Kitasushi honten - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kitasushi honten

住所 :

Kita Bld, 2 Chome-5-25 Sonezaki, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0057, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 530-0057

Kita Bld, 2 Chome-5-25 Sonezaki, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0057, Japan
おきらくネコのニャースケ on Google

北新地の高級寿司店もいいけど、安く美味しくならこういう大衆寿司店がベター。 お財布の中身を気にせず、たらふく食べられます。 最後に細巻きを2種類頼んだのですが、各々4個に切られて8個と想定していた所、6個ずつの合計12個が出され腹八分目を突破してしまいました。 その細巻き、破格の200円以下ですのでコンビニやスーパーの寿司パックより断然おトクなのでは。 入店してカウンターに座った時、生臭さを感じたのだけは残念。
A high-class sushi restaurant in Kitashinchi is also good, but this popular sushi restaurant is better if it is cheap and delicious. You can eat it without worrying about the contents of your wallet. Lastly, I asked for two kinds of thin rolls, but when I cut them into 4 pieces and assumed 8 pieces, a total of 12 pieces of 6 pieces were put out and broke through the eighth eighth. The thin rolls are less than 200 yen, so it's definitely better than a convenience store or super sushi pack. When I entered the store and sat at the counter, it was a shame that I felt the smell.
吉田昌弘 on Google

高そうなお寿司屋さん!というイメージでしたが、ランチタイムにお店の前の看板を見てびっくり。何と税込820円~!!! とても綺麗な店内、カウンター席へ。 お昼の定食メニュー6種類から「海仙ばらちらし」をオーダー、赤だし付きで税込820円。「鮮」ではなくて「仙」なんですね。 ランチタイムのメニューは他にも、 ・本まぐろ丼 820円 ・新定食   820円 ・並定食   1,110円 ・上定食   1,520円 ・特選海仙丼 1,520円 と、クオリティとコスパは最高。 さて、その「海仙ばらちらし」ですが、先ず見た目がとっても鮮やかです。ぶつ切りのネタはマグロ・ハマチ・エビ・イカ・イクラ・玉子にアサツキの緑が映えてGood!お味も新鮮さも申し分なし、お寿司屋さん(回らない)ならでは!を堪能しました。 赤だしにはサーモンのアラが入っており、山椒のアクセントが効いていてこちらも美味でした。 次はディナータイムに日本酒と共にガッツリ行きたいですね。
A high-looking sushi shop! It was an image, but I was surprised to see the sign in front of the shop at lunchtime. What and tax 820 yen ...! ! ! Very beautiful store, to counter seats. I ordered "Haisen Barabashi" from 6 kinds of lunch set menus at lunch, and it is tax-included 820 yen with red soup. It is what "Sen" rather than "Korea". Besides lunchtime menu, ・ This tuna bowl 820 yen ・ New set meal 820 yen ・ Regular set meal 1,110 yen ・ Upper set meal 1,520 yen ・ Specialty sea urchin bowl 1,520 yen And the quality and cospa are the best. By the way, it is the "Keisen Bara-shi", but at first it looks very vivid. The tuna, hamachi, shrimp, squid, salmon roe and egg are covered with green of Asatsuki Good! There is no taste or freshness, and it is a sushi shop (does not turn)! I thoroughly enjoyed There was salmon ara in the red miso soup, and the accent of the yam was effective and it was also delicious. I next want to go smash together with sake and dinner.
00 000 on Google

ランチで訪問。 回転寿司と変わらない値段なのに、 ネタがでっかくて、赤だし付き! 高級店と比べたら、痺れるほど旨い!というわけではないけど、値段を考えたらめちゃくちゃ満足!! イカが特に美味しくて、今まで食べた中で一番良かった。 気軽に行ける雰囲気なのでまた行きます!!
Visit for lunch. Even though the price is the same as conveyor belt sushi The material is huge and comes with red soup stock! Compared to high-end stores, it's delicious enough to be numb! That's not to say, but I'm really satisfied considering the price! !! The squid was especially delicious and was the best I've ever eaten. It's an atmosphere that you can easily go to, so I'll go again! !!
佳代 on Google

Rest assured ? Tuna is delicious ?
BEAR BIG on Google

2022年1月9日ランチとして彼女と訪問。 カウンターにてお寿司を17貫ほど。 握り手の方もとても愛想が良く味に関しても大満足でした。また伺いたいです。
Visited with her for lunch on January 9, 2022. About 17 pieces of sushi at the counter. The grippers were also very friendly and I was very satisfied with the taste. I would like to ask you again.
Sheng-Yuan Chiu on Google

Authentic food and outstanding hospitality.
Dan Justice on Google

Friendly staff. Very large portions of sushi.
Derek Chan on Google

There was no queue for this place at 1pm, but all the customers were Japanese, which seemed to suggest this was a hidden gem. Staff speak limited English, but were polite and attentive. Wonderful tasting sushi - the Toro melted in my mouth like butter. Lunch sets cost between 1100-1600yen which included a fish miso soup.

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