
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 西澤内科クリニック

住所 :

Komazawa, Setagaya City, 〒154-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://www.nishizawa-mc.com/
街 : Tokyo

Komazawa, Setagaya City, 〒154-0012 Tokyo,Japan
kazuo kimura on Google

急な対応、ありがとうございました! 説明も丁寧で嬉しかったです。
Sudden response, thank you! The explanation was also polite and I was glad.
dppe 678 on Google

検査の結果など、アドバイスはほとんどいただけません。 質問したら、一般論的なことを言われるくらいでした。
We can hardly give you any advice such as test results. When I asked a question, I was told something in general.
・あすか on Google

I had a medical examination last spring. I was diagnosed with a cold and was given medicine, but it did not improve at all, and I had flu if I had it tested at another hospital. This evaluation is because I was misdiagnosed. I was wandering between life and death because of the hospital here.
守田聖美 on Google

毎月お世話になっております。 先生は親身に話を聞いてくださり、 健康チェックしています。 血圧も改善してよかったです。
We take care every month. The teacher listens to the story, Checking health. It was good that my blood pressure also improved.
yuka M on Google

インフルエンザの症状があり心配で受診いたしました。 看護婦さんの親切迅速な対応、先生の説明も分かり易く大変助かりました。 大病院にはない、細やかな気遣いは心も身体も癒されます。 ありがとうございました。
I have a symptom of influenza and I was consulted with worry. The nurse 's kindness prompt response, teacher' s explanation was also easy to understand and was extremely saved. There is not in the big hospital, the mind and body are healed with delicate care. Thank you very much.
tomoyasu imada on Google

先日便に異常が生じすぐさま先生から紹介状頂き医療センターにて検査及び  大腸ポリーブ切除でしたが早期発見、治療で大事には至りませんでした。    常に丁寧な診察、的確なアドバイスで安心と感謝してます。今後共宜しく 願い ます。ちなみに自己採点星5ッです。
The other day there was an abnormality in the stool, and a letter of advice was immediately given by the teacher for examination at the medical center and resection of the colonic polybe, but early detection and treatment did not lead to serious consequences. I am always relieved and grateful with careful medical examination and accurate advice. Thank you in the future. By the way, it is 5 self-grading stars.
川合まりえ on Google

他の病院で診断されたもので腑に落ちない診断結果でセカンドオピニオンし、大きな病気を発見してもらい、即座に専門病院の紹介状も書いていただきました。結果一刻も早く手術を要するものでした。 院内はきれいで清掃も行き届き明るい雰囲気。先生はとても優しく親身です。
He had a second opinion with a diagnosis that was not understood at another hospital and had a major illness discovered. As a result, surgery was required as soon as possible. The hospital has a clean, well-cleaned and bright atmosphere. The teacher is very kind and kind.
Masaru TANAKA on Google

(見せて欲しいと言われ)「任意で開示した機微情報たる健康診断結果を何の断りもなく複写され、不快な思いをしたので通院を止めた」 というようなことを以前投稿し、それについてのオーナーからの意見も書かれていました。その後、何故か投稿の内容が消えています。 オーナー様におかれては、意見を書かれたという事実も含めて失念されているのでしょう。 (何故か消えた後、敢えてそのままにしておきましたが、オーナー様の方でコメントをということですので再掲させていただきました。)
(She was asked to show me) "The medical examination results, which were voluntarily disclosed as sensitive information, were copied without notice, and I stopped feeling at the hospital because I felt uncomfortable." I've posted something like that before, and the owner has given me feedback about it. After that, the contents of the post have disappeared for some reason. The owner may have been forgotten, including the fact that his opinion was written. (After having disappeared for some reason, I dared to leave it as it is, but I will post it again because the owner says a comment.)

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