岡田整形外科 - Niigata

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 岡田整形外科

住所 :

10-15 Yoneyama, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0916, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 950-0916
Webサイト : https://www.okadaseikei.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

10-15 Yoneyama, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0916, Japan
90s typem on Google

人生で初めての整形外科でしたが、しっかり診て頂けて助かりました。 平日水曜日でしたが念のためにWebから 事前受付をしました。 人気の医院なのか混雑していたので 事前受付の方がスムーズかもしれません。
It was the first orthopedic surgery in my life, but I was grateful for the thorough examination. It was Wednesday on weekdays, but just in case, from the Web We accepted in advance. Because it was crowded because it was a popular clinic Advance reception may be smoother.
恵斗 on Google

先生の対応は毎回優しく、状態を気に掛けて言葉掛けしていただいていて、挫けそうになる気持ちを支えていただきました。 ただ、これといった対応をしていただける訳で無く、自然治癒を目指す方針だったのか痛みも取れないまま以下の事をキッカケに行くのをヤメてしまいました。 時間ギリギリで向かったこちらに、もちろん非がありますが、駐車するまでの間で2〜3分程受付時間から遅れてしまう恐れがあったので、あらかじめ電話でその旨を伝え、それでも大丈夫ですか?と聞いたところ、相当に嫌な声を出されました。そして、良いともダメとも言わず、「まあまだ診察は終わりませんけど。」「本当に近くにいるんですか?来ていただいてもいいですけど、、、ねえ、、、まあ、、、別に、、、。」と言った感じで、なかなか結論を貰え無いまま時間だけが過ぎ、結局電話中に受付終了時間になったので、こちらから行かないという判断し、行くのをヤメました。 常連もしくは、顔見知りといった方が、受付時間を過ぎて入って時に、その受付の方が笑顔で大丈夫ですよ、と対応されてたのを見ていただけに、同じ方が顔見知り以外だと、こんなにも対応を変えてしまう事が残念でした。
The teacher's response was kind every time, and he was careful about his condition and spoke to me, supporting his feelings of being frustrated. However, I wasn't able to deal with this, and I didn't want to go to the following things without taking pain, probably because I was aiming for natural healing. Of course, there is something wrong with this place, which I headed to at the last minute, but there was a risk that the reception time would be delayed by about 2 to 3 minutes before parking, so let me know in advance by phone and is it okay? When I heard that, I heard a rather unpleasant voice. And he didn't say good or bad, "Well, the examination isn't over yet." "Are you really close? You can come, but ... Hey ... well ... With the feeling of saying, ",.", Only the time passed without getting a conclusion, and it was the end time of the reception during the phone call, so I decided not to go from here and decided not to go. I just saw that regulars or acquaintances responded that when they entered after the reception time, the receptionist would be okay with a smile, and if the same person was not acquainted, they would respond so much. It was a pity that I changed.
なかのみき on Google

最初はここのクチコミをみて、看護師さんも先生も親切だとみて通わせていただいてます。 初めての追突事故に遭いお世話になっています。 が、1ヶ月以上経ちましたが、仕事柄もあり手の痛みが取れずに通っています。 先日行った際は、前院長先生だったんですが、診察の際に、勢いよくいつもの『体操してください。お風呂には入ってください。あったかい季節になれば自然と治る。だから打ち切ります、治療』といわれ、私は診察室で一言も発さずに終わりました。だから、今日、今の院長先生だからと色々聞こうと思いましたが、今日に限って診察はなく、電気当てるのみ。患者さんの状態や気持ち、もっと聞いてほしいと思います。看護師さんも親切な方は親切ですが、淡々とされてる方も多いのでそこは普通の看護師さんだなと思います。仕事柄、手を使うので後遺症になるのが嫌なのに、こんな対応されると今後本当にこのまま自分の状態を預けていいのか心配になります。申し訳ないですが、ここまでお世話になりましたが、セカンドオピニオンも探す予定です。すごい残念な対応を私は受けました。
At first, I read the word-of-mouth communication here and thought that both nurses and teachers were kind. I am in the first rear-end collision and are taking care of it. However, it has been more than a month, but she has a job and she has no pain in her hands. When I went there the other day, I was a former director, but at the time of the medical examination, I was energetically doing the usual exercises. Please take a bath. When the warm season comes, it will heal naturally. That's why I abort, treatment, ”and I ended without saying a word in the consultation room. So, today, I was going to ask a lot about being the current director, but only today I don't have a medical examination, just apply electricity. I want to hear more about the patient's condition and feelings. Nurses are also kind if they are kind, but there are many people who are being neglected, so I think they are ordinary nurses. I don't like to be a sequel because I use my hand because of my job, but when I respond like this, I'm worried that I can really leave my condition in the future. I'm sorry I've been looking forward to this, but I'm also looking for a second opinion. I received a very disappointing response.
クマクマ on Google

He carefully explained the current condition and treatment method in detail. The hospital is kind and has a nice atmosphere with teachers and nurses.
田辺さとる on Google

Correspondence etc. is very good as other people say. If you go in the afternoon, it will be very crowded at 3 o'clock at the same time as the store opens. If you go, I think it's better to start to like it a little before 4 o'clock.
にこり on Google

Since the reception is garbage-friendly, I think it is better to stop those who are thinking of going for the first visit. The first visit is unfriendly, and I think it's kind to regulars. The teachers and nurses were friendly and easy to talk to. I won't go anymore.
本間一三(Kazu Bs) on Google

I hurt my right knee muscle with a snowboard, but in addition to X-ray photography, I had an ultrasound diagnosis to show the injured part and the normal part alternately, and explained the symptoms and treatment period in an easy-to-understand manner. Thank you for your cooperation. The receptionist and the nurses responded kindly and politely, and I returned with peace of mind. The hospital is a one-way street from the main street, so be careful when going by car. Since it has a good reputation, many patients are seen, but I think they are able to handle it neatly. If this is your first visit, I think it's best to check by phone first and then go to the clinic.
West River on Google

一年ほど放っておいた腰痛と新たな背中の謎の痛みで口コミを見て受診しました。 受付のスタッフさん皆さん感じの良い方でした。 少し混んでるように見えましたが、初診にも関わらず待ち時間もそれ程なく、レントゲン撮影に呼ばれ技師さんも優しく丁寧に接してくださいました。 診察に呼ばれ、先生も私の話を詳しく聞いてくれて、背中の謎の痛みの解説と、腰痛の原因、対処法などわかりやすく、レントゲンの写真と図を使って教えてくださいました。 先生も看護師さんも皆さん優しく笑顔で話してくださいましたし、不安になる様な事もありませんでした。
I had a backache that I had left for about a year and a new mysterious back pain. The reception staff were all nice. It seemed a little crowded, but despite the first visit, there wasn't much waiting time, and the technician was kindly and politely treated by the X-ray. I was invited to a medical examination, and the teacher listened to me in detail, explaining the mysterious back pain, the cause of back pain, and how to deal with it. The teachers and nurses all talked with a gentle smile, and I didn't feel anxious.

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