
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact トロアヴァーグ

住所 :

Kogandori, Suwa, 〒392-0027 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://troisvague.wixsite.com/troisvague
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Nagano

Kogandori, Suwa, 〒392-0027 Nagano,Japan
、ジョシュア on Google

お気に入りのレストランです。 高速道路飛ばして年に何回か訪れる場所。 シェフも奥さんも気さくな方で、会えば会話が弾みます。
It is my favorite restaurant. A place to visit several times a year, skipping the highway. Both the chef and his wife are friendly, and if you meet, the conversation will bounce.
Water Blue on Google

The dishes that you can feel the kindness of the shop staff are excellent not only in the course but also in the take-out hors d'oeuvres, and we have used them many times.
kota kitano on Google

【本格なのにお手頃。フランス料理を楽しめるお店】 元一流ホテルで腕を振るったシェフが、 手頃なお値段でフランス料理を楽しんでほしいと独立して作ったお店。 信州ポーク100%の豚肉ハンバーグのランチコースを注文しました。 メインはもちろんのこと、前菜のサラダはソースから美味しく(結局お土産に購入)、スープも絶品。お店で手作りというパンも甘みが強く、おかわりしてしまいました。すべてが美味しいのははじめてだったかもしれません。 本物のお味ながら、カジュアルにお邪魔できるのでも、ぜひまた利用させていただきたいです。 店名の「TROIS VAGUE」は「3つの波」の意だそう。
[Even though it is serious, it is affordable. A restaurant where you can enjoy French cuisine] A chef who wielded his arm at a former top-class hotel, This is an independent restaurant where you want to enjoy French cuisine at reasonable prices. I ordered a 100% Shinshu pork pork hamburger lunch course. Not to mention the main, the appetizer salad is delicious from the source (after all, purchased as a souvenir), and the soup is also excellent. The bread made by hand at the shop is also very sweet and has been replaced. Perhaps it was the first time that everything was delicious. Even if you can come in casually while enjoying the real taste, I would like to use it again. The store name "TROIS VAGUE" means "three waves."
Nor Ima on Google

コロナの影響でテイクアウトのみでしたが、すっごく美味しかったです。 店員さんも優しい方で、待っている間も過ごしやすかったです。
It was only takeout due to the influence of corona, but it was really delicious. The clerk was also kind and it was easy to spend while waiting.
岡村直樹 on Google

フレンチのお店なのですが、期間限定イベントでカレー、ラーメン、パスタ、ハンバーガーなど多彩な料理が楽しめます。 しかもそれぞれ素材や調理にこだわり何を食べても絶品です。多分世界的にも希な天才シェフなのでしょう。 またシェフをはじめフロアスタッフまでみなさん気さくで接客も言うことなしです。
Although it is a French restaurant, you can enjoy a variety of dishes such as curry, ramen, pasta, and hamburgers at a limited-time event. What's more, each one is particular about the ingredients and cooking, and it is excellent no matter what you eat. Perhaps he is a rare genius chef in the world. In addition, the chef and the floor staff are all friendly and there is no need to say anything about customer service.
ほづみ on Google

My daughter got married, and we had a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Troavag. The private room on the 2nd floor was used extensively, and the course meals served were made with ingredients that are not usually eaten, and the taste was perfect ☝️. The sense of presentation and the service of the staff were good, and they made a wonderful time to connect the house to the house.
おやゆびトム(親指トム) on Google

全国あちこちで食べ歩きしてますが、味、コスパとも絶対満足度の高い数少ない屈指のレストランのひとつです。 これだけの内容のレストランが、こんな田舎の温泉街にある事が意外です。 ディナーで利用させていただきましたが、店内のBGMだけがイマイチだったのが唯一の残念な所です。 でも、忘れられない味があるので、また利用したいと思います。
I eat and walk around the country, but it is one of the few restaurants with a high degree of absolute satisfaction in terms of taste and cost performance. It is surprising that there is a restaurant with such contents in such a rural hot spring town. I used it for dinner, but the only unfortunate place was that the BGM in the store was not good enough. However, it has an unforgettable taste, so I would like to use it again.
coolio5566 on Google

Actually, it was great. A bit pricey, but very good quality and service.

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