Kiyomizu - Ogaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kiyomizu

住所 :

2 Chome-21 Honmachi, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0885, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887878
Postal code : 503-0885

2 Chome-21 Honmachi, Ogaki, Gifu 503-0885, Japan
Kiyotaka Ariga on Google

大垣の名店の一つ きよみずの釜飯。 うまい
One of Ogaki's famous stores Kiyomizu Kamameshi. good
20s ottosay on Google

The set restaurant that retains the atmosphere of Showa. In addition to kamameshi, Karaage, ginger-grilled set meals and miso stew are delicious. The closing time often ends around 18-19.
TO MI on Google

平日の13時半頃だったので先客は一組だった。牡蠣の釜飯を注文したらちょっと時期が遅かったらしくできないとの事だったのでミックスを注文。美味しかったけどちょっと蒸らしが足りない感じだった。小鉢·漬物·味噌汁あと食後にコーヒーも出てきて満足しました。 2018.2.6せっかく来たのに臨時休業だったのでとても残念。
It was around 13:30 on weekdays, so there was only one group of customers. I ordered an oyster pot rice, and it seems that it was too late, so I ordered a mix. It was delicious but it was a little lacking in steaming. Small bowls, pickles and miso soup I was satisfied with the coffee after eating. 2018.2.6 It's a shame that I came here all the time but it was temporarily closed.
Ai Odagawa on Google

店内は清潔感があり、落ち着いた雰囲気です。 サラリーマンの方の利用が多いようです。 ランチメニューも豊富で、選ぶ楽しさを感じました。
The inside of the store is clean and has a calm atmosphere. It seems that it is often used by office workers. The lunch menu was abundant and I felt the joy of choosing.
西脇慈子 on Google

釜飯も定食も最高に美味しいです! 子供の頃から大好きで家族みんな大好物❤️ 今は娘も大好物! お家に来客の時にも、出前でよく利用してます! これからもたくさん利用したいです?
Kamameshi and set meals are the best! I've loved it since I was a kid and my whole family loves it ❤️ My daughter loves it now! I often use it on delivery even when I come to my house! I want to continue using it a lot ?
yo “TS2121” sakuro on Google

ランチで利用、焼肉定食850円を注文しました。 サラダがたっぷり、肉もかなりの量でした。他、小鉢とおしんこが付きました。何より米が美味しかったです。 是非、再訪したい店です。
I ordered a yakiniku set meal for 850 yen for lunch. There was plenty of salad and a fair amount of meat. In addition, a small bowl and a shinko are attached. Above all, the rice was delicious. By all means, this is a store I would like to visit again.
ポニョポニョ on Google

前を通ったら発見したので、ふらっとランチに伺いました(╹◡╹)昔ながらのお店で和みます(^∇^)焼肉定食850円をいただきました( ・∇・)ボリュームあって美味しかったです╰(*´︶`*)╯♡コーヒーも付いてて、お値打ちでした(・∀・)PayPayも使えて良かったです٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
I found it when I passed in front of me, so I went to lunch (╹◡╹) and relaxed at a traditional restaurant (^ ∇ ^) I had a yakiniku set meal of 850 yen (・ ∇ ・) It was delicious. ╰ (* ´︶` *) ╯ ♡ It was good value with coffee (・ ∀ ・) It was good to use PayPay ٩ (๑❛ᴗ❛๑) ۶
なおかり on Google

大垣ではそこそこ老舗…なんでしょうか。外内観はとってもイニシエ系。どっしりとした歴史を感じさせるお店です。が。場所がメインから少し離れているで市民とてお店の存在を知ってる人もいればこんなところに釜飯屋さんが?という人もいそうな場所。 頂いたのは「釜飯ミックス 950円」「釜飯あさり 950円」出前とか忙しかったようで提供まで25分ほどかかりました。釜飯は見た目には薄目な印象ですが、どうしてどうしてちゃんと出汁も効いててミツクスはかしわ、あさり、海老などと具沢山。おこげもいい感じにあって、これまたン~まい。で、お茶碗軽く3杯以上はありそうなボリュームですね。あさり釜飯もあさりの量もなかなかのようですよ。この950円はコスバ高と思います。
It's a long-established store in Ogaki ... what is it? The introspection is very initiator. It is a shop that makes you feel a solid history. But. The place is a little far from the main, so there are people who know the existence of the shop as a citizen, and there are people who are wondering if there is a Kamameshi restaurant in such a place. I received "Kamameshi mix 950 yen" and "Kamameshi clam 950 yen". It took about 25 minutes to serve because it seemed to be busy. Kamameshi looks thin, but why does the soup stock work so well that Mitsukusu has a lot of ingredients such as wrinkles, clams, and shrimp. The sickness is also good, and this is also good. So, it's a volume that seems to be more than 3 cups of tea bowl lightly. It seems that the amount of clams and clams is quite good. I think this 950 yen is expensive.

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