シアトル 諏訪 本店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シアトル 諏訪 本店

住所 :

Kogandori, Suwa, 〒392-0027 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7:30PM
Sunday 10AM–7:30PM
Monday 10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 10AM–7:30PM
Friday 10AM–7:30PM
街 : Nagano

Kogandori, Suwa, 〒392-0027 Nagano,Japan
長谷川誠治 on Google

こういう古き良き時代の古着屋を続けている店主は素晴らしいと思います。 アメカジは僕の青春そのものなので店を見ているだけで嬉しくなります。 店主の人柄もとても感じが良くずっと応援したくなる店です。 この雰囲気を後世にずっと残していってほしいと思います。
I think the owner who continues to be a used clothing store in the good old days like this is wonderful. American casual is my youth, so just looking at the store makes me happy. The owner's personality is also very nice and I want to support him forever. I want you to keep this atmosphere for posterity.
ネロちゃんねる on Google

This was a store that handles resort jeans. Do you sell new ones?
白壁の街に住むオオツキ on Google

品数豊富で見応えあります。 オーナーも親切な方です。
There are many items and it is worth seeing. The owner is also kind.
泰三長谷川 on Google

アメカジ好きにはたまらないお店 古着店には珍しいメンズメインです。 サイズは大き目が多いようです。 出張中に寄らせて頂きました。 小物しか買えないのが残念 地元にもこういうお店欲しい! 大き目のキャリーバッグで出張しなければ!
An irresistible shop for American casual lovers It is a men's main item that is rare in second-hand clothing stores. It seems that there are many large sizes. I stopped by during a business trip. It's a pity that you can only buy small items I want a store like this in my hometown! I have to go on a business trip with a large carry bag!
Red Orca on Google

程度の良い古着が沢山あった、探すだけで結構な時間がかかるが楽しい。 飯田店よりメンズが多く程度も良いものが多く感じた、その分価格は高めの印象でした。 良い買い物ができた。
There were a lot of good used clothes, and it takes a lot of time just to look for them, but it's fun. I felt that there were more men's items than the Iida store, and many of them were good, so the price was higher. I was able to do a good shopping.
Black on Google

古着屋さんです。友達に連れられてきましたが、アイテムの数、種類の多さに驚きました。 しかし、駐車場は分かりにくいところにあります。月極と書いてある中に5台分の駐車スペースが用意されています。
It is a used clothing store. I was taken by a friend, but I was surprised at the number and variety of items. However, the parking lot is difficult to understand. There is a parking space for 5 cars in the monthly pole.
ponta on Google

昔のスイトって店の跡地に移転した店。 スイトの頃の品揃えの方が、ミリタリー関係の商品が多く、値段も安くて好みだった。 スイトの頃は、良く行っていたが、シアトルになってからは行かなくなった。 スイトの頃は良かったな~。 残念でならない…。
The old Suit is a store that has moved to the site of the store. I liked the assortment of products from the time of Suito because there were more military-related products and the prices were cheaper. I used to go there when I was in Suite, but I didn't go there after Seattle. It was good when I was a suite. I'm sorry ...
Porco Rosso on Google

お気に入りの古着屋です。 スタッフさんも親切に一緒に探してくれたししてくれるお店。 毎回、素敵な物を発掘させてもらってます。 アロハシャツとか何枚も買わせていただきました。 アメリカから輸入される服なのでUSサイズ、日本サイズ共にありますので大きめをお探しの方はスタッフに声をかけてみて下さい。 時期等で品揃えかわりますので年中楽しめるかと思います。 個人的には当時トランプ元大統領の選挙キャップがあったのはツボでした。??
This is my favorite second-hand clothing store. The shop that the staff kindly searched for. Every time, I am discovering wonderful things. I bought a lot of Hawaiian shirts. Since the clothes are imported from the United States, both US size and Japanese size are available, so if you are looking for a larger one, please ask the staff. The product lineup changes depending on the season, so I think you can enjoy it all year round. Personally, it was the acupoint that had the election cap of former President Trump at that time. ??

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