senbei. It was good that there were not too many people.
ドローンファントムP4 on Google

不勉強ながら、単に目についた場所を、知り得た情報と共に投稿しています。 光明寺は無量山宝幢院と号し、真言宗豊山派の寺院。土浦市大岩田の法泉寺末寺である。建治二年(1276)稲に創立されたと伝えられ、その後天文二十年(1552)に現在の地に移転した。熊野三社大神は寺院にありながら神道関係の石祠であり、近代の明治三十年(1897)造立のもの
While not studying, I simply post the places I noticed, along with the information I learned. Komyoji Temple is called Mugenzan Hojoin and is a temple of the Shingon sect Toyoyama school. Hosenji Temple in Oiwata, Tsuchiura City. It is said that it was founded in rice in 1276, and then moved to its present location in 1552. Kumano Sansha Ogami is a Shinto-related stone shrine that is located in a temple and was built in 1897 in modern times.

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