ビストロ エミュリシエ

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ビストロ エミュリシエ

住所 :

Butai, Kumagaya, 〒360-0836 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://bistro-emulisier.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Saitama

Butai, Kumagaya, 〒360-0836 Saitama,Japan
若菜 on Google

値段は他のランチと比べれば高いですが、フレンチなら妥当かな!?味も美味しいし、お店の雰囲気も良く、ちょっと優雅な気分を味わえます(笑) トイレが綺麗なお店は良いお店の証です?✨
The price is high compared to other lunches, but French is reasonable! ? The taste is delicious, the atmosphere of the shop is good, you can taste a little elegant (lol) A store with a beautiful toilet is a good proof of the store ?✨
Kohei Honma on Google

I went to lunch with my wife on the anniversary of my engagement, and they were all delicious and colorful. I also had meat and fish dishes, but I am very satisfied. There were also 3 kinds of desserts. The appetizer pumpkin soup had a coconut milk flavor and was fresh (I'm sorry if I made a mistake). My wife was also very satisfied with the cheap content that wouldn't be strange even if I paid 5,000 yen.
one on Google

If you want to have a little extravagant meal such as an anniversary or Christmas, this is the place to go! Everything from appetizers to main fish, meat and desserts is crowded with delicious dishes and I am satisfied every time! A slightly higher course is recommended!
E Kawano on Google

以前から通りがかりにとても気になっていたお店で、今回やっとお友達と3人でランチに行きました。 どのお皿もとても美味しかったです。とうもろこしの冷製スープはとうもろこしの甘さにびっくりで、すずきのポワレの絶妙な焼き加減、香り豚のソテーと玉葱とワインのソースの相性◎、クレームブリュレの焦がし具合と滑らかさは最高でした。ひとつひとつは珍しいメニューではないけど、どれも丁寧な仕上げに感動でした。
I've always been very interested in passing by, so I finally went to lunch with my friends this time. All the dishes were very delicious. The cold corn soup was amazing with the sweetness of the corn, the exquisite roasting of the Suzuki poele, the sautéed scented pork, the onion and the wine sauce ◎, and the charredness and smoothness of the creme brulee were the best. Each one is not a rare menu, but I was impressed by the polite finish.
kenken r1 on Google

ランチで訪問しました。 清潔感のある店内。 丁寧に作られたのがわかる料理たち。 口の中で香りが広がる素材たち。 どれもこれも美味しゅうございました。 幸せなお食事でした。 もっとお代を払ってもいいと思えるお店でした。
I visited for lunch. Clean interior. The dishes that you can see that they were carefully made. Materials that spread the scent in the mouth. All of them were delicious. It was a happy meal. It was a shop where I could pay more.
Harry Tanaka on Google

とても美味しく大満足です。 目当てのお店の予約が取れなかったのでGoogle Mapで調べて何となくランチで訪問しました。美味しいし、お店も綺麗です。 このお店に行こうか?迷っている方は行った方がいいです。 我が家はまた行きます。
Very delicious and very satisfying. I couldn't make a reservation for the shop I was looking for, so I looked it up on Google Map and somehow visited it for lunch. It's delicious and the shop is beautiful. Should I go to this shop? If you are in doubt, you should go. My home will go again.
ズキュン on Google

絶対おすすめです!落ち着いた雰囲気。目で見て感動、味にも感動。シェフが一品ずつ丁寧に仕上げてるのが分かります。お料理しているところが見えるのもうれしいです。ジュースはラフランス?をおすすめしたいです。すごく濃厚です。接客も優しいです。 ランチの値段も満足です。 ?遠くからの方は花園インターから近いです。食べた後花園フォレストや道の駅かわもと、もおすすめです。
I definitely recommend it! Calm atmosphere. Impressed by the eyes and the taste. You can see that the chef carefully finishes each item. I'm glad to see you cooking. I would like to recommend La France ? for juice. It's very rich. The customer service is also kind. The price of lunch is also satisfactory. ? Those from afar are closer to the Hanazono interchange. After eating, we also recommend the Garden Forest and Roadside Station Kawamoto.
Damien Roux on Google

Already went there two times, it makes me feel like I'm going to three restaurant not just to eat which is a change for the area. The chef is coming up with interesting ideas and details, I remember for example a sparkling ice cream which was really nice.

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