Kokappou Ohashi Ebisuri Bingu - Shibuya City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kokappou Ohashi Ebisuri Bingu

住所 :

コンツェ恵比寿 5F 2 Chome-3-14 Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879877
Postal code : 150-0022
Webサイト : https://www.dd-holdings.jp/shops/ohashi/ebisu_living/

コンツェ恵比寿 5F 2 Chome-3-14 Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0022, Japan
いわいまゆみ on Google

仕事の食事会で。オシャレなところってあんまりお料理美味しいところ少ないけど、おいしかった!唐揚げとかだしまきとか気取ってないお料理もたくさん。お客さんはオシャレでワインを飲んでる方がたくさんいました。 今度はプライベートでも来たいと思います。
At a meal party at work. There are a lot of delicious places where food is delicious, but it was delicious! There are also a lot of dishes that don't look like fried chicken and kamagushi. There were many customers drinking wine in fashionable fashion. I would like to come private now.
City Kandotown on Google

ここで食べた牡蠣フライで食あたりし、嘔吐と下痢で死にかけました。 本当にオススメしないです。 好きなお店でしたが、二度といきません。 下処理できててない料理を平気で出す、雰囲気だけの割高で適当なお店です。お気をつけください。
I ate with the oyster fries I ate here, and died of vomiting and diarrhea. I really do not recommend it. It was my favorite store, but I will never go again. It is an appropriate restaurant with a high atmosphere only, serving unprepared food with care. Please be careful.
11rco on Google

落ち着いており、接客もかなり良かったです。 店内は雰囲気がよく綺麗でした。 食事もどれも美味しく、お酒も種類がありました。また、利用したいと思いました。
It was calm and the customer service was quite good. The atmosphere inside the store was nice and beautiful. All the food was delicious and there was a variety of alcoholic beverages. I also wanted to use it.
Yuuhi on Google

創作和食のお店に予約してお邪魔しました。 個室だったのでとても落ち着けました。 和食なんだけど、オシャレなリビングみたいなコンセプトのお店のようで、店員さんもみんな無印良品みたいな服を着てます。 オススメのおでんはシチューみたいでいまいち。 でその他のお料理はとても美味しかったです。 カウンターも広いし、個室もこじゃれてて、デートにオススメ。
I made a reservation at a creative Japanese restaurant and went in there. Because it was a private room, it was very calm. Although it is Japanese food, it looks like a shop with a concept like a stylish living room, and all the clerks are wearing clothes like MUJI. The recommended oden looks like stew and is not good enough. The other dishes were very delicious. The counter is large, and the private room is confused, so it is recommended for dates.
かける on Google

会社の懇親会にて使用させていただきました! 中は綺麗で結構良かったです! ソファはふわふわしていて、座り心地も良かったです! 料理は全て美味しく堪能させていただきました! 飲み物も比較的に早かったので、いいお店でした!
I used it at the company social gathering! The inside was beautiful and pretty good! The sofa was fluffy and comfortable to sit on! I enjoyed all the dishes deliciously! The drinks were relatively quick, so it was a good shop!
K M on Google

体に優しいおばんざいをリビングのような空間で存分に味わえます。 おススメは『羽釜土鍋ご飯』鯛と三つ葉など旬な具材がご飯と共に土鍋の中で美味しく出来上がってます。 その味はとても優しく鯛の出汁が食欲を掻き立てます、お酒の〆にもピッタリです。
You can fully enjoy the body-friendly obanzai in a living room-like space. The recommendation is "Hakama clay pot rice" Seasonal ingredients such as sea bream and trefoil are deliciously made in the clay pot with rice. The taste is very gentle and the soup stock of sea bream stirs your appetite, which is perfect for sake.
わさわさ on Google

The food is light in taste and gentle on the body. It's a little expensive for the price, but I thought it was an average land pattern. What I was interested in was that although the seats were semi-private rooms, it was designed to meet the neighbors, and I asked for non-alcoholic drinks, but the ones with alcohol were offered ? (because I am pregnant) I wanted you to be careful ...)
Han Kim on Google

Good dining place for dates (like all the others say in reviews). Smoking/non-smoking not separated, no English menu at all. Food is good, drink (general izakaya menu+a bit of sake selection) is good.

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