
4.3/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact 坪田デンタルクリニック

住所 :

Kohinata, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.tsubota-dc.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Kohinata, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0006 Tokyo,Japan
野澤昌義 on Google

泰穏 on Google

He is very courteous and provides treatment close to the patient.
ちくわぶ侍 on Google

根幹治療でお世話になりました。 全然痛くなかったです
I was indebted to you with the core treatment. It did not hurt at all.
Akiko FM on Google

The teacher is a craftsman, so it feels a little hard, but his arms are certain and he politely explains the condition of his teeth. I think it's a dentist you can trust and trust ♪
坪田恭子 on Google

腕はすごいいい先生だと思います。HPで見てかなり腕が良さそうだなと思って行くことにしました。あと金額的にもかなり良心的だと思います。ただ歯周病に関する知識はあまりない感じがしました。正直言うと性格的に難がある感じでちょっとそこまで言うの?というくらいのことを言われました。こんなにひどくしてとか、あと歯の治療で高いのもありますから断ると前のこの歯は保険外みたいだけど今はお金ないんだ?みたいに言われてちょっとそこまで?とびっくりしました。歯科衛生士の人も正直感じ悪いし、今まで通ってたところが優しいところだったのもあってかなりきつい感じがしました。痛がるとチッというかため息をあからさまにつかれて、先生と一緒に馬鹿にされました。 あと、受付の人が特に感じが悪かったです。若いのにタメ語を使ってうんうん、と言われてびっくりしました。私も歯医者で怖いのもあって声のトーンがすごい高くなりました。ムスっとして機嫌悪そうな喧嘩腰の言い方をされるんですごい気分が悪かったです。私も初めてなんで勝手が分からず、こちらのスリッパはどうやって取るんですか?みたいに聞いたらめんどくさそうに、そっち取ってみたいに言われました。先生に言いにくくて言ったら、めんどくさそうにそういうの先生に聞いてもらえませんかー?という感じで怒り口調で言われました。正直豚鼻って文句言ってやりたい感じがしました。通ってるストレスで歯茎がすごい荒れてどうしようもなくなり、インターネットで調べていたらストレスでもかなり歯茎が荒れるとありました。私の診療中でも歯茎が荒れて治療がすすまないと言ってる人がいたので、恐らくこちらに通ってるストレスもあるのかもしれないです。治療はかなり痛いですし痛がるとかなり怒られるので、待ってる患者さんは何人か見たんですがみなさんいぶかしげな顔をしていて年配の人が多く、恐らく通いだしたら別の歯医者に行ったらだめだと思ってる人や腕がいいのと金額的には良心的なので我慢して通ってる人が多いと思います。 あと、胸の上にたぶん入れる歯か何かは分からないんですけど(治療中だったんで見れなかったんですけど)物を置かれて胸もさわられた感じです。他の人で胸の上に器具とか置いてやるとか見たことはあるんですけどちょっと?と思いました。ちょっと雑過ぎないかなと思ったのと 手際良くてすごい急いで急く感じでやる感じでちょっと怖かったです。口を開けた状態でこれ削りますねと言われるので断る隙も与えない感じで、どんどん歯を削られてしまいました。経験のある人は分かると思うんですが、歯とか入れると噛み合わせとかが気になりますが、ちょっとまだ高いですみたいに言うと先生が怒りだして噛み合わせが合わなくても我慢する場合もあると思いますが、こちらの先生は噛み合わせはすぐに揃えてくれました。まだ高い?みたいには言われましたが、前の先生は何度も噛み合わせだけで通っていたので腕はいいと思うんですけどちょっと怖いのでなかなか言いにくい先生だったです。ただ、かなり文句を言われながらも自分の意見はかなり伝えました。後で後悔するのも嫌なんで あと、前の先生のやったところの悪口がすごかったです。その先生のところに行けばいいのに死んだの?とか喧嘩でもしたの?とかすごかったです。ずいぶんへたでこんなひどい治療は私も長くやってるけどそう人生で見たことがないとかかなり言われました。私も当時はそのときの先生を信頼して行っていたので正直気分が悪かったです。そのときは根幹治療がうまく行かずにやむなく転院した感じで(確かにその頃は私もかなり親からの影響で転院はだめだというのが強くある程度腕や性格に難があって早く転院すればよかったと後から考えると悔やみましたが)それでもあんまり前の先生の悪口を言われるのは私も安い金額で作ったものではなかったので気分は悪かったですが、腕がいい先生ということで私のこのままでは死活問題だったので我慢しました。正直、精神的なダメージを受けたので慰謝料を請求したい気分です。友人に弁護士がいるんでかなり馬鹿にされて胸の上に器具を置かれて胸をさわられたり、いろいろとパワハラな発言をされたと言ったら被害届を出したほうがいいと言われました。もともと歯医者にはトラウマがあったんですが特にトラウマになりました。だったら治療を受けずに他に行けばよかったのかもしれませんが、かなり難易度が高い治療が必要だったのと金銭的な問題もあってこちらにお願いしました。 その後なんですが腕がいいと言っていたんですがどうもやってもらったところの噛み合わせが悪く、気になって物も食べずらくなりました。先生はやたら私の腕はいいからっていうのを強調していたんですが、私もそういうのもあって言いずらかったんですが、噛み合わせが悪くなったせいで歯茎も腫れています。あと高いものもこっちが断る隙も与えず、(断ったらぐちぐち言われるかもうやりたくないみたいにしつこく言われます)作ります?という感じで半ば脅迫的な感じで言われてしまい、(周りに歯科衛生士の人とか助手の人とかに囲まれるので更に断りにくい)高いのを作ってしまったんですが、ともかく使いづらいので使ってません。噛み合わせが悪くなったんで別のところで直してもらおうと思ってます。 あと、審美のために作った歯がかなりおかしくつけられてしまったために見た目的にずれていて鏡で見ると気になります。先生はこれだと噛み合わせが悪いとかすぐに取れてしまうとかでさらに削ってつけたのですが、ずれてしまって鏡で見ると気になるようになりました。少しずれているほうが自然と言ったら自然なのかもしれませんが、審美とか見た目をあまり気にしてくれない先生なんで、審美のために歯を入れた意味がなくなってしまいました。(かなりずれて出っ歯になってしまった)気になりますが、仕方がないとあきらめています。見た目とか審美を気にして高い歯を作ったのにかなりショックですが、そういう女性の気持ちとかはあまり興味がないという感じです。歯周病で歯がなくなったのかみたいな言い方をされて、私も反論する暇もなかった感じです。歯茎が腫れているのも、歯を磨いていないからだみたいな言い方をされたんですが、噛み合わせが悪くなったのと、こちらに通ってるストレスが大きいと思います。この先生はともかく自分が一番歯医者としては上だと信じてる感じなので何か言うと受け付けてくれないと思います。 こちらに通いだしてから気にしていたシワとかシミがさらにストレスで濃くなりました。体調も歯茎が腫れていて熱が連日出ている状態で頭痛がして悪いし、ほんと始めの段階で見極める力がなかった私も馬鹿だったなと思います。自分を過信して自分が見つけたところだから大丈夫だと思ってしまったところがありますが、歯医者も相性というかそういうのも合わないとストレスでさらに悪化することになるんだなと思いました。腕もそうですが相性とかもかなり大事かなと思います。早めに転院しておけばよかったなと思います。ストレスで頭痛と熱が連日出ていて体調がすごい悪いです。
I think your skill is a great teacher. I decided to go because I thought that it looked pretty good on the HP. I also think that it is quite conscientious in terms of money. However, I didn't have much knowledge about periodontal disease. To be honest, is it difficult to say so because of your personality? I was told that. It's so expensive and it's expensive to treat my teeth again, so if I refuse, this tooth looks like it's out of insurance, but isn't there any money now? Is it a bit over there? I was surprised with. The dental hygienist didn't feel right, and it was a bit tough because the places I used to go to were so gentle. When I was in pain, I felt a sigh or a sigh, and I was ridiculed with my teacher. Also, the receptionist was especially sick. Even though I was young, I was surprised when I was told that I could use Tame. I was a dentist and I was scared, so the tone of my voice became extremely high. I was sick and in a bad mood, I was told that I was in a quarrel. I don't know why it's my first time, so how do I get these slippers? I was told that it would be annoying to hear it, and I wanted to take it over. If you tell the teacher that it's hard to tell, why don't you ask that kind of teacher? I was angry, saying that. To be honest, I complained about pig nose, and I felt like doing it. I couldn't do anything because my gums were so rough due to the stress that I was passing through, and when I looked up on the Internet, I found that my gums were too rough due to stress. There was a person who said that my gums were rough and could not be treated even during my medical treatment, so maybe there is also the stress of going there. The treatment is pretty painful and I get quite angry when it hurts, so I saw some patients who were waiting, but all of them have a squishy face and there are many elderly people I think there are many people who are pitiful because they are not good at it and they are conscientious in terms of money and have good skills. Also, I don't know what teeth to put on my chest or something (I couldn't see it because I was under treatment), but I felt that my chest was touching. I've seen other people put equipment on their chests, right? I thought. I thought I was a little too rough It was a little scary because it was very quick and I was doing it in a hurry. It is said that I will grind this with my mouth open, so I did not give me a chance to refuse, so my teeth were being shaved more and more. If you have experience, I think that you will understand, but if you insert teeth or teeth, you will be worried about biting, but if it says that it is still a little expensive, even if the teacher starts to get angry I think there is, but the teacher here immediately aligned the bite. Is it still expensive? As I was told, the previous teacher was passing only by biting, so I think that my arm is good, but I am a little scared, so it was a teacher who was hard to say. However, I was able to convey my opinion quite a bit, despite being complained. I don't want to regret it later Also, the bad things that the former teacher did were amazing. Did I go to the teacher and die? Did you have a quarrel? It was awesome. It's been a long time since I've been doing such a terrible treatment for a long time, but I was told that I had never seen it in my life. At that time, I also trusted the teacher at that time, so I didn't feel right. At that time, I felt like I had to be transferred to the hospital because the core treatment did not go well. (I regret it when I think about it later.) Even so, I didn't feel like the teacher's bad words were made with a cheap amount of money, but I didn't feel well As it was a life-and-death problem, I put up with it. Honestly, I feel emotionally damaged and I want to claim a solitude. My friend had a lawyer who made me foolish and put my device on my chest and touched my chest, and when I was told that I had a lot of powerful statements, I was told that I should report the damage. Originally, my dentist had trauma, but I became traumatic in particular. If so, it would have been better if I could go to another place without receiving medical treatment, but I asked for this because there was a financial problem that medical treatment was quite difficult. After that, I was saying that I had good skills, but I couldn't get enough bite when I asked him to do it, and I was worried that it was difficult to eat things. The teacher emphasized that my arm was good, but it was hard for me to say that, but my gums are swollen because of bad chewing. Also, don't give me the opportunity to refuse expensive things (if you refuse, you'll be told to be stupid or you'll be persistently told you don't want to do it anymore)? I was told that it was a half-intimidating feeling, and I made it expensive (it is hard to refuse because it is surrounded by dental hygienists and assistants), but it is difficult to use anyway, so I used it Not. I'm having a bad bite and I'm trying to fix it elsewhere. Also, because the teeth I made for esthetics were attached so strangely that it was misaligned with the purpose I intended to see in the mirror. The teacher tried to cut it further because the biting was bad and it came off quickly, but it became distracting when I saw it in the mirror. It may be more natural to say that it is a little off, but since it is a teacher who doesn't care much about aesthetics or appearance, it makes sense to put teeth in for aesthetics. I'm worried (I've had a bad tooth on my teeth), but I'm giving up. I'm really shocked to see how it looks and aesthetics and make high teeth, but I'm not so interested in the feelings of women. I felt like I had lost my teeth due to periodontal disease, and I didn't have time to refute. I used to say that the gums are swollen and I haven't brushed my teeth, but I think that there is a lot of stress going through here because of the bad bite. Anyway, this teacher seems to believe that he is the best dentist, so I don't think he will accept it. The wrinkles and stains I had been worried about after going to this place became more stressed and darkened. My physical condition was swollen and I had fever every day, so I had a bad headache, and I didn't have the ability to determine it at the beginning. I overconfided myself and thought that it was okay because I found it, but I thought that if the dentist and compatibility are not compatible, stress will make it worse. I think that compatibility is quite important, as is the case with arms. I wish I had transferred to the hospital early. I have a headache and fever every day due to stress, and I am sick.
A A on Google

I'm really kind. I didn't like big dentists, but since I was taken care of by this, I've been able to go to dental examinations every few months.

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