國分八幡宮 - Takamatsu

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 國分八幡宮

住所 :

Kokubunjicho Kokubu, Takamatsu, 〒769-0102 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887877
Postal code : 769-0102
Webサイト : http://kokubuhatimangu.com/
街 : Kagawa

Kokubunjicho Kokubu, Takamatsu, 〒769-0102 Kagawa,Japan
川井啓子 on Google

白蛇さまにご縁のある神社で、本殿の裏にあるイワクラは 大変強いパワースポットです。
It is a shrine related to the white snake, and the Iwakura behind the main shrine is a very strong power spot.
なおはる on Google

口コミで、御朱印も宮司さんが不在でもらえないことがあると聞いていたので、正月の絶対いる❗というタイミングを狙って行きました。正月なので賑わっていました。 道は細く、対向車をかわすのが大変。 ネズミ年なので、ネズミの絵馬がありました。目など、自分で顔を書けます✨
In the word of mouth, Goshushi also heard that Miyaji couldn't be absent, so I went for the timing of the New Year's Absolute. Because it was a new year, it was full of people. The road is narrow and it is hard to dodge oncoming vehicles. Since it is a mouse year, there was a mouse ema. You can write your own face, such as your eyes.
パンダランド on Google

毎年、初詣に参拝させていただいてます。 おみくじを引くのですが、4年連続で「凶」を引き当てています。 凶の場合、おみくじを預けると1年間祈祷をしていただき、代わりに黄色いお守りを授けてもらえます。なので、吉よりもラッキーかも? 桜の季節では参道沿いにたくさんの桜が咲き乱れ、きれいな写真を撮ることができます。
Every year, I visit Hatsumode. We draw fortunes, but we have been targeting "evil" for the fourth consecutive year. In case of evil, if you leave the fortune, you will pray for one year and receive a yellow amulet instead. So you might be luckier than good? During the cherry blossom season, many cherry blossoms bloom along the approach and you can take beautiful pictures.
linsan808 on Google

参道入り口はごく地味な雰囲気ですが、一歩足を踏み入れたら圧倒されるほど立派なお社です。本宮までは石段となだらかな登り傾斜の参道になっており距離は200m余り。静かな境内の独特の雰囲気が楽しめます。 御祭神や由緒(沿革)、御神徳等は、「國分(国分)八幡宮の公式ウェブサイト」で検索すれば詳しく、分り易く紹介されています。公式ウエブのタイトルは、 「古代磐座(いわくら)祭祀の宮 讃岐国分寺正八幡 國分八幡宮」です。 その一部「御神徳」はこのように紹介されています。 「御神徳」とは、わかりやすい言葉で言い換えれば「神の恵み」。その神様から得られるご加護や、神様によっておこされる霊験あらたかな事象などを指し、これを神様からいただくことを「ご利益」と言います。 必勝 大願成就 厄除け 方除け(*方位神参照) 安産 縁結び 私のお勧めは、本宮裏に位置する「磐座(いわくら)」とその脇を通って登る「大禿山(おおかむろやま)」登山です。どちらも是非、自分の目で見て、体感することをお勧めします。 大禿山は176mの低い里山ですが、よく踏み固められているとは言え、かなり急な山道ですから足元はそれなりの準備をして登ってください。山頂から四方に広がる眺望はとても素晴らしい!
The entrance to the approach to the entrance is very plain, but it is a great company that will be overwhelmed if you take a step. There is a stone step and a gentle climb to the main shrine, and the distance is more than 200m. You can enjoy the unique atmosphere of the quiet precincts. If you search the "Kokubun (Kokubun) Hachimangu official website", you can find details about the deity of the festival, history (history), and godliness in detail. The official web title is It is "Sanuki Kokubunji Shohachiman, Kokubun Hachiman Shrine, the temple of the ancient Iwakura festival." A part of it, "Godoku", is introduced in this way. The word “Godoku” means “the grace of God” in other words. "Benefit" means that the blessings obtained from the gods and the spiritual new events that are caused by the gods are received from the gods. Victory, fulfillment of a big wish, ward off evil (see * direction god) easy delivery I recommend "Iwakura" located in the back of the main shrine and "Okamuroyama" mountain climbing through the side of it. Both are recommended to see and experience with your own eyes. Ōbashiyama is a low 176m satoyama, but it is a well-compacted mountain road, but it is a steep mountain road, so be sure to prepare your feet accordingly before climbing. The view from the top of the mountain to all four sides is wonderful!
宮本康弘 on Google

国分寺町の北端、縄文遺跡跡の国府台の麓の小高い大禿山の中腹にて讃岐国分寺の北東(表鬼門)、国分寺尼寺の西南西(裏鬼門)に位置する場所に鎮座する社です。 社伝によると天平勝宝年間と成ってますが、これより先に諸国に国分寺が建設せられ本宮は国分寺の鎮護並びに阿野七郷の産土神として創祀されたようです。 弘法大師が当国巡錫の折、国分寺及び当社も修補し以来国分寺歴世の崇敬が篤く社殿は壮麗であったようです。 天正時代に戦火に掛かり焼失、慶長年間生駒氏により再興、寛永年間には大地震、万治年間に火災にあい再び再興された。この再興の時に現在の場所に遷しました。旧社殿地は当宮の宮池のある場所と伝えられてます。 祀られているのは神武天皇、仲哀天皇、神宮皇后、應神天皇、磐座の白蛇の神です。
This company is located at the northern end of Kokubunji-cho, on the hillside of Mt. According to the company's biography, it is the Tenpyo Shoho era, but it seems that Kokubunji was built in each country before this, and the main shrine was enshrined as a guardian of Kokubunji and as a local god of Ano Shichigo. It seems that the shrine was magnificent because of the reverence of Kokubunji's history since Kobo Daishi repaired Kokubunji and our company when he visited Kokubunji. It was destroyed by fire in the Tensho era, revived by Mr. Ikoma during the Keicho era, a large earthquake during the Kanei era, and revived again due to a fire during the Manji era. At the time of this revival, it moved to its current location. The old shrine is said to be the location of Miyaike in our shrine. Emperor Jimmu, Emperor Chuai, Empress Jingu, Emperor Ojin, and the white snake god of Banza are enshrined.
森林檎 on Google

必勝祈願に御参拝いたしました。 山頂からの眺めは心地よく、雲の流れで姿を変える山々、時を忘れてしまいます。
I worshiped for the victory prayer. The view from the summit is pleasant, the mountains change shape with the flow of clouds, and you forget time.
ホンマヤスノリ on Google

I worshiped in the summer. Since it was before noon on weekdays, I was able to take time to worship in the quiet precincts. The gods of rituals are in the reviews of other people. It is a very good shrine, although it is located a short distance from the national highway. It was very nice to have the red stamp correspondence polite. Next time I would like to visit the summit.
shiota kenichi on Google

It is worshiped by local people as a shrine that can receive various benefits such as fulfillment of a big wish. A shrine with Iwakura as the Shintai is rare in Japan, and one pillar of the Shintai is the white snake. There is also a legendary ban for men and women, and you can also enjoy the benefits of marriage. The Goshuincho was a neat, brave, and desirable design with three colors of shrine maiden who draw a bow. There is also a seasonal red stamp, is it a female priest? It is a shrine with a lot of power in the red stamp itself written by.

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