Kohayashi Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Niigata

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kohayashi Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

小林整形外科 1 Chome-1-32 Kamedayotsugoya, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0151, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 950-0151
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

小林整形外科 1 Chome-1-32 Kamedayotsugoya, Konan Ward, Niigata, 950-0151, Japan
肉だんご on Google

ムチウチで通院。一週間が経ち、再来院時に痛みがまだあるとつげると、貴方の痛みは知らない。 うちではわからない。 ちゃんとした病院へ行けと言われて怒り爆発。 最低最悪。
Visit to Muchiuchi. If it's been a week and you still have pain at the second visit, you don't know your pain. I don't know at home. Anger explodes when told to go to a proper hospital. Lowest worst.
yu ha on Google

I hurt the back of my knee in a physical education class and shouted to my daughter with crutches borrowed from school, "There is no such crack, but it can't hurt! It's an exaggeration!" And hit her ass. It's the worst hospital with the worst doctors who laughed. After the examination, my daughter clenched her teeth and desperately held back her tears and returned. I won't let you go again. From now on, when I go to the hospital, I will first look at the reviews.
A K on Google

何度か行きましたが、先生の声がでかく、待合室まで先生の声が響きプライベートも筒抜け。人より痛みが強く感じるなど、痛いことを否定されたり、前回、腰骨が1つ足りないと言われ、障害者とまで言われました。 こんなに評判の悪い医者がいていいのか?疑問。
I went a few times, but the teacher's voice was loud, and the teacher's voice echoed to the waiting room, and I couldn't keep myself private. I was denied that it was more painful than others, and the last time I was told that my hip bone was not enough, and I was even told that I had a disability. Can I have a doctor with such a bad reputation? Doubts.
K S on Google

酷い医者!の一言につきます。 先日、妻が腱鞘炎を診て貰いに行ったところ、本人もかなり悪いとは自覚してたのですが触られて痛がったら、「こんなの治るわけ無い、他で切って貰って来い」と怒鳴られたそうです。 切なくて行ったのにいきなり怒鳴る❗ 考えられない言動を平気で言う医者! 何の為に行ったのか患者の気持ちを理解して無い。 自分の手に負えないなら、はっきり言え! 姉に話したら、姉の旦那もぎっくり腰でやっとの思いでたどり着いたら、「診療時間過ぎたので他に行け」と言われたそうです。 良く、開業出来ているもんだと感心します。
Awful doctor! I will say a word. The other day, my wife went to see for tendinitis and I knew that he was also quite bad, but if I was touched and hurt, "I can not cure like this, please cut it elsewhere" I heard he was yelling at me. I screamed suddenly even though I went painfully ❗ A doctor who simply says unthinkable behavior! I don't understand the patient's feelings why I went there. If you can't handle it, say it clearly! When I talked to my sister, when her husband finally arrived with a tight waist, he was told, "Because it's too late, I'll go to another place." I am impressed that it is well opened.
yukinyan on Google

子供達が小さい時に肘を外しやすかったのですが、この先生はいつも2秒もかからないうちに痛みも無く直してくれました。 夜緊急医療センター行って何分も腕をこねくり回され泣き叫んで外れっぱなし、そんなに難しいのかと次の日の朝行って一瞬で終わり。 やっぱり経験があるからこそだと思い、ありがたかったです。 長男が指の痛みでかかった時は、隣の皮膚科に行きなさいと言い、私は何もしてないから、お大事にと無料で送り出してくれました。 私も生まれた時からお世話になっています。口は悪い人ですが、フレンドリーでいつも笑顔の良い先生です。
It was easy for children to remove their elbows when they were small, but this teacher always repaired without pain in less than two seconds. I went to the emergency medical center at night and rolled my arms for a few minutes, crying out and screaming, I went so much the next morning that it was so difficult and it ended in a moment. After all I thought that it was because I had the experience and I was thankful. When my eldest son got finger pain, he told me to go to the next department of dermatology, and I did nothing, so he sent me free of charge. I have been indebted since I was born. He is a bad person but he is a friendly, always good smiling teacher.
はな on Google

I have used it several times, but he is a bright and kind teacher. The explanation is also polite and easy to understand.
maru on Google

2歳の子供が肘を脱臼し他の整形外科へ行きましたが、治ったのか曖昧な診断をされ一晩様子を見ましたが動かさないので心配で翌日こちらへ行きました。 すると慣れた手つきで数秒で治してくださり、「大丈夫!ちゃんと入ってるよ!」の言葉にとても安心しました。 「もし2、3日たっても痛がるようならまた来て」と言われましたがいつも通り動かしていました。 診察室に入ってすぐ先生が子供を見て「あらー、どうしたのー」とフレンドリーに話して下さり看護師さんも優しく接して下さり、また何かあれば受診したいです。 本当にありがとうございました。
A 2-year-old child dislocated his elbow and went to another orthopedic surgery, but he was vaguely diagnosed as if he had healed and watched the situation overnight, but he was worried that he would not move, so he went here the next day. Then, he was cured in a few seconds with a familiar hand, and I was very relieved by the words "It's okay! I'm in properly!". I was told, "If it hurts after a few days, come back again," but it worked as usual. Immediately after entering the doctor's office, the teacher looked at the child and said "Oh, what's wrong?" Friendlyly, and the nurse kindly treated me, and I would like to see if there is anything else. I'm really thankful to you.
zealkame on Google

子供の頃から怪我をした時にはこちらに行ってます。 声はでかいし、デリカシーさはないかもしれないが、毎回レントゲン写真や模型を使って詳しく説明してくれます。 そもそも怪我なんて医者は手術するならまだしも診察して判断下すのが主だろうし文句言っている人の意味がわからない。 治すのは自分の治癒力だと思います。 診療時間外に行っておいて文句もおかしいのでは?救急対応してますかココ? 初めて行った人はビックリするかもしれませんが、私は面白くてフレンドリーな先生だと思います。
I've been here since I was a kid when I got injured. The voice is loud and may not be delicate, but he will explain in detail using X-rays and models every time. In the first place, doctors will mainly examine and judge injuries if they have surgery, and I don't understand the meaning of the person complaining. I think it is my healing power that cures me. Isn't it strange to go outside the clinic hours and complain? Do you have an emergency response here? People who go there for the first time may be surprised, but I think they are interesting and friendly teachers.

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