笹舟 丼丸

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 笹舟 丼丸

住所 :

Kinshi, Sumida City, 〒130-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://sasafune.co.jp/archives/1135
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7PM
Monday 10:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–8PM
Thursday 10:30AM–8PM
Friday 10:30AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Kinshi, Sumida City, 〒130-0013 Tokyo,Japan
有働敦朗 on Google

海鮮丼をいただきました。 ネタが大きく満足です。 鮮度があればなお良しです!
I had a seafood bowl. I am very happy with the material. It is even better if there is freshness!
francebk on Google

コスパはまずまずだけど鮮度は良いとは言えない感じ。 寿司屋がやってる海鮮丼と言う割には酢飯ではなく普通のご飯。 蟹フレークがパサパサで風味も乏しい。 ネタはスーパーと同レベルなので特筆する程ではない。 お弁当屋さんが作った海鮮丼という感じ。
Cospa is tolerable, but feeling that freshness is not good. Sushi shop does what seafood bowl is saying, not rice dish but regular rice. Crab flakes are pozzy and scarce. Since it is the same level as supermarket, it is not as much to mention. It is a seafood bowl made by a lunchboxer.
藤木茂 on Google

このお店の 丼丸 かなり いや 一番美味しいかもしれないです関東では 日替わり丼がA Bから 選べて 美味しいですか 7のつく日は 税サービスですまた 店主の方は 愛想の いい人です
The bowl-maru of this shop may be the most delicious. In Kanto, you can choose the daily bowl from A B, is it delicious? The 7th day is a tax service, and the owner is a friendly person.
mr kingpuchi on Google

長年都内の色々な場所で丼丸を見つける度にちょこちょこ利用させてもらってます。今回初めてここでマグロウニ丼(&うおがし丼)を注文しましたが、マグロはびっしり筋だらけ、ウニは鮮度が悪すぎて気持ち悪く、米はパサパサ。うおがし丼の全ての鮮度も最低レベルでした。 今まで千個以上は各地の丼丸で丼を買ってきましたが、断トツで最低のクオリティです。 ちらしや海鮮丼に1,2枚入れるマグロにこのレベルならまだ見逃せますが、マグロ丼のマグロ全てにこのレベルを使うとは、刺身を扱う店として神経を疑います。もう店をしめた方がいい。二度と行かないし、全くおすすめしません。 墨田区の近隣の丼丸は非常に良い店ばかりです。丼丸ファンだけに非常に残念。 クオリティの低さに怒りでGoogleで初めてレビューを書いた次第です。
For many years, I have been using it every time I find a bowl in various places in Tokyo. For the first time, I ordered the Magurouni Don (& Uogashi Don), but the tuna was full of streaks, the sea urchin was too fresh and unpleasant, and the rice was dry. All the freshness of Uogashi-don was also the lowest level. Up to now, I have bought more than 1,000 bowls at various bowls, but the quality is by far the lowest. You can still miss this level for tuna that you can put one or two in a chirashiya or seafood bowl, but using this level for all the tuna in the tuna bowl is a nerve-wracking shop for sashimi. You had better close the store. I will never go there and I do not recommend it at all. The bowls in the neighborhood of Sumida Ward are all very good shops. Very disappointing only for Donmaru fans. I was angry at the low quality and wrote the first review on Google.
長谷川あぐる on Google

It is a seafood bowl restaurant specializing in takeout with a wonderful cospa.
h yk on Google

※錦糸町店はお会計現金のみ、paypay使えません。 唐突な海鮮丼よくを満たすならやはり丼丸! 個人的にはネタ大盛り推し! ※10,20,30日にやってる消費税サービスデーも良き? 旦那もあたしと付き合い始めてから丼丸と出会い、コスパと味にハマって一人ご飯のときよく食べてるとのこと☺️ 丼丸は店舗の個性が結構あるので巡るのたのしいです。 錦糸町店のネギトロ…美味しいんですよねぇ。
* Kinshicho store can only use cash for payment, not paypay. If you want to satisfy the sudden seafood bowl well, then the bowl-maru! Personally, I recommend a lot of material! * The consumption tax service day on the 10th, 20th, and 30th is also good ? My husband also met Donmaru after he started dating me, and he said he was addicted to cospa and taste and often eats when he eats alone ☺️ Donmaru has a lot of individuality in the store, so it's fun to go around. Kinshicho store Negitoro ... It's delicious, isn't it?
山本功(PassBox) on Google

リーズナブルな価格で海鮮丼を提供しているテイクアウト専門のお店です。 家の近くにあるの、生魚を食べたくなった時に利用しています。 組み合わせの自由度、幅広い商品力が売りで、好きな具材だけで組み合わせるのが出来るのがいいですね。 テイクアウト専門ながら、味は安定している方だと思います。マグロは大きめに切ってあり満足感があります。スーパーの商品を買うならこちらの方がコスパがよくいいのかもしれません。 酢飯でなく、普通のご飯というところが好みが分かれるところ。この辺りは、おそらく差別化を図っての事だと思うので、良し悪しは消費者次第なのではないでしょうか。私はどちらも好きなので気にしません。 オーダーしてから作るので、お米は比較的暖かくテイクアウトとはいえ早めに食べる事をお勧めします。 細かいところをいえば、出数が多そうな商品を頼むのが無難かもしれません。ウニなどはやはり癖が少し出ている時があります。青魚の商品が少ないのも、経営側がそういった品質を気にしての事だと推察しています。 私は大漁丼という満足感の高い海鮮丼をオーダーする事が多いのですが、それなりに出数が多いせいか、力を入れてる商品かは分かりませんが、これに関しては外した事はなかったと思います。お勧めです。
It is a take-out specialty shop that offers seafood bowls at a reasonable price. I use it when I want to eat raw fish near my house. The freedom of combination and the wide range of product power are the selling points, and it is good to be able to combine with only your favorite ingredients. Although he specializes in takeout, I think he has a stable taste. The tuna is cut into large pieces and is satisfying. If you want to buy supermarket products, this may be better for cospa. It's not vinegared rice, but ordinary rice, which has different tastes. I think this area is probably a differentiator, so it's up to the consumer to decide whether it's good or bad. I like both so I don't care. Since it is made after ordering, it is recommended to eat the rice as soon as possible, even though it is relatively warm and takes out. Speaking of details, it may be safe to ask for products that are likely to come out in large numbers. Sea urchins and the like may have some habits. I presume that the reason why there are few blue-backed fish products is that the management is concerned about such quality. I often order a highly satisfying seafood bowl called a large catch bowl, but I don't know if it's a product that I'm focusing on, probably because there are so many, but I haven't removed it. I think it was. It is recommended.
Chris Sy on Google

Great variety

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