アッティーボジム 小山店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アッティーボジム 小山店

住所 :

Kizawa, Oyama, 〒323-0014 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://attivo.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Tochigi

Kizawa, Oyama, 〒323-0014 Tochigi,Japan
徐博 on Google

I'm looking for a gym right now, I want to see what's good! But 2000 yen per visitor ❓! I think it's a bit expensive, is it okay to just look at it?
みぴ on Google

I didn't know what to do for the first time, but I think I can do my best with the guidance of the trainer! Very kind and well equipped!
星野佳子 on Google

It's convenient because you can shop after your training because it's close to your home and in a shopping mall. I don't feel cramped because there are many machines. The staff is also excellent ✨
川田久志(のぉさん) on Google

安価で会員になれるので満足してます。シャワーとかないって…ご意見もありますがほとんどの方が納得の上会員になってます。 星1つに関してはコロナウイルスの対応に関してはちょっと…。激しい運動をしない人にはマスクをつけてもらうとかちゃんとしてほしいです。
I am satisfied because it is cheap and I can become a member. It's said that it doesn't have a shower. Regarding 1 star, it is a little about the correspondence of coronavirus ... I would like people who do not exercise violently to wear masks.
picchi usamm on Google

とりあえず安い! 広くて、開放的! マシンの設備も十分すぎて、圧感! いつきても綺麗で気持ちよくトレーニングできスタッフさんの対応◎ 肩こりの相談をしたら、一瞬で元どおり以上の軽さを体験!医者かよ。笑
It's cheap for the time being! Wide and open! The equipment of the machine is too big, and I feel pressured! It's beautiful and you can train comfortably even if you hang out. If you have a stiff neck consultation, you can experience the lightness more than before! Is it a doctor? Lol
わだ夫 on Google

受付で来てるお客の名前を聞くと簡単に教えているようです。これは立派な個人情報漏洩です! 実際に名前を教えてないお客さんが自分の名前を知っていてなぜ?と思い本人に聞いてみたらスタッフに聞いたら教えてくれたと言ってました。個人情報をご丁寧に教えるとか有り得ません! やはり値段が安いと来るお客もスタッフもレベルが低いのでしょうかね 今後どうるすか現在考え中です。然るべき対応も考えています。
It seems that it is easy to tell when you hear the name of the customer who is coming at the reception. This is a good personal information leak! Why do customers who don't actually tell their names know their names? When I asked him, he told me that he told me when I asked the staff. It is impossible to teach personal information carefully! I wonder if the level of customers and staff who come when the price is low is low. I am currently thinking about what to do in the future. We are also considering the appropriate response.
Yuuhi AA on Google

入会を検討している中、体験で利用させていただきました。 月会費が安くマシンが増えたと聞いたので入会するつもりでしたが、残念ながら入会まで至りませんでした。 ■良い点 ・マシンが多め フリーウエイトエリアと有酸素マシンのバランスがうまく取れているように感じた。 ・会費が安い ■悪い点 ・改装後のブラックライト照明のせいで見辛い 使用後の汗ジミなど拭くときの目視ではわかりにくい ・手洗い場、トイレがジム内に無い ・営業時間が短い、休みが多い 利用した感想としては館内が全体的に見辛いのでトレーニングがしにくいです。スタッフさんはいますが教えている光景はないのでほぼセルフジムに近い為初心者の方にはあまりお勧めできません。 入会をしなかった最大の理由は水回りが近くにない事です。 コロナ禍で感染対策には気を使う中、気軽に手を洗えない事は大変不便と感じてしまいました。 会費が安い以上多少の不便さは仕方ありませんが、マシンの質は良いと思うので上記の内容が気にならない方は入会しても良いかと思います。
While considering joining, I used it as an experience. I heard that the monthly membership fee was low and the number of machines increased, so I was planning to join, but unfortunately I did not join. ■ Good points ・ There are a lot of machines. I felt that the free weight area and the aerobic machine were well balanced. ・ Low membership fee ■ Bad points ・ It is hard to see due to the black light lighting after renovation. Difficult to see visually when wiping sweat stains after use ・ There is no restroom or toilet in the gym ・ Short business hours, many holidays As for the impression I used, it is difficult to train because the inside of the building is hard to see as a whole. Although there are staff members, there is no scene to teach, so it is almost like a self-gym, so it is not recommended for beginners. The biggest reason I didn't join is that there is no water around. While I was careful about infection control due to the corona virus, I felt that it was very inconvenient not to be able to wash my hands easily. Since the membership fee is cheap, there is no help for some inconvenience, but I think that the quality of the machine is good, so if you do not mind the above contents, you may join.
sskgr on Google

本格的なマシンとフリーウエイトが揃っているが間隔が狭く少し窮屈なのと、お手洗いがないのが不満点です。しかしその分とても会費が安いので助かっています。 あと要望ですが、ケーブルマシンのグリップにオーソドックスなストレートバーを用意してもらえたらいいなと思ってます。
We have a full-fledged machine and free weights, but the space is narrow and it is a little cramped, and there is no restroom, which is a dissatisfaction point. However, the membership fee is very cheap, which is helpful. I also have a request, but I would like to have an orthodox straight bar prepared for the grip of the cable machine.

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